Days of Our Lives April 5, 2010
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Monday, April 5, 2010 
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- Replay of Stefano growling at Anna this is nothing compared to what
is coming! She gets up and covers herself with a sheet. What is he doing there? He points out everyone is looking for her. How unfortunate for her that he is the first one to find her! Anna cringes and forces a smile. How could he find her? She took the utmost precautions. Stefano assures her
he is no mirage, he is real! Anna calls for help but the spa is deserted. He taunts her there is no escape. No way out. "This is the end!"  His thug stands guard as Stefano drawls she convinced the governor to let Nicole
go and Hernandez suspects it was because Nicole blackmailed her. Anna babbles about having sympathy for Nicole. Stefano rages "I WANT THE TRUTH!" Anna looks ready to pass out. He seethes about how she let him think Sydney had met with a tragic death. Anna exclaims he started it by lying to his own son. Stefano grimaces and slaps her across the face!! Anna reels from the blow. He is livid. She cries at least he knows what it
is like to be on the receiving end of the kind of thing he does. Sami and
EJ will never let him near Sydney. He lost her before they kidnapped her. Stefano is all ears and demands what she means by WE. Who is this WE? Ominous music is heard.
- In his hospital room, Dan the man gets dressed. Enter Dr. Carly, who is dismayed he is leaving despite doc's orders. He credits her with healing him. He is okay now. He pauses and Carly notes the double vision must be back. He should see a specialist. He is not interested in surgery. Carly
is exasperated. If not corrected, the condition will become permanent!
- At Java Cafe, Chloe gets off the phone, talking about Dan getting out of the hospital today. Nicole approaches. Chloe is surprised she is back in town. Nicole announces she will have a brand new life in Salem. They sit at a table to catch up. Chloe mentions Salemites saying Anna got her out. Have they spoken? No, and Nicole suspects people have seen the last of Anna DiMera. She adds she has seen people since she got back, including Sydney. She now realizes she is not hers but she will always love her. Chloe asks who the guy is that made Nicole come back? Nicole changes the subject back to Chloe, who complains bad things continue to happen to Daniel whenever Carly is around. Nicole reminds her not to let some woman ruin what she has with her guy. Chloe must now head off. Once alone, Nicole smiles she will take her own advice, gets a sneaky look in her eye, and departs, destination unknown ...
- Chez Maggie, newlywed Mel gets off the phone with Phillip, and has a visitor. Brady. Mel asks about the honeymoon and where is his ring?!
He updates her and talks Vegas instead of a traditional wedding. He hopes Mel and Phil will come. Mel would have to check on injured papa Daniel first, who texted her he is better.She hopes for a relationship with her pop. Brady asks about Carly. Mel admits she is starting to think maybe she is not so bad after all. And she hopes things are well between him and Ari. He insists they are. They continue talking, drinking sodas. Mel mentions Arianna's concern about Nicole. Brady suddenly states he must leave.
Mel deduces Nicole is back in town. Brady assures her he can deal with that one and saunters out. Mel gets a worried look on her face. "Oh oh!"
- Back at the hospital, Carly is anxious about Dan's condition and admits she is surprised he does not hate her. Dan drawls - just as Chloe enters - that he could never hate her! Chloe asks Dan if he is ready. Carly makes him tell her the latest. He makes light of the fact that he briefly had double vision again. He adds he will see a specialist as an out patient and walks out to get his charts. Alone, Carly informs Chloe that doctors do not make good patients. Therefore, they will need to keep an eye on him. And the injury might have altered his career. He always puts people first! Chloe says she need not tell her about Daniel! Concerned Carly goes on to say that he actually claimed the accident was a good thing, with a silver lining, as it brought her and Melanie closer together. Doc Carly gets paged away. Chloe looks insecure. Out in the hall, she soon runs into Melanie, who is looking for papa Dan, scheduled to be released. She updates her on the return of his double vision.They agree he must take this seriously, and put himself first. Mel sadly says if Dan had not followed her out of the pub,
he would not have fallen. Chloe claims she too is upset, as Carly just told her the accident brought Carly and Mel closer together, so it had a silver lining. Mel is not impressed. Along comes Carly. Mel quips what is it with her! She gets mad about what she said about the silver lining, that Daniel's accident brought them closer. Carly tries to explain that was not exactly how she said it.  Mel snaps at her to leave her and her father alone and storms off. Carly goes after her. Daniel emerges and asks if anything is wrong. Nothing, coos Chloe, cos she and Melanie will take very good
care of him!
- Rafe saunters into the pub to see Ari, as he awaits word on something. How is she doing? She claims she is fine. How are he and Sami? Rafe glumly admits he thinks they are over. Their convo changes to her non elopement. Rafe assures her all will be well. All she needs to do in order  to marry Brady is go to a judge before ... He admits he has seen Nicole. Ari snaps what did she say? More like what she did not say, says he. Ari wonders if she said anything about Anna DiMera. Rafe shares the fact
that he has a new lead, a guy whom he is sure will be the missing link!
- Rafe heads back to the station, only to receive bad news from Mayor Abe. Benny was able to get released by his lawyers and is gone. Rafe's face falls. He is maddened to hear that D.A. Woods let him walk. Rafe makes a remark about Anna getting around. Abe adds she seems to have been very good at covering her tracks. Rafe mutters Benny the creep was an accessory to a kidnapping. Enter D.A. Woods. Rafe angrily confronts him. "What the hell is your problem!" He calls the D.A. an idiot. When Woods gives him the brush off, Rafe loses it and grabs him, ready for a fight. Abe pulls him off. Raging Rafe calls Woods a moron and demands to know who paid him off. He vows to find Anna DiMera and whoever is helping her and bring them to justice!
- Brady arrives at the house of Kiriakis. Henderson nervously tells him he has an illustrious visitor - Nicole. Once they are alone, he does not want to discuss anything with her. Nicole asks for a job at Titan. Brady explains Victor hates her so that is impossible but if she needs money ... She does not want handouts. She wants a new life, and a reason to wake up in the morning. She takes a step toward him and looks at him lovingly. Brady drawls she will not find that here. He is marrying Arianna. She asks what the big rush is. He is not sure what she means. She explains she is seeing clearly now and she knows he still feels something for her. In addition, he is not ready to make a choice about his future. Brady pauses. He states he will not allow her to invent his reality, the way she invents hers. He now gets a business call, reminds Nicole she knows the way out, and saunters into another room. Ring ring! Henderson hurriedly answers the Kiriakis phone.Tis Mr. Hernandez, who is on his way over. Nicole overhears. She takes off her coat, hands it to a baffled Henderson, and proceeds to make herself comfortable. There is soon a visitor at the door. Nicole, all smiles, with a cocktail in hand, opens it to Arianna and purrs what a surprise!
Ari's big brown eyes are filled with worry ...
- Chez Sami, she has a visitor - Elvis, who states she looks a mess. He grins Nicole looks even worse. Sami thanks him for that. He teases about the brawl and then asks if she had a chance to speak with Rafe. She sighs she did and they realized they cannot get past their issues. It appears they are over. Elvis is surprised he let her go. Impossible! Sami uses his hankie to dab at her teary eyes and wonders why he would say that. Elvis replies he has seen her and Rafe together. She complains he cannot get over her lying to him. Elvis suggests she give him time and smiles at her. Sami is surprised by his encouragement. He charmingly tells her he is sure Rafe will forgive her, for he has forgiven her. He knows why she did what she did to him and vice versa. Sami assumes he thinks Rafe will get to the same place. EJ wonders if that is what she believes. She considers.Maybe she and Rafe are different cos he would not have kept secrets if Sydney were his. However, he will not give up until he makes Anna pay for what she did. Elvis does not believe that will happen! Why not, asks she. No one will be able to find Anna, as she learned a lot from Tony. No matter. All he cares about is that they have Sydney back. He wants to start living his life in the present and that present includes her. What does he mean, asks Sami? He wants to focus on the good things and that includes her. She gets uncomfortable. Elvis elaborates. "I understand that our time as a couple has passed." The war between them has done too much damage. But they do have two children and he truly wants what is best for her. He hopes she will see this as a time for celebration.
- Back in paradise, Stefano growls WHO was Anna working with! "Just some guy I hired, some nobody. I couldn't do it all alone." So she admits she stole his granddaughter, concludes the phoenix! Anna, now in her bathrobe, yells at Stefano that yes she grabbed Sydney from Nicole, and
in doing so, she got not only the money, but also got back at Stefano for poor Tony! However, Sydney is back home. No harm done ... Stefano dangerously warns that what is DONE is her! Anna wonders just what he means. He refers to that fact that she is about to DIE! Anna blinks. She finds her voice and starts to stammer.He orders his thug to take her away. The thug grabs her. Anna feebly says she still has something to give him
if he spares her life. "You give me my life and I will give you Sydney," says she. The phoenix is not sure what she is getting at. Anna promises to share information with him - and if he deems it worthless, he can do with her what he wants. Stefano realizes she seems certain of the importance
of her information. She has his word as a DiMera. Now, what does she have? She confesses she was in fact working for a mastermind. He wants the name. Anna boldly announces "EJ DIMERA!" Stefano's eyes flicker
as dangerous music is heard ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives

"EJ is using you!" Will bellows at Sami.

You need to speak to him.
EJ (holding Syd)
Speak to me about wot!

Stefano rages at Anna. "In the end, all you have done is hurt yourself!"