Days of Our Lives April 6, 2010
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Tuesday, April 6, 2010 
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- Replay of Nicole opening the Kiriakis door to unhappy Arianna. Nicole taunts what brings her by? Same thing that brought her by - her fiance! She enters. Nicole pours herself another martini. Ari calls her desperate. Nicole claims she was talking personal things with Brady when he was called away. Ari doubts it. In saunters Brady, who drawls it is true. Ari appears dismayed. Brady had no idea Nicole was still there. She talks of Victor stocking the finest,  then takes her cue to leave. Before departing, however, Nicole informs Brady she would like to take him up on that offer. Brady replies he will make the arrangements. Ari demands to know what is going on. Nicole gets smug. Brady explains tis a loan. Nicole adds she will pay him back, as she was once an executive at Titan. Ari snaps then she got bored and started switching babies! Brady intervenes. Nicole departs in a good mood. Brady assures Ari it was just a loan. Ari laments he did not talk to her about it first.
- At the hospital, happy suited Bo is carrying a red dress for Carly, who is surprised and thrilled to hear he wants to take her on a date. She scurries off to get dressed. Bo is all smiles. He gets off a work call when Carly returns, wearing her red dress. He kisses her. Lazy jazz music is heard.
Bo takes her to a fancy restaurant, pours them each a glass of wine, and toasts to them. Carly smiles it was not necessary to bring her to a fancy restaurant. Bo is impressed she is not vain, and always looks lovely in what she is or is not wearing. She purrs he makes her feel beautiful, no need for all these trimmings. He now admits he is not a fancy place kinda person either. Next time they can have cocoa snuggling by the fireplace. They happily agree that this is their time, their second chance ...
- Chez Sami, Elvis repeats his well wishes for Sami and embraces her. Enter Will. "What the hell!" says he. Sami explains she and EJ were just celebrating the safe state of their kids. She asks him not be judgmental. Will would rather not hear it. Elvis starts to say something ... Will cuts
him off. EJ excuses himself. Once they are alone together, Sami lectures Will for being rude. Will snaps it seems she is out to ruin her life, cos EJ
is there all the time, instead of Rafe! He wants to know when she will get it that Elvis is using her. "Nobody likes him or wants anything to do with him!" He lists a number of people, including Nicole. Sami speaks harshly of Nicole. Will brings up the fact that he just saw her when he was with Syd and he allowed her to say goodbye. Sami looks stunned. He let that monster near her baby?! Will states he felt badly for Nicole when Sydney called her mama. Sami yells how could he let that happen and, her face red, adds it is the most irresponsible thing he has ever done!
-At DiMera mansion, Kate is elated to greet visitors Theo and Lexie. He has a scheduled play date with grandpa Stefano, but he is not there. Lexie asks Kate, who is bejeweled and elegant, if she knows where on earth he might be. He was called out of town on business, but if they like, Theo can stay for a play date. There is a new juicer in the kitchen that he can help with. Kate is glad when Lexie agrees, for she would like to discuss her brother and what he has done. Theo is soon busy in the kitchen with the juicer so the women have a chance to chat. Kate speaks about EJ's attempt to have Stefano evicted. Lexie states EJ is like his father so he
will stick to his guns. Kate, however, thinks she has influence and should speak to him. "Speak to me about wot!" wonders Elvis, having entered with Sydney. Kate excuses herself to get back to the kitchen Once she
has gone, EJ wants to know what his ex-girlfriend wanted. Lexie says she is concerned. He quips she should be, as she will soon need a new place
to live! Lexie advises him to stop focusing on his father. EJ admires how she manages to keep at bay with Theo. He desires the same normalcy for his children. Lexie realizes he wishes to raise his children together with Sami. He smiles he is hopeful ...
- Back at Sami's, she continues to shout at Will, accusing him of bad judgment. Will retorts she was the one who started all the problems by hiding her pregnancy. She lied to EJ because he is a son of a b*tch and now she is with him! Poor Sydney will grow up like he did, with lies, and hoping the next guy will be the dad, only to have everything screwed up because of her! Sami looks ready to cry. Will continues to rage. Sami now suggests maybe he should live elsewhere if he does not like to live under her roof ...
- Halfway across the world, Stefano doubts it when Anna insists she was hired by EJ. She points out he wanted revenge for Stefano's betrayal and he did make him pay, so mission accomplished! Stefano gives her a dark look and accuses her of lying. Anna explains she played the role of the caregiver. Stefano laughs. "My son masterminded the kidnapping?" What a story! He warns Anna that lies are not important. The agreement was she would be spared if she gave him something important. She panics as the thug grabs her. "I can prove it!" She rummages in her purse for her phone and nervously plays a recorded message. Elvis' voice is heard as he speaks of supplies he needs to get for Sydney - proof positive that HE
was the mastermind! Stefano listens. There can be no more doubt. The phoenix remarks the Anna he knew was not that strong. She leers she grew to hate him after what he did to Tony. Stefano barks she has hurt herself! She has given him NOTHING worthwhile! She argues she gave him EJ so what will he do with him? "Elvis, has crossed the line," muses the phoenix, "and he will pay for it!" Anna anxiously places her hand to
her throat. She goes on to warn Stefano that if he sells out EJ, Sami will get custody of Johnny and Sydney. In a nutshell, Stefano will have lost both his son and his grandchildren. Stefano considers. Anna asks if he wants to lose EJ the way he did Tony. The phoenix is not interested in
her advice, though he appreciates the leverage. Anna hopes he will use it to rebuild his family. He soon has the suitcase of cash returned to her and she is relieved things have ended well between them. He now informs her there is just one more thing he needs her to do for him ...
- Back at DiMera mansion, EJ admits to Lexie that he wants a life with Samantha. He simply must find a way to prevent fatha from coming between them.  Lexie advises him to walk away from his vendetta with Stefano. Kate returns with lemonade Theo helped make. She seconds the motion, for a war fought with Stefano will be a war lost! She and Elvis discuss as Lexie steps away with Theo. Kate thinks EJ should rebuild things with his father, for he does love him. EJ quips if he loved him in
a respectful way, he would not have lied to him about Sydney. That was what destroyed their family! He coolly walks out of the room.
- At the house of Kiriakis, Brady is remorseful he did not consult with Ari first. He makes light of the loan. Ari takes it seriously. She feels he is too decent to turn Nicole down, though she is like his stray dog that keeps coming around ... Brady assures her it was a one time deal. Next time Ari will be included in the decision. She agrees. They kiss. Ari now wants to talk wedding. Rafe and Mel both said the same thing, that the pair of them should take off and get married pronto. He wants Vegas, She does not.
He offers to book the tickets wherever she wishes to go and sits down at the computer. She hesitates. He notices. She loves him. He loves her too. She is now just not so sure they should do this ...
- Nicole enters the pub. Kenzie speaks of her excitement about the collage she is making and wants to include her. Nicole shoos her away, but walks over to take a look. She spies a photo of Brady and Ari and quips the happy couple will not last!
- Bo and Carly are slow dancing to a jazz song when the commiss gets an unexpected call. Tis mama Caroline, calling from L.A., with news about Kimberly ...
- Chez DiMera, Kate is surprised to find Will on the doorstep. The teen gasps he and his mom had a fight and he has left for good! He misses his dad, who is in China working for Hearth and Home. Perhaps he will call Aunt Maggie. Kate invites him to stay at the DiMera mansion, her lovely home ...!
- Chez Sami, Elvis returns, only to find Sami an emotional mess. What happened? She cries she does not think Will is coming back and sobs as EJ holds her in his arms. He assures her Will is simply a  Brady teenager, and she soon feels better ...
- Anna tells Stefano she did as he had requested. He suggests she take her money and go and warns if need be, he will find her under whatever rock she tries to hide under! Exit Anna. Stefano dismisses his thug with a wave of the hand, European style. The phoenix now places a call to Elvis and requests a meeting. It is important. Elvis retorts he has nothing to say to him and hangs up. Stefano sighs he did not let him back into his life. Alas the time has come to make him see the error of his ways ...!

Next on Days of Our Lives
Hope asks the hospitalized D.A. if he can give her a name. "Rafe Hernandez," he replies. Dr. Dan and Hope look at each other in surprise.
"I know what happened last night, Rafe," says Gaby.
Sami quietly tells EJ "I don't want you to go back to that house."