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Wednesday, April 21, 2010 
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SET UP, ALTER EGO, and more ...!

- Replay of roving reporter Nicole and Arianna realizing Ari is her new p.a.! Nicole wonders if Phil is playing a joke. No. Ari insists she got the job fair and square. Nicole tries to fire her. No can do. Nicole decides
she will have her reassigned later. Out comes Abe. Ari is surprised he is actually giving Nicole an exclusive. Abe is ready and he will not wait for Nicole to do her hair, makeup, etc. Nicole is dismayed her only camera person is Arianna. Ari points the camera and 5 4 3 2 ... Nicole talks into the mike and asks Abe if it is true that he was attacked. He says he was mugged, hit from behind. Nicole points out this was the third attack on powerful men. Does this not reflect poorly on the mayor's admin and
the Salem P.D.? No, he is proud of them all. Nicole persists. Is he not embarrassed? Ari yells CUT! Nicole gets miffed. Ari thinks she was rude to the mayor. Nicole could not care less. Mayor Abe would like to get it over with. Ari apologizes for Nicole's rudeness but Abe would rather answer the question. The interview continues. Abe explains the attacker will be apprehended and a task force is being headed up by Hope Brady. Nicole later thanks Abe for being such a good sport ...
- At the pub, replay of Dan leaving, Vivian slithering up to Chloe. "You poor poor thing." She overheard her argument with her fiance. Chloe says she needs nothing from the likes of her! Madame Viv coos yes she does and sits down at her table. She suspects Carly has gotten to Daniel and advises Chloe not to let her win! Viv recalls how Carly killed Lawrence and adds she will not let her also destroy Dan, Melanie, or Chloe. Father Matt approaches the table and asks if everything is alright. Chloe says no and complains she cannot get this lady to leave her alone! Matt asks Viv
to excuse them, Viv steps back to her table. Matt knows who that one is! Chloe now laments she fears she might be pushing Daniel into Carly's arms. Meanwhile, Gus enters and joins Madame, who quietly fills him in on Chloe and Dan's glorious argument. Flunky Gus mutters the P word - PROGRAM. Vivian thinks she can indeed get close enough to make
Chloe Lane her weapon of destruction against Carly!
- At the hospital, Dr. Yang and Dr. Carly talk. She will be assisting him
in Dan's surgery. "Like hell you will!" snaps Victor. The doc steps away. Carly insists she is well qualified to assist in the procedure. Along comes Daniel, who defends her. He would trust her with his life. Vic calls him a fool. They disagree. Dan thinks Victor was brainwashed by Vivian about Carly. And he cannot believe Victor would want to share his life with her! Carly now lets Dan know they are ready. The Greek tycoon grumbles he had better come out alive and seeing - or she will have to deal with him! Exit Vic. Carly asks Dan if he told Chloe the exciting news. He admits no, as they had a big fight - about her! Chloe is insecure. Carly reminds him his stunning, talented fiancee has nothing to fear from her. Furthermore, she believes he should have told her about the surgery. Daniel decides to leave his beloved a voice mail. In it, he speaks of the surgery he wanted
to tell her about, that will keep him busy all night.
- Meanwhile, Vivian calls Victor, who snaps Daniel is having surgery with evil Carly assisting. He is in a foul mood. Viv ends the call and informs Gus that Dan apparently did not tell Chloe of his surgery. How to use the information? Still at their table, Father Matt and Chloe continue to discuss Carly. Chloe laments she seems to be permeating every part of their lives. She now realizes she has a message from Daniel and plays it out loud, but understands only that he will be in surgery all night. Vivian gets a look on her face and slips out . The priest assures Chloe she can fix this situation, as she and Daniel love each other ...
- Replay of Ciara telling tommybear mommy has a secret. Hope calls out for her, then enters, just as Ciara shoves the pretty box back under the bed. Hope says she is worried as she does not know what is going on in her head. Ciara solemnly retorts she does not know what is going on in mommy's head, either. Hope does not understand. She also assumes her daughter is confiding her true thoughts in tommybear. She brings up the story she thinks Ciara told about what Hope presumably said about Justin - that he would be her daddy. Eerie music is heard. Hope sends her down to the kitchen. Ciara pauses at the door and whispers she did not make
it up ...
