Days of Our Lives April 28, 2010
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Wednesday, April 28, 2010 
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FORGET ME NOT and more ...!

- Down at the station, Roman confirms with a cop that Sami stated EJ
was attacked. Hope receives word that Elvis is awake and offers to get
his official statement. Both Roman and Hope want that attacker caught! She asks how Kimberly is doing. According to Bo, everyone is hopeful. Roman places a hand on her shoulder and says he is sorry Bo has not been in touch. He walks off. Hope drops her pill bottle to the floor and starts to pick the pills up. Enter Julie, who notices she is picking pills up off the floor and gets concerned. Is everything alright? Hope clutches the pill bottle and shares that she has had some trouble sleeping. Julie does
not want her to take the pills off the floor. And she has never known her to have insomnia before. She warns of the dangers of addiction. Hope admits nothing had worked to cure her insomnia, hence the meds. Julie goes on, Hope wants to change the subject and tells Julie she is grateful she and Doug had Ciara last night. Julie calls Ciara a piece of heaven. Hope raises an eyebrow and mutters she was caught stealing at school,
not to mention that she has been telling stories about Justin being her
new daddy. Julie reminds her that children often pick up on the emotions around them. Hope gets defensive. So she is the problem? Julie explains her daughter's behavior is telling her that things are not fine with Cara.
She is seeking attention, just as teen Julie did when she shoplifted. Hope asks what she should do. Julie replies she should put her daughter first -
or regret it for the rest of her life!Hope complains she cannot take a leave of absence. Julie brings up the fact that all things in Ciara's life have changed, now that she no longer lives with her father. Julie thinks Ciara wishes she were involved with Justin because she wants Hope to have a man in her life. She goes on to ask if something could develop between Hope and Justin? Hope retorts she has no time to give it a thought.They agree to be there for each other and Julie lets her get back to work.
- Lying in bed, Baker dreams of Hope's attack on EJ, then gets woken
up by Nicole's voice on the TV. He finds it absurd that one is a reporter, then decides to focus on his brand new funds. The undead doc smiles. "Bless you, EJ DiMera!" He decides to find out just who and where his partner in crime is. He heads for the Cheatin heart, where he enjoys a drink, until a big thug he owes big money shows up! The thug warns
when he is not paid, he cannot be held responsible for his actions! He proceeds to rough up the doc, who assures him he has the money, he
just needs more time, to line up a high stakes poker game tonight ...
The thug thunders he might not have hands to play with. Baker gives him $500 in cash, to tide him over and decides to move to plan B. "Where are you, dark haired lady?"
- At Java Cafe, Ari joins Nicole, who has a list of where she wants her to be. Ari explains Frank the boss called, and smugly presents Nicole with
her next assignment. The zoo. Tis alternative fuels day in Salem so she will have to shovel in the elephant's cage. Nicole says to forget it. All of
a sudden, they both get texted about EJ's attack. Nicole thinks she is the best person to get his story! Ari disagrees. EJ would not even let Nicole
in the room! She knows EJ a bit, as she spent some time with him and he offered her a job. Nicole now suggests Ari convince EJ that he should agree to see his ex-wife. Ari is against it. Nicole threatens to tell the boss she is not willing to help get the scoop for the show. Ari grudgingly leaves to get the car .
- At the hospital, Dr. Lexie asks resting EJ how he feels. He mutters he would feel better if he knew who had done this to him! Lexie explains retrograde amnesia usually accompanies such a head injury, but Elvis is hell bent on revenge on his attacker.She suggests he not go all mafia and would prefer if Hope worked on the case. He laments his memory is a blur, though he has a vague feeling he knew who the person was. Will
his memory come back? Maybe or maybe not. He is certain this person
he saw just before was somehow involved, but cannot place him ...
- Down at the pier, Madeline hands Chad her car keys, so he will be able to drive to his study group. He grins dad would not approve and thanks her. Ring ring! Tis Mia, with news from Kenzie. Her mom is having a botox party, so she will not host the study group after all. The gathering  has been rescheduled for Will's grandfather's house. Mia will not be in attendance, as she is working a shift at the cafe. It dawns on Madeline
that the group will meet at the DiMera house. She demands the car keys back, as she does not want her son anywhere near those oh so  dastardly DiMeras! Chad wonders why she reacts so oddly every time she hears
the DiMera name. She calls Stefano a mob boss. He points out Will is living there now and he is having the study group ... He recalls how his mother also acted strangely upon seeing Kate the other day and asks if
she has something against Stefano DiMera - or is it his wife with whom
she has personal issues? Madeline nervously blinks. That family thinks they are above the law. Any known association with the DiMera mob
clan would harm her and the D.A.'s reputation! Chad now calls Will ...
