Days of Our Lives April 29, 2010
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up around 5:30 p.m. eastern

Thursday, April 29, 2010 
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THE FUGITIVE and more ...!

- At the station, Rafe is on the phone, certain he was set up with the fake Anna sighting. He just needs to prove it! Sami enters, having overheard. He asks what she is doing there. Well, Will spoke to her and ... she now agrees Rafe was right. Something is up with the DiMeras. Rafe updates her on what Stefano told him - they do not trust Sami with the children, which is why they wish to keep her close! She is not surprised Stefano would say such a thing. Rafe claims Stefano said it was EJ's view. Sami doubts Stefano's truthfulness. She suspects EJ simply wishes to smooth things over with his father. Rafe insists Elvis must have told Stefano he wanted her to move in for the kids, when in reality he wants Sami, too! She sighs, then gets agitated. She wonders if he saw ... Saw what? Sami gets defensive. She cares about EJ only because he is the father of two
of her children. Rafe thinks she protests too much. Se gets mad and yells she is sick of this. He advises her to be honest with herself. She must know EJ has feelings for her. Can she look him in the eye and tell him
that EJ has not made a move? Sami starts to explain. It was an emotional experience, what they went through with Sydney. Rafe drawls that now she will move in with EJ so he gets everything he wants ...!.
- At DiMera mansion, Stefano plays with Sydney and alludes to the DiMera revenge which awaits EJ's attacker. Meanwhile, Kate flashes
back to Madeline's threat to expose her. She soon informs the phoenix. "We have a problem." He gets her a drink. She laments Judge Madeline came by and threatened her, after all these years. Stefano smoothly promises to handle things ...
- Down at the pier, when a cop approaches Hope, Baker takes off and hides around the corner. He hears the cop tell Hope how EJ DiMera's bank account was drained and they have nothing to go on, as the perp covered their tracks with an off shore account! Hope instructs him to freeze EJ's remaining accounts and warn the others. The cop heads off with his orders. Hope wonders aloud who that man who approached her before was ...!
- Replay of Elvis telling roving reporter Nicole that he suspects the man
he saw was in fact her associate. He accuses her of setting him up and
by Jove, she will not get away with it! He hopes Arianna is getting all this with the camera. Ari grins and keeps rolling. Nicole thinks he just wants
to get back at her, but he calmly insists he is right. Nicole reminds Ari
she works for her, makes her hand over the tape, and destroys it. EJ and Nicole will have a word alone. Out in the hall, Ari runs into Brady with
the news that EJ thinks Nicole is the attacker! He frowns, then scoffs.
Can EJ back up his story? She tells him what they have and he quips that is not fair or balanced. No wonder Nicole ripped out the tape. EJ could be out for revenge. Ari gets bitter that Brady has sided with Nicole, like deja vu. He points out that Ari, on the other hand,  is always hasty to blame Nicole. She storms off.
Back in EJ's room, Nicole wonders if he has a name for her supposed accomplice. Not yet. She assumes he will frame her. He retorts her days of not paying for her crimes are over. Enter Detective Hope. Elvis gives Hope his his big news. "I remember something." There was a man ... Nicole shakes her head in disbelief. Hope orders her to leave now. Nicole grudgingly does just that. Hope records and asks EJ to tell her everything he remembers about that man he saw.
Out in the hall, Brady runs into Nicole and warns her. The fact that she destroyed the footage makes her look guilty. She explains she was scared and begs him to help her avoid going back to prison. They hug. Arianna comes around the corner and takes it all in, unseen by the pair.
- At Java Cafe, Mia tries to make nice with Will, who is not interested, as she played him. She warns him not to trust Chad, since he does not like him. Chad and his mother are at another table. She notes Will has finally seen Mia for what she is. She offers to increase Chad's allowance if he gives up his job at the cafe. Chad refuses and complains how difficult his D.A. dad has been of late. Madeline claims it must be due to the attack. She soon gets a phone message and steps away. Mia later approaches her with some lilacs in hand. Lilacs have been her fav flowers since she saw them at their house. She is on her way to baby Grace's grave and asks if she would like to come. Madeline coldly states she has an appointment. Mia believes she does not care about her granddaughter and accuses her
