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Thursday, April 8, 2010 All rights reserved. Link Only CONFESSION! - Carly is at the hospital, Dan is at home as they disagree on the phone about her staying at his place. Carly claims Chloe would be upset. Dan wants to talk to her about it. The calls is soon over. Chez Danloe, Chloe has entered the room and looks at him with her baby blues. "Talk to me about what?" There is a knock on the door and Chloe excitedly says she has a surprise! Tis Phil and Mel, whom she invited over for brunch. Mel and Dan are elated. Dan kisses his beloved and thanks her, much moved that she is trying to help them be a family. They later toast to Chloe's wonderful cooking and she admits she microwaved it, courtesy of Chez Rouge. Mel giggles. The meal over, Phil and Mel insist on taking all the dishes to the kitchen. Daniel gets close and murmurs to Chloe it means a great deal to see her and Melanie together, getting along, joking. He gets a call that one of his patients must have surgery and is en route to hospital in an ambulance. He would like to be there, at least so he can assist in the surgery. Mel asks to tag along. He agrees. Chloe asks him not to overdo it. And what did he need to discuss with her? Something complicated. She concludes then it must be about Carly. They will discuss later ... Phil and Chloe are now alone. He laments he is in need of a new reporter for Titan TV. He thinks Chloe would be perfect! She says no thanks. She intends to make being Daniel's wife a full time job. When a timer goes off, Chloe realizes he forgot his medication and it is time for the pills. Phil suggests they head to the hospital together. He points out Dan cannot live without her! - At the pub, Gaby and Chad are arguing about his D.A. dad accusing her brother Rafe. Chad gets his dad some chile and goes back to the hospital. - Carly is still at the hospital, now on the phone with Bo. She disagrees with the notion of her staying at Dan's place, but wants Bo to call her as soon as he knows more about Kimberly. She finishes by saying she loves him and ends the call. Along comes Maggie, who notes she is upset. Carly updates her on Kimberly having leukemia. Maggie asks her to tell Bo she will be in her prayers. She assumes Bo was worried about Carly, as well. Carly admits he fears the wrath of Vivian is still against her still. Maggie understands and thinks Carly should be on her guard. Carly laments Bo actually wants her to stay with Dan ... Dan soon shows up with Mel, ready to help Carly with the surgery. It is tough. She must repair an aortic aneurysm in reverse. Mel watches in awe as Dan talks Carly through it when the patient's blood pressure gets too high. They are soon done. Afterwards, Mel says they make a good team. Dan jokes they put out a pretty good product, too! They sit together and Carly sympathetically remarks it must have been hard for Dan to watch instead of perform the surgery himself. Mel appears content to be with her parents. They are by the elevator ... - At the station, Hope advises Rafe not to cast insults at the D.A. and asks where he was last night, the tape playing. He was alone and is reluctant to say where. He sighs he was taking a walk. She suspects he is withholding something from her. - At DiMera mansion, replay of Stefano telling EJ he knows that he had Sydney all along! Elvis plays it cool and asks how many people he told, a smirk on his face. The phoenix retorts that is all he cares about?? Cocky Elvis drawls he wants to know how many fires to put out. Stefano calls him cold. Elvis points out he lied to him too and now repeats "How many people did you tell!" Stefano appears bemused that is all he cares about. Elvis concludes he has not told anyone, as no posse has surrounded the house. Stefano muses he might tell Samantha and Agent Hernandez. "I could hang you by a finger." Elvis cackles he will not tell anyone because then he would look like a complete idiot! He refers to the accusation as only a theory. Stefano knows his conclusion is right, for Anna could not have acted alone. EJ warns he will only see his grandchildren again if he keeps the secret. Stefano counters by letting him know that he does have another option. "I could make you pay for what you have done and then I'll face the consequences." Elvis gets sarcastic. Stefano mutters he was deliberately cruel, the way he made people suffer over Sydney. EJ retorts he could have him declared demented and put him away! Stefano is not impressed. Elvis suggests the FBI and others will think he was delusional. He also has a plan B. He whips out the paper he wants him