Days of Our Lives April 22, 2010
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Thursday, April 22, 2010 
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THE LIVING DEAD and more ...!

- Hope has just applied her red lipstick, pulls a gun out of the drawer, and loads it, a glint in her eye. She puts on her coat, holding the gun, takes her bag, and starts to leave. Knock knock! Tis Justin, asking how she is. She claims she is just getting some rest and tells him goodnight. Justin tells her to sleep well and departs. Hope is soon out and about, walking along the pier, en route to a mysterious event!
- At Java Cafe, Phil is on the phone regarding work, complaining it is his first night apart from his wife. He now calls to reschedule that meeting
cos being a newlywed, he would rather be with his wife! He will go home to be with her instead!
- Mel opens the door from Maggie's kitchen, on her way to work. There stands soulful Nath, wanting to continue their discussion. He feels she is avoiding him. She nervously denies it. But if he is not comfortable having her around, she will drop out of the nursing program. He will not have it. Mel thinks they should not talk now. He realizes they are alone and gets closer, taking her hand. Time to be honest with each other about how
they really feel. Mel stares at him uncertainly. What does he mean? He still cares about her and is sure she cares about him too. Will she share how she feels? After much persuasion, she opens up. It all started with that letter, in which she wrote that she would leave Phillip for Nath if he still loved her cos she really wanted to be with Nath. Nath is pleasantly surprised. Mel shrieks he did not come before her wedding, so it matters not! Nathan grabs and starts to kiss her. She kisses him back. They are both unaware that happy newlywed Phillip has just arrived at the door
and spies them kissing through the window! Tragic music is heard. Phil stares darkly, then vanishes into the night. Mel pulls away and informs Nathan that was only a kiss goodbye! Nath is confused. What changed?
Is she afraid to leave Phillip? No, but the letter was the past. That was then, this is now. "We're done, Nathan," says she. She will not act on her feelings for him and he must accept it. This was not what he had in mind, though he will accept her decision to move on. However, they will still see each other at the hospital. They agree to be just colleagues, friends, and sadly embrace. Nathan sighs and walks out as Mel holds back the tears.
- Chez Sami, she is having trouble with Johnny, who wants his daddy! Sami offers to get papa Elvis on the phone. Not good enough. "I want my daddy!" demands the tyke.
- At DiMera mansion, Elvis thinks aloud while looking at photographs of Johnny and Sydney. He will not let anyone find out what he did. Perhaps he should tell Samantha that the truth - that he has fallen back in love with her, which is why she should come live at the mansion. He flashes back
to her smile when she heard he had stood up to his fatha, the way she touched his arm. Perhaps she feels the same way. He decides to go find out ...
- At the hospital, replay of Dan deciding to make things right with Chloe. Now it is time for the procedure to get underway ...
Meanwhile, Chloe is given false info from the orderly, who pretends he saw Dan and Carly heading for the elevator. Chloe becomes agitated and shouts at him to tell her where they were going! The orderly claims to have heard gossip about them heading to a seedy motel called the Mercer. Vivian, still concealed around the corner, looks on with approval. Chloe cannot believe it. The orderly airily says he is tired and could be wrong. Exit upset Chloe. Viv emerges and hands the guy a great deal of cash. He wonders what the point of it was to lead Chloe to think her fiance was cheating. Revenge, pure and simple! Viv now shoos the orderly off to go enjoy the beginning of the rest of his life in St. Tropez or wherever it is
he intends to go ...
- Chloe makes for the motel and bribes the reservations clerk to look for Dan's name. He and Carly are not on the register. What about assumed names? The clerk checks. He has many Smiths, as many couples have checked in tonight. She shows him a photo of Daniel on her phone. Did this man check in? Could be, says the creepy clerk, and it would not have been to play checkers!
- Sami continues to have difficulty with Johnny. She calls EJ on the phone and tells him she needs his help. Knock knock! He is right at the door and enters to attend to his little man. Johnny is soon asleep in the other room. Sami smiles papa EJ has the magic touch. They now talk Sydney, whom he also got to go back to sleep. He cheerfully recalls how her face lit up when he walked into the room. Sami thanks him. He makes a comment about his ability to put people to sleep. Sami chuckles. He drawls her eyes light up when she laughs and she looks very beautiful. Sami would like to hear more about his night alone with the kids. He jokes he flew them to Disneyland, then says what they really did was watch the Wizard of Oz, dance, and then Johnny did a puzzle. EJ adds there is something he would like to discuss with her. She has something to say, too. She had to let Ally go to Hong Kong with Lucas for a couple of weeks, which is why she might not be her usual "sunny" self. EJ is sympathetic. She suspects that was why Johnny was acting up, not to mention he gets her vibe, and must miss Rafe. EJ asks if she too misses Rafe. Has he tried to fix things? She replies he cannot forgive her for the deception and wonders why ever not. After all, EJ forgave her! He points out they do have children together.
He goes on to explain she has no collateral damage with Rafe, however. With him and her, their kids' needs come first. Sami laments how she lied to him about Sydney. He stops her. They have their two healthy children. She agrees they are wonderful, though she wishes she had never lied to him about being pregnant.Then she would not have had her baby stolen
by Dr. Baker, for Nicole. Elvis assures her Baker is dead and Sydney is thriving. They should just look to the future. "Our future," he finishes. He brings up Will being at the mansion, the children they share. And he has
an idea on how they can put their children first - together.
- Phillip goes to the Kiriakis mansion and glumly downs a drink. Justin wonders why he is not with his wife. Phil keeps drinking. Justin wonders
if he had a fight with Mel. Phil sighs his marriage is a big lie. Justin knows something must have happened and he has some unsolicited advice. They are newlyweds so he should go talk to his wife. Phil drawls is that how he dealt with his problems with Adrienne. How did that work out!
- At Java Cafe, Madame Viv updates Gus on her devious plan working like a charm. She received word from the motel reservations clerk that Chloe was there! Flunky Gus is worried that it all could backfire on her. He has a bad feeling. Vivian remains convinced she has done the right thing, for in order to avoid the wrath of Victor, she needs someone else
to do her dirty work. Chloe!
- Hope wins big at an underground poker game, ready to call it a night. The players disperse. DOC BAKER, looking well, stands up and declares she owes him a drink! To make up for his bad night. Hope says why not, she does not have anything better to do, and smiles mischievously.
- At the hospital, Dan wakes up, asking for Chloe. Carly is sure she will
be there soon. She is optimistic about the outcome of his surgery. Dan says he will get in touch with his beloved now, to share the good news ...
- Chloe has returned home to an empty apartment. Meanwhile, Phillip saunters along the pier, drinking like a fish to numb the pain of his young wife's deception. He makes his drunken way to Chloe's apartment. When she opens the door, their eyes lock.
- Back at Sami's place, Elvis enlightens her on his great idea. "Why don't all the kids and you come and live with me?" Sami lets out a surprised sound ...

Next on Days of Our Lives

"Phillip and I are gonna finally be happy," Mel sorrowfully tells Maggie.
Phillip and Chloe, all alone and miserable, start to kiss ...
Sami faces EJ. "And I never will live in that house with your father!"