Days of Our Lives April 7, 2010
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010 
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- At Brady pub, Bo is dismayed he did not know of Kim's bone marrow transplant need until now. Carly explains these things can happen fast and what good news that he is a match! Bo, however, has misgivings about leaving town now. What if Vivian puts Carly on her hit list! Carly thinks she is the last thing he should be focusing on. She reminds him he scared Viv away. She is not worried. But he is. "I think about you all the time, mostly how much I love you." They kiss. Bo now heads for the house of Kiriakis. He tells Ciara he will be going to Los Angeles for a while, to help make Aunt Kimberly better. "Okay, daddy." They will miss each other. Ciara adds mommy will miss him too and loves him lots. Does he love mommy too? Bo admits he does. Victor stands in the doorway, having overheard. Bo kisses Ciara goodbye and walks out, but not before Vic notes out of the mouths of babes! He speaks of perspective. Bo speaks
of the fact that Vivian had better stay away from Carly or else! Victor silently shuts the door after him. Bo now whips out his phone by the flowers and leaves a message for Hope, that they need to talk ...
- Officer Hope saunters into the hospital, there to see the mugging victim who was brought in. As Dr. Dan checks the computer, Lexie asks Hope
to come over for dinner soon. The D.A. is wheeled in and Dan announces he is the victim. Does he know who did this to him? Yes, he does. "Rafe Hernandez!" Hope looks stunned.In his room, she finds out he did not see the attacker, but he heard him and recognized the voice. It was the voice of Rafe Hernandez, who also went nuts on him at the station earlier. Out in the hall, Mayor Abe informs Lexie he must be visible on the case, as it concerns the powerful D.A. Hope soon emerges, asking about the station altercation between Woods and Hernandez. Abe fills her in on how Rafe snapped.
- At Java Cafe, Gaby joins Rafe and berates him for being a no show at the movies. He glumly says he forgot and looks uncomfortable. Gaby pries. He pays her for the ticket and says only that he was caught up in work stuff. The teen persists. He admits he did not get enough sleep last night. Gaby thinks she knows what it is about. Sami Brady! Rafe drawls he was not even with her last night. Ring ring! Hope needs Rafe to meet her at the station ... Enter Will. Gaby fetches him a latte. Rafe asks how he is doing, Will updates him on moving out after fighting with Sami over her lies, EJ, and Rafe. Rafe promises they will talk later and makes for
the station. Will asks Gaby if she has seen Chad. Speak of the devil! He
is back from practice. Will tells him his dad was beaten up and is now in hospital. "Oh my God!" exclaims Chad and races off.
- Chez Sami, she has just woken up and ties her purple bathrobe, while waking into the living room, remarking that EJ is already up and dressed. She is wearing her FBI shirt underneath.Elvis has prepared breakfast and serves her cereal on the sofa. She is still down about Will. EJ encourages her he will probably be back. She likes his optimism. Ring ring! Tis the phoenix, summoning Elvis to the house under verrry false pretenses! He claims he has decided to agree to a settlement of the house, the DiMera assets. Elvis wonders if he is ready to move out. Stefano plays along. EJ will be there shortly.  Sami wants to know what that was all about. "I won," smugly laughs EJ. "I won!" Sami is not sure. EJ is. He thinks it is because he threatened to move away with Sydney and Johnny so fatha would never see them again, though he did not mean it. He likes the new him. Sami likes the new him, too, and would rather he not go back to that house. He always gets drawn back into the world of the DiMeras. Elvis insists it feels different this time. He will have his nice house! She smiles maybe he really did it and got rid of evil Stefano. She touches his arm and tells him she is proud of him. "Thank you," whispers he, much moved.
- At the hospital, Chad joins D.A. dad in his room, Enter his mom, who quips his father is too mean to die, and gives her son a happy hug.  The D.A.updates them on who attacked him and why. T'was Agent Rafe Hernandez. Chad doubts it, as he knows his sister. The D.A. gets snarky about his taste in girls, referring to Mia as that blond bimbo. Mrs. Woods intervenes. This is not Chad's fault, they should focus on who did this. The D.A. snaps that son of a b*tch Hernandez will not get away with it. His wife agrees. Chad says nothing.
- Back at the mansion, diva Kate approaches the phoenix and voices her displeasure at him letting EJ win. Stefano chuckles. "My dear Katerina,
as you must know by now, things are rarely what they seem!" She still worries they will have to give up their home, and now Will has moved in too. Where will they go? He assures her they will all remain there. Kate gets a glint in her eye and coos just what does he have planned for EJ? "Exactly what he deserves," is the ominous reply. Stefano later sits at his chess table, and solemnly takes a pawn. "Nothing is over until the end game is played, and your end game is coming, Elvis, ready or not!"