to sign so he will have everything and Stefano can retire. The phoenix continues to toy with him. "You really think no one would believe me?" No, says arrogant Elvis. Stefano purses his lips and casually adds "Even if I have proof?" Elvis appears tense. Stefano mentions modern technology and talks about answering machines. He smugly shows Elvis a recording on the computer, starring none other than Anna. She gives a statement against EJ, and tells all about him approaching her for 5 million dollars for the deal! Yes, she wrote the ransom notes, but EJ dictated them. He also got the cabin and hired Benny. The sydnapping was payback to Sami for betraying him. Stefano pauses the confession and adds there is more of pretty much the same. "The point is, I can now nail you to the wall!" EJ breaks out in a cold sweat. - Sami shows up at the police station, frantic to see Rafe. Abe warns her to calm down or she will makes things worse for him! Sami defends him for getting aggressive with the slimy D.A. and gasps that does not mean he attacked him! Abe agrees and tries to calm her down. Ring ring! Sami steps away to take a call from the pediatrician she wanted to reach. The mayor is handed a copy of the D.A.'s official statement. No different than what he said earlier. Abe hopes Hernandez has one rock solid alibi! Sami gets off her phone and spies Woods' file on the desk. She takes a peak. Abe enters and demands to know what she is doing. Sami retorts these are lies and she can prove it! - At the hospital, Chad and his mom are with the snarky D.A.. Abe calls. Woods wants to know what is taking so long and threatens to send over a special prosecutor. Mayor Abe knows he gave a get outta jail card to an accomplice in a kidnapping. Furthermore, Hernandez is a decorated FBI agent. He warns Woods not to push him or he will arrange to have him dropped as the D.A. Woods gets off the phone and complains the mayor threatened him. Chad now asks if he is sure it was Hernandez who beat him up. D.A. dad snarls he should think with his brain for a change. He should have left him in boarding school! Chad's mom leads Chad out of the room before things can get uglier. Down at the pier, he complains to his mom about the boarding school comment. His father treats him like dirt! Along comes Gaby. Chad makes the introductions. Chad's mother smiles she is looking forward to getting to know her better. - Sami talks to Hope at the station and claims Rafe was with her and the kids at home all evening. Abe and Hope doubt it but play along. Hope will need to corroborate her story and takes her to see Rafe. Hope wants Rafe to corroborate. He quips he did not see her at all. And she should not lie for him! Exit Hope. Sami thinks Rafe is just mad at her so he will not let her help him. He claims it is more than that. She claims she just wanted to help him. She loves him. He loves her but adds it is not enough. He is troubled she wanted to lie and refers to people not changing. Sami sadly asks if he means there is no hope for them. He sadly replies he does not see how they can get past it all ... - Hope drops by Maggie's kitchen for a visit. Maggie brings up Bo being away and realizes Hope does not yet know about Kimberly. Maggie states Bo left her several messages and he did want to talk to her before he left. Hope is curious if he told her that. No, though she ran into Carly and she told her. Hope is not happy to hear it, yet understands she must get along with Bo for the sake of their daughter. - Back at the hospital, Chloe and Phil step out of the elevator, only to see the scene of Daniel seated happily between Carly and Mel, as the group enjoy coffee and laughs. They stare at the happy little family. - Chez DiMera, EJ stammers a video proves nothing. The phoenix warns he could have a chat with the mother of his child and her FBI boyfriend! That will be proof enough for them and they will spend the rest of their days trying to get him behind bars. Therefore, he should be very scared! Elvis finally concedes defeat. "What do I have to do to stop you?"Stefano calmly says he wants him to do something he has not done for a long time - tell the truth. Pause. Stefano starts to walk away. Elvis blurts out "Fine, you're right! I kidnapped Sydney." The phoenix points at him decidedly. "And you are going to regret it. I'll see to that ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives Carly tells Vivian to shut up and listen! STEFANO How are you going to stop me? ELVIS By any means necessary, old man! SAMI He's changed. ROMAN He's a DiMera. They don't change! |
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