of being thrilled Chad dumped her! Judge Madeline, not wanting a scene, suggests they step outside. She now wants to know what the girl really wants. Mia is upset she does not want to hear about her granddaughter. She then blurts out Chad listens to his mom and he owes her a second chance! Madeline does not side with her. Mia is dismayed the mother of Chad's child will never seem good enough for his mother and unhappily leaves.
- Back st the station, Rafe gives Sami his word he will not lecture her if she opens up. Sami begins. She thinks she would be able to better protect the kids and Will by living at the mansion. Rafe clearly disagrees. Sami knows it might seem insane, but she fears for Will being there with Kate, who might try and turn him against his mother. Rafe assures her that Will loves her. She explains she feels she has no choice. He disagrees again. Ring ring! Rafe tells the caller he needs to be sure, and he will be on the next plane out! Sami asks if he is going somewhere. "Work," says he.
And he feels she should hold off on her decision until he gets back. Sami
is annoyed. Rafe now decides to tell her something but she doubts it is anything new, wishes him a bon voyage, and departs to visit EJ. Once alone, he sighs he cannot tell her cos she would just tell EJ anyway.
- Back at the hospital, Brady assures Nicole if EJ cannot prove anything, she is safe. She asks him to give her a bogus alibi. Brady will not. He points out EJ is not claiming she did it, he is claiming she hired someone
to do it. Furthermore, he had warned her not to come back to town! Nicole woefully says maybe he is right. Her leaving seems to be what people want. She walks away. Ari now joins Brady. He had not seen her standing there. He explains Nicole is still his friend. Ari understands. He was nice and gave her good advice. He hopes Nicole takes it. Ari smiles she does not just love him, she likes him too. They kiss on it.
- Meanwhile, Hope updates Elvis on his banking card. He is not fussed about it. She promises they will get the perp, cos there was a computer used somewhere, which will leave a trail. In addition, he will eventually
get his memory back. EJ is interested in the forensics report. Hope shares that he was hit with the butt of a small caliber gun - like the one she has -by someone smaller than him. He insists Nicole was involved somehow. Hope replies she will check it out and thoroughly enjoy doing so!
- Baker heads back to his room and packs. He is in a hurry to leave town and get away from that "Detective Just Visiting form Pluto!" Goodbye Salem ...
- Back at Java Cafe, Chad tells Will maybe they should include Mia in their group, given her scholastic ability. Will is against it. Chad gets back
to work. Mia is soon back and flirts with a guy who has a crush on her. She asks him for a kiss. He kisses her and she slaps him. The kid tells
her to go back on her meds. Will accuses her of doing that only for their benefit. But Mia cares not what he thinks, she did it for Chad!
- Madeline walks along the pier, only to come face to face with Stefano, annoyed she ignored his wish to meet with him.  He dangerously says she threatened his wife - a very big mistake! She agrees that it will not happen again, but reminds him if the past comes out, he will be the one to suffer.
- Back at the mansion, Kate pours herself a drink and gasps in horror, imagining blood all over her hands! The blood vanishes. Enter Will. She jumps. He notices. She thought he had his study group and is pleased to hear it ended early. She feels he should not spend much time with Chad. He wonders why both she and Chad's mother think that.
- At the hospital, Hope runs into Nicole, waiting for the elevator, and wants to know where she was last night. Nicole says they can finish later. Hope informs her they will finish at the station!
- Back in EJ's room, he is enjoying a visit from Samantha and remarks
she seems uncomfortable. He credits her with saving his life. She has
been through much. This attack has made him see how important it is for him to spend time with his children. So, has she decided whether she will come live with him ...?
- At the station, Rafe gets confirmation on a law enforcement computer that the woman spotted was indeed Anna, whom he knows lied to him. FBI Rafe gets intense. "Looks like the elusive Anna and I are gonna have another face to face.This time you are gonna tell me the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God ...!"

Next on Days of Our Lives

Nicole insists to Hope "EJ is trying to frame me!"
"Samantha is about the only person that I can trust," EJ tells Stefano.
"You're falling for him all over again!" Caroline complains to Sami.