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up around 5:30 p.m. eastern Friday, April 30, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only SHE'LL DO IT and more ...! - Replay of Elvis asking Samantha whether she will move into the DiMera mansion. She is honest with him about her hesitation due to the fact that she would be under the same roof as none other than Stefano. Elvis understands it is not an easy decision. Sami suggests perhaps they could find a place of their own, minus the phoenix. After all, Stefano and wife Kate have a history of making attempts on her life! EJ assures her that fatha will be out of the picture soon, and then Kate will be out of their lives. He pretends he wants her to be there, as he feels badly about Stefano. Sami is still reluctant to agree, though she promises to think about it, then departs. Stefano, lurking nearby, now enters EJ's room. Elvis laments it is proving difficult to convince her because of him and Kate. He later shares his view that Nicole or one of her flunkies was responsible for his attack. Stefano does not think so. Elvis is in no mood to be contradicted and says he has a headache. Stefano is not surprised - he just saw Samantha! EJ defends her as the only person that he can trust. However, it is not easy to convince her to move in. Perhaps fatha should try and look more like he is dying! - Sami meets grandma Caroline at the pub and updates her on the chaos of her life, though there has been one bright spot, amid the problems with Will and the fighting with Rafe - EJ, who has a calming effect on her. She mentions he has invited her to move in with him. Caroline thinks she has lost her mind! Sami argues her case. Will is already living there. Caroline quips he shouldn't be. She makes a snide remark about being cheered up when Sami goes on to say that Stefano is living on borrowed time. Sami credits EJ with keeping her sane lately. Caroline looks at her in dismay. "You're falling for him all over again!" Sami states he has changed and he is a good father. She speaks of the importance of forgiveness ... - Hope has taken Nicole down to the station to ask her a few questions. Nicole insists that EJ is trying to fame her. Hope looks doubtful. She is only interested in the truth. Nicole does not appreciate being harassed. Hope points out that she has been guilty of a number of crimes, not to mention that a governor was blackmailed into releasing her! Detective Hope wants her to give the name of the man EJ saw. Nicole has no idea and does not even believe he saw any such man who is connected to her. Hope doubts it. Does she have any contacts who are hackers? Nicole is offended. Hope steps out of the room. Nicole decides she needs help and she knows exactly who to go to ... - Baker meets up with a poker pal, who is curious about the good looking gal he saw him with. They play cards and talk. Baker refers to her as a psycho with man issues. His poker pal wonders if she has any issues with Baker. The undead doc retorts he knows not, but he is sure not going to stick around Salem to find out. They get down to business and Baker is on a winning streak! - Meanwhile, Hope gets off the phone with Ciara, who will not be with her for the night, and proceeds to pop pills ... - Dan arrives home with Carly from the hospital, but Chloe is nowhere to be seen. Carly is not so sure Chloe would appreciate her being there. Mel and Phil soon arrive, to welcome him home. Mel wonders where Chloe is. Phil looks guilty. Mel spies the broken picture that Chloe threw against the wall and gasps. What happened?! Dan realizes his and Chloe's fight might have made her angrier than he assumed. Mel notes Phil appears preoccupied. He claims to have work on his mind. She presumes it has something to do with Nicole wreaking havoc at Titan TV. They take their leave. Inside, Dan wants to discuss something with Carly. - Chloe has headed over to the hospital, to speak with Nathan. He is not impressed and tells her he knows she just wants to prevent him from sharing with Dan what he overheard her say the previous night - that she slept with another man! Chloe claims it was just a misunderstanding and implores Nath not to tell Dan, as he would be destroyed. He points out Melanie would not want to see her new father get hurt. She points out it was just one time and besides, she was set up! Nathan agrees to keep his silence, but warns that secrets have a way of coming out. Along comes Steph. Is something the matter? Chloe says she was simply worried about Daniel and departs. Steph now gets up close and personal with Nath! Meanwhile Chloe tries to think of someone who would hate her enough to set her up. She asks nurse Maxine about the employee who had first given her the false info, only to find out that he quit suddenly and left no forwarding address. Chloe later finds out that the reservations manager of the seedy motel, who also lied to her, is presently at the Cheatin Heart. She is on her way! - Later on, at the pub, Steph gets off the phone with Dr. Nath, all smiles. She spies glum Phil drinking alone at a table. Steph wonders what Mel did this time. Nothing, says he. "I did, I'm the bastard!" He takes another drink. - Back at the hospital, Mel is tired but still working, She tells Nath there is something she wants to tell him. She told Phillip about their kiss, etc. All is well now, she explains. Nathan says Steph is fine too, so it appears everyone will live happily ever after ... - Chez Dan,he acknowledges Chloe was upset with Carly for a while, but things worked out. Carly thinks it would be better of it were just the two of them - him and Chloe. She does not matter. Daniel drawls she does indeed and Mel does too. He wants them all to move on - and put the tension behind them. - Chloe waltzes into the Cheatin Heart, where the reservations manager from the motel is drinking. She sits down beside him and confronts him about lying to her back at the motel. She wants answers and intimidates him with the Kiriakis name. He agrees to talk about what happened. Many couples checked in that night ... He admits to her that someone out there is yanking her chain! - At DiMera mansion, Nicole shows up and announces to Stefano she needs his help. EJ is spreading lies about her. Stefano acknowledges her nerve, yet why should he help her? Because it would be the right thing to do, as she is completely innocent. The phoenix chuckles in amusement. Feeling desperate, Nicole threatens to smear the DiMeras in the media. He growls at her to get out and adds she is only alive at their discretion. He opens the door, raging. "Get the hell out of my house!" Nicole holds her head high and exits. Outside, she pauses, upset that EJ would try and bring her down with his lies. She cannot let it happen! - Sami is back in EJ's room, holding Sydney, whom Lexie had brought for a visit. Sami has something that both Syd and EJ should hear, as she has an official answer. "I'll do it. We'll move in!" EJ gazes at her lovingly and thanks her, promising she will not regret it. Sami smiles and kisses Sydney. - Back at the poker room, Baker's pal takes his leave. Baker now opens the door, only to find himself face to face with a heavily made up Hope, who gives him the evil eye. "Just where do you think you're going ...?!" Next on Days of Our Lives Stephanie informs Adrienne that she is not going to let anyone come between her and her happiness! "That slut set me up!" Chloe exclaims to Phil. Hope purrs to Baker. "You and I are just beginning!" |
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