- At the station, Rafe shows up to meet Hope and is surprised she wants
to know where he was last night between ten and midnight. Why? Cos
the big bad D.A. was attacked last night and is pointing the finger at him. Rafe gets rather sarcastic. Hope wonders if he has an alibi for the time in question. He is annoyed she thinks he might have done it. She just needs
a tight alibi. He admits he does not have one. He was alone. He drawls if
it had been him, Woods wouldn't be alive, cos he let Sydney's kidnappers go! Hope tries to rein him in, as this case will be tough enough on him without such comments. Rafe blinks. Case? Indeed, since the powerful D.A. was involved!
- Sami gasps in surprise when Will walks in as she folds clothes. He is back! Not exactly. Will is there to pick up his clothes and Kate is with
him. She announces she will give them a few minutes to talk. Sami is all for it. Will, however, thinks there is nothing to say. Sam implores him not to leave. He admits that he is confused. Sami's phone rings. Tis Abe. She answers and cannot hear well so she goes to use the phone in the other room. Will spies the breakfast dishes and realizes EJ was there. Same old same old! He departs and informs Kate he simply cannot live there. They walk off together. Sami soon realizes Will has gone, but Abe has shocking news. Rafe was called in for questioning about the attack on the D.A. and it does not look good!
- Tired Dan is at the pier. Pal Carly approaches with an article about his condition, then steps away to take a call from a patient. Bo shows up and informs Dan he hopes to be a bone marrow donor for his sister. Is it OK, given that surgery he had? Dan gives him his blessing for that but laments he will not be around to protect Carly. Bo assures him he warned Victor so he will probably keep Vivian at bay. Dan doubts it. And he has an idea. While he is away, Carly can move in with him and Chloe. Carly, now off the phone, is against it, but Dan insists, for Melanie's sake. They will talk later. Exit Dan. Once he is gone, Bo would rather not argue and they start to kiss. She will miss him and hopes he will not worry about her. He asks her to walk him to his car. He will call Hope from the airport ...
- Out in the hospital hall, Chad complains to his mother that his father treats people like trash. She says she just wants him to be happy and promises to respect the company he keeps. She asks about Rafe's sister. He replies he just knows her from class. They are not involved, as he messed up by trying to get Mia back. She hopes that is all he messed up. He assures her he has not gone back to drugs. She hugs him and smiles she will always fight to do what is right for him ...
- At DiMera mansion, Stefano has not moved from his chess set. Elvis waltzes in, eager to get right to it!  He has brought the paperwork and requires his signature. Stefano invites him to take a seat and help finish
the game. EJ retorts he is not in the mood for games. The phoenix now dramatically agrees and declares it is time for the games to end! EJ looks
a tad tense. Stefano claims he was just looking at Sydney's photograph. What a lovely smile ... Elvis drawls he should have thought about that before he lied to him about her for a whole year. The phoenix agrees that duplicity is indeed a terrible thing. EJ states he is not interested if he cares to apologize. Stefano continues and points out he was not the only one who lied, for he did it with a vengeance! EJ's eyes flicker. He has not lied. Stefano retorts of course he lied, to many people about many things! EJ wants his signature. Stefano brings up Anna swooping in and getting in
the way. They both underestimated her. He takes another pawn with the black queen and adds "Maybe not. Maybe you were not fooled by Anna
at all." Elvis looks at him questioningly
- Back in his hospital room, the D.A. is with his wife. She tells Abe not to give the FBI agent any special privileges. The D.A. is annoyed to hear Commissioner Bo will be out of town. He reminds Abe he witnessed the first assault, and expects a statement from him. His wife declares justice will be served. Hernandez is going down!
- Chez DiMera, Stefano stands up with a pawn and states he would have assumed EJ had sensed something with Anna. EJ coolly  replies he did not and asks him to sign. Stefano brings up how difficult it must have been to suffer finding Sydney's bloodied dress.He takes a drink and wonders what kind of monster could trick people into believing such a terrible thing. EJ again asks him to sign. Stefano wants help in finishing the game, before it all comes to an end. Elvis reluctantly joins him at the table and moves his knight. "Check." Stefano takes the knight with a black bishop and glares
at him darkly. "MATE!" Elvis is utterly speechless.The phoenix notices. "What? Nothing to say? You lost!" Elvis shoves the remaining pieces to the floor and stands up, angry that he clearly had no intention of signing any papers. "Why should I, I don't have to!" declares the phoenix. Elvis has lost more than a game! EJ arrogantly states that it is not over. Stefano stands up and rages, slapping the pawn into his son's hand."You're right, because you son of a b*tch, I know! You took Sydney! I know all about it, Elvis! You had Sydney all along ...!"

Next on Days of Our Lives

Hope once more asks Rafe where he was last night.
"Rafe would never attack a a weasel like Woods!" Sami exclaims to Abe.
Stefano faces EJ and warns "I can make you pay for what you have done!"