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- Holly and Tate have unluckily run into Brady, who wonders about camp. Tate sprained his ankle. Brady wonders why Holly is with him. Tate comes clean about being on Smith Island ... Sarah leaves hubby Xander another message and wonders to Maggie where he is. She senses he is obsessed with finding the individual who ran her down ... Jada refuses to give Xander the suspect name so he stops her from leaving the square. She gives him a warning look ... Marlena returns home. The blonde in blue is worried about Brady ... At DiMera mansion smug Kristen ends a call and boasts to Stefano's portrait about saving Brady cos he is family. Bad ass EJ has overheard and taunts wot did sister do. She airily claims she fired Ava cos she slept with Stefan. Gabi insisted she fire her or no Gabi Chic. She would do anything to protect the DiMera legacy. EJ knows a lie when he hears one and demands the whole truth ... Suave John comes back from his visit with his pop and gives Marlena a kiss ... Tate comes clean about his Horton cabin stay so he could sneak around with Holly. Brady is livid the lad lied all summer ...
- Maggie has had her own share of tragedies and tells Sara tils alright to be mad. Sara is more worried about what Xander will do to the driver of that car that ran her down ... Jada reminds Xander SHE will find and arrest the perp who hit Sara and strongly suggests he back off. The Great Scot is sorry. She promises she will let him know when she can proceed with what she might have. She knows how it feels when a loved one has been harmed and suggests he go to Sara ... Sara hears from Maggie that when she lost her parents in an accident and got injured she vowed to keep the farm and their legacy alive. Her legs were not working for a while but she survived just as she knows Sara the great medicine woman, wife and mother will. One must count the blessings ... EJ taunts Kristen about her unconvincing story and suggests she cease speaking her secrets aloud to fatha, who already knows all ...
- Holly and Tate come clean to Brady, who wants to speak to "son" alone. Tate tries to explain. Brady stops him. Tate assumes he is in a lot of trouble ... John is bewildered and bothered to hear about Brady's stolen car. The silver fox wonders why Jada is investigating and suggests it could be connected to the hit and run investigation involving Sara. Marlena updates him on Brady speaking to Kristen. John senses she could have helped him get rid of the car. Marlena knows Brady would never have knowingly left Sara by the roadside. John agrees but what if he was drunk? ... Brady is miffed his son let Aaron use his lacrosse spot. Tate claims he wanted to tell him but worried how he would react. Brady remembers Kristen assuming he had hit and run Sara and zones out. Here comes Xander ...
- Sara shares her worry with Maggie. How can she keep up with her little girl when she starts running? Maggie reassures her. Here comes Holly, who wants to come clean about running around with Tate on Smith Island. She regrets lying to them both. Maggie now realizes why the key could not be found the other night ... EJ taunts Kristen for her plots and schemes. She has the top job at DiMera soooo she must have been scheming about Brady. Here comes Jada, who wants a word with D.A. EJ. Kristen exits the room but lingers and listens at the door. Jada informs the intrigued D.A. she has a suspect and a grey car but there cannot be a paint comparison as suspect said the car was stolen. However she has a witness who saw said car parked in the garage the same night of the accident. EJ calls it circumstantial. Jada knows they would need the car for proof and wonders whether or not he intends to indict ...
- The silver fox wonders whether doc believes Brady has fallen off the wagon. The blonde had some doubts while hubby was in Greece. He was struggling after the Teresa fiasco and assured Paul he was attending meetings. She wishes she had sat him down for a serious discussion ... Tate tells Xander how sorry he was to hear about Sara. Xander notes the cops now have a suspect and need to nail the perp. Brady listens in silence ... When Jada reveals to D.A. EJ that the suspect is Brady Black he smugly suggests she arrest him immediately. Kristen sighs ... Maggie explains to confused Holly that Sara and Xander intended to spend their wedding night at the cabin but alas the redhead could not find the keys (which Holly took) Sara was coming over to help her search. Holly suddenly realizes that was when Sara was hit by a car. She blames herself. And so the soap gods of teen karma strike again. Sara says tis not her fault but she runs off in tears. Enter bewildered Xander ...
- Jada believes EJ has a Brady vendetta. He arrogantly suggests she read Mr. Black his rights. Exit Jada. Kristen steps away and innocently asks if there are any leads. Jada knows she overheard and suggests if she knows anything ... Kristen dismisses her ... John believes if Brady was the hit and run driver he must man up and come clean. He plans to confront him cos the silver fox will know if his son