- Down at the pier, jogging Brady runs into suited Justin. Brady asks how he is feeling after the mugging. Good. They have not caught the culprit yet, though. Hope is on the case. The guys catch up. Justin is surprised to hear Brady's wedding to Arianna has been postponed. He wonders if that was Nicole's idea! Brady admits if Nicole were still in the slammer, he and Ari would be hitched by now. Ari was more confident when Nicole was locked up. Justin mentions hindsight being 20/20. He regrets those missed opportunities with Adrienne and advises him not to let his happiness get away. Brady says he will not, but his worried eyes betray his emotions.
- Outside on a break, Gaby later talks to Ari on the phone and is stunned to hear she is the production assistant to new reporter Nicole. She wishes her luck with the "baby switcher" and ends the call. Brady saunters over and deduces she was talking about Nicole - with sister Ari. Gaby becomes uncomfortable. Brady insists she share what is going on. He is shocked
to hear Arianna now works for Nicole. "Oh my god! Where are they?" The police station. Brady heads off in a hurry ...
- Justin  joins Hope in her room at the house of Kiriakis. Ciara is enjoying dinner with Henderson. Hope shares her concerns about Ciara with him. She has been lying. Justin has spent lots of time with her and feels she is
a normal kid. Hope complains she also stole, which was unlike her. Justin assures Hope she is a good mother, and these things are not so serious. Hope wonders if she is overreacting. Justin asks if she has spoken to Bo. She updates him on Bo being out of town and not calling her. He offers
to help her deal with things ... They are later in the living room. Hope is grateful Justin helped put Ciara to bed. She recalls what Ciara had told
her and now tells Justin. Ciara had claimed Hope told her Justin would be her new daddy. But she would never call anyone her daddy except Bo. Justin asks if the child has been spending much time with Bo. No. There were too many worries, including Hope not wanting her to consider Carly her stepmommy. She complains how intimate Carly sounded on her call
at the hospital with Bo. Justin is sorry and also curious why she was at
the hospital. She informs him Abe was mugged, just like him! Hope gets tired and soon calls it a night. Justin watches as she walks away. He now joins Victor and presents him with  some contracts to sign. Victor makes
a remark about him sniffing around Hope. Justin understands he wants
Bo and Hope together, but Bo has made his choice. Justin does not deny he feels he can help Hope deal with things, now that she is alone. Victor drawls he had assumed Hope already gave him his walking papers! He helps himself to a drink. Justin snaps it seems Victor only thinks Bo, his son, could be a real man, and  sarcastically warns him to check over the papers, just to make sure he did not trick him into signing away the whole dynasty! Victor is speechless. Justin excuses himself to check on Ciara
and Hope ...
- Hope is wearing red pajamas in her bedroom and nervously takes a pill. Eerie music is heard. Her eyes appear vacant. Time for bed. After a little while, however, she jumps out of bed, believing she has overslept and does not have enough time!
- At the station, highhanded Nicole suggests Arianna get her coffee right next time, etc. Arianna calls her a b*tch. Nicole snaps at her to go back to the pub and serve clam chowder. Enter Brady. Nicole makes comments about Arianna's lateness and rudeness. Brady suggests he and Ari check out other jobs at the station. Arianna quips she is not a quitter and she has handled rotten bosses before. Brady reminds her that this is different. Ari refuses to run away and let Nicole win. Nicole smiles sarcastically.
- Madame Viv has caught up with Gus at the hospital. He has singled out an orderly they will be able to pay off as part of their plan. Vivian soon approaches the orderly with her instructions. Meanwhile, Daniel is ready for surgery, Carly at his side. Enter Dr. Yang. He gets the laser ready.
Dan decides when he gets out of there, he will make things right between himself and Chloe. Moments later, Chloe approaches the orderly at the nurse's station, asking about Dan. He claims he is not even scheduled for surgery and says he likes her, so he will be honest. Dan and Dr. Manning left together! Vivian watches from around the corner.
- Back at the house of Kiriakis, Hope is fully dressed in black clothes and smiles in the mirror that tonight will be the night! As Justin approaches her door, she applies red lipstick, a devilish look in her eye. "Purrfect ...!"

Next on Days of Our Lives
"I need to know where they were going!" exclaims Chloe.
"Tell me how you feel about me," Nath asks teary-eyed Mel.
EJ tells a flushed Sami she looks very beautiful.