- At the mansion, Kate wishes to know who will be in attendance at the study group. When Will mentions Chad Woods and confirms he is the D.A.'s son, she overreacts and admits she has a problem with his parents. She claims it is because the D.A. and his self-righteous wife are out to get her for the suspected poisoning, and it was made worse by the fact that she married Stefano. The DiMeras are powerful people - who attract enemies. She would not even rule out Chad's sanctimonious parents coming after Will! Will now gets the call from Chad, who shares the fact that his mother is upset about his coming over, so could they have the study group elsewhere? Will suggests they do it at the Java Cafe instead.
- Back at the pier, Chad hugs his mother and leaves. Once alone, she murmurs he will get over his anger about this incident and laments "The DiMeras could ruin everything, even after all these years!"
- Chad and Will are the first ones to arrive at the cafe. Waitress Mia is delighted so far there is just the three of them. Neither guy is impressed. Will touches base with the remaining members of the study group via phone. Kenzie is waiting for T to pick her up. Mia talks about hanging
out with Chad, who lets her know he is not in the least bit interested. She looks down and gets back to work. Will is baffled, as he assumed Chad and Mia were an item. Chad replies he thought wrong. He ended it when he found out she was playing both of them. Will no longer thinks she is sweet. Chad will always care about her, but something changed and she is not the person he thought she was. He should have been there for her when she had the baby, the fact that he was not must have affected her. Meanwhile, undeterred Mia plots to make Chad see he still really wants her ...!
- Madeline shows up on Kate's doorstep, commends her on her marriage to Stefano, which is a marriage made in hell! Furthermore, she is putting her on notice. She knows Will is a good kid but those boys should stay away from each other, even if it means Kate telling Will to avoid Chad
cos he is not a good influence. Kate thinks the lads will see through that excuse to keep them apart. Madeline warns if she does not keep away from her family, she will make her pretty life with Stefano come crashing down - and she knows she can do that! Kate stares at her like a cobra re-positioning for a strike ...
- Hope gets a doctor's appointment for a pill refill, to replace the spilled ones. The medicine man is reluctant to write another prescription. She
gets anxious. He points out the insurance company would not pay for them. She can pay. He remarks she needs them badly. She insists she is not abusing the meds, she just needs to get her sleep. The overworked
doc asks for the remaining pills in the bottle, so he can dispose of them. Hope hands them over. She speaks of her past dreams before she got the pills, dreams filled with anxiety. He calls those frustration dreams. She explains she has dreams now that she does not remember after she wakes up, but she sure feels on top of things! She receives a new prescription.
- At the hospital, Nicole and Ari arrive. Nicole directs Ari to EJ's private room. She will go over her notes while waiting. Ari apprehensively strolls off  to visit Elvis. Lexie spies Nicole and tells her she has a hell of a nerve showing up there! Nic smirks. They exchange words. Lexie sarcastically brings up the fact that she took off with a baby that was not even hers. Nicole laughs about her pointing the finger, when she slept with Abe's
son once upon a time. At least SHE does not do anything behind people's backs ...!
- Ari enters EJ's room and smiles. He feels it is sweet of her to come see him. She sighs when he finds out her real reason for being there, he will probably want to throw her out! He requests clarification. She is there on assignment for Titan TV. Elvis says he will be happy to give her show a statement. She explains that reporter would be Nicole. He considers. She nervously updates him on how she got the job. He realizes Nicole sent
her ahead to soften him up. She is sorry. But if he gives no interview, Nicole will make things up. Ari repeats she is sorry and starts to leave.
EJ stops her. He is certain Nicole would unfairly blame her if he did not cooperate, so he agrees to the interview. Ari goes to tell Nicole the good news. Nicole opens the door and EJ greets her. She drawls it looks like someone got what was coming to him. They exchange a few sarcastic comments. She gloats all of Salem will hear what she has to say. Ari, who is behind her, declares she is wrong and the interview is now over! She threatens to take the camera out of there, if Nicole does not play nice. Nicole promises to keep things civil. Action! Roving reporter Nicole holds up the mike and explains she is at the bedside of powerful EJ DiMera, the fourth man to be attacked. She asks if he saw anything before he was attacked. He remembers there was more than on person involved. He
saw someone he could identify and he will not stop until he tracks him down! He has given the police a statement. Nicole asks if he got a good look. It was a man, who seemed rather familiar. The roving reporter wonders  if he thinks maybe the other muggings were a cover, for the
fact that someone wanted to settle a score with EJ DiMera. Definitely. Does he have any idea who would have done such a thing? Yes, retorts
EJ, and he concludes this person is an associate of Nicole's ...!
- Down at the pier, Hope is on her way to interview EJ. Along comes relieved Dr. Baker. He has been looking all over for her, but Hope stares at him blankly. "Do I know you ...?"

Next on Days of Our Lives
Kate faces Stefano. "We have a problem."
Elvis informs Nicole he will get her, it is only a matter of time!
Rafe shakes his head at Sami. "He doesn't just want his kids!"