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Friday, April 23, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only DIMERA DOWN and more ...! - Shirtless Rafe cannot sleep, as he has Sami on his mind. He tosses and turns, then gets out of bed ... - Chez Sami. she cannot believe EJ would ask her to live under the same roof as Kate and Stefano! He wants to explain why it is a good idea. She exclaims EJ would have agreed with her until recently. Elvis claims fatha is sick and he has re-examined things. Sami insists she will never live in that house. He calls her unfair. After all, the baby switch scenario was caused by Nicole and Baker, not his fatha. He implores her to move in so they can makes things right. Sami gasps she does want her kids to have one home and yet ...EJ points out Johnny has been having a tough time of late,not to mention that Samantha seems to be on her own. She admits she has come to terms with Rafe not trusting her and agrees she is indeed alone. Moments later, Rafe shows up at the door. He is disheveled and ready to talk, but quickly realizes she has company. EJ. Sami becomes uncomfortable. Rafe offers to come back later. EJ drawls for Samantha to think over his offer and leaves. Sami tells Rafe that EJ has invited her to move into the mansion. Rafe chuckles and then hopes she is not even considering! She mentions their kids ... Rafe declares he loves her and EJ is manipulating her, yet for some strange reason, she cannot see it! They disagree. Rafe thinks this idea does not make sense. Sami yells she and EJ want to do what is best for their children. It is most frustrating to have shared custody. Besides, if she were with Sydney all the time, maybe she would finally call her mama. Rafe gets her motivation. Sami cries that she wants to be close to her daughter. He understands. However, eventually they will bond so it is not worth it for her to move in and let her kids be influenced by the likes of the DiMeras. He adds Stefano must be up to something. He believes he is forcing EJ's hand. Sami replies Stefano is sick. Rafe drawls deep down, she knows he is right, and saunters out. - Chloe opens her door to drunken Phil, who blurts out his wife is in love with another man! He thinks he was a fool. Chloe gets them a bottle of wine and points out he was following his heart. Right over a cliff, says he! She laments she is in the same boat, as someone else has Daniel's heart - Carly, the mother of his child. She found out they are at a sleazy motel together and cries on Phil's shoulder. She updates him on their argument, what happened when she went to the hospital to apologize. Phillip is very drunk. Chloe unhappily keeps drinking and gets drunker, too. "Like father like daughter," slurs Phil. "We've been played for fools, Chloe. Both of us!" And after all he gave Melanie ... They stand up. Chloe assures him Mel does not deserve him. Phil gets closer and kisses the passionate opera diva, who kisses him right back. - Maggie returns home to her kitchen and asks woeful Mel what is wrong. She forces a smile and insists she and Phillip will be happy forever. She updates the concerned redhead on what she told Nathan. Maggie points out being committed to a person and loving them are two different things. Immature Mel insists she has chosen to love only Phillip and admits Nath kissed her. "You let Nathan kiss you?" says Maggie. Mel claims he caught her off guard and that kiss was only closure. A kiss goodbye. She looks at Maggie with sad clown eyes. She and Nathan will be just professional and friendly forever. Maggie praises her for the effort, though she feels the girl is confused. Mel announces she still must do something. She must tell Phil, so they will be open and honest forever. She proceeds to text him ... - At the hospital, Dan is anxiously to try calling Chloe yet again, but has trouble moving. Carly gives him an injection and warns that too much physical exertion could jeopardize the results. He will have to wait a little while. Dan is soon drugged and still desperate to reach Chloe.Carly offers to text her for him and does just that, summoning her to the hospital. - Meanwhile, Chloe asks Phil what they are doing. He does not know, he does not care, and the passionate pair topple onto the sofa, all over each other! They proceed to disrobe, clutch at each other, and fail to notice that they each have text messages. After their lovefest, they sit nekid and dazed together, under a blanket ... Chloe notices her phone buzzing and checks her messages. Phil does the same. He must call Mel back, while Chloe has to go to the hospital. Phil now talks to Mel on the phone and she wants to see him. He replies he needs to see her too! Chloe and Phil get dressed and he drinks coffee. He will have it out with Melanie and she plans to confront Dan at the hospital. They will touch base later. Phil has no regrets about what happened. Chloe does not deserve to hurt, says he. Neither does he, says Chloe. He will talk to her later and exits. Chloe pauses to look at a picture of Daniel, calls him a bastard, throws it, then storms out. - Phil comes home to Melanie, who exclaims she has chosen just him in her heart. She mournfully admits she has not been honest and tells him about the letter she wrote Nath on their wedding day. She understands if Phil wants to leave her, though she hopes he does not. She cries she now knows he is the only one she wants to be with. Phil wonders why now. She explains she told Nathan the same when he came over earlier - and kissed her. She insists it was a goodbye kiss. Phil appears to cringe. She nervously says she loves him. Phillip mutters he wishes he had known before ... - Meanwhile, Chloe heads to the hospital, where she runs into Dr. Carly. "You miserable b*tch!" says she!Carly understands she is upset about the fight and tells her about the surgery Daniel had. Chloe doubts it. Someone said she was seen leaving the hospital with Dan. Nurse Maxine steps up and corroborates Carly's story.Dr. Jonas has in fact been in surgery at the hospital, all night. Chloe soon enters his room and wistfully stares at her beloved. "I should have known you would never ..." Dan opens his eyes. - Hope and Baker drink up together, not having left the place where the seedy poker game was held. He does not mind avoiding public places. He wants her name and talks about taking her to his place, but Hope does not want that kind of action from "big guy." She whips out her winnings and mentions Baker getting another source of income. She winks. The doc considers. They talk cryptically. She claims she can help him but he will need to follow through. He drawls following through is what he does, and lots of people in this town think he is dead. Hope holds up her gun and he realizes the lady means business! They take the conversation to the next level. Hope wants to be frank ... He later asks when they will get started. "You tell me," says she. - Stefano plays chess with Will at DiMera mansion. He asks the lad how things are. Will was pleased his brother and sister spent the night recently. Stefano grins he should get used to that scenario! "Checkmate," declares the master. Will is impressed.He now asks what he meant about the other kids. No offense, but his mom hates the phoenix too much to let the kids come over much. Stefano cheerfully informs young Will that life is verrry complicated. "Things can change in the blink of an eye!" Later on, Elvis rejoins Stefano, who is now alone in the living room. Sami is considering moving in. The phoenix is optimistic. He notes his son appears distracted. EJ admits there could be a snag. What? Not what, but Who! - Stefano calls Rafe, who is drowning his sorrows alone at the Cheatin Heart. Stefano claims to have information. About Anna? No, it is about Samantha. - Will visits Sami at her place, updates her on what Stefano said, and wonders what is going on. Sami realizes that Rafe was right. "Damn it, EJ!" She races off to find him ... - Down at the pier, Baker approaches a pensive EJ and casually asks for directions. EJ turns around. Baker looks surprised.EJ looks at him darkly. "You! You're dead!" Hope quietly comes up behind the heir apparent and knocks him on the head with the butt of her gun. Elvis falls to the ground unconscious. She smiles it went well. Baker, however, is dismayed that this guy knows him and if he wakes up ...Hope replies then maybe they need to make sure he doesn't! Next on Days of Our Lives CHLOE God, what have I done? DAN What have you done? "I made a huge mistake," Phil tells Mel. "Stop, you can't do this!" exclaims Baker as smiling Hope points her gun at unconscious EJ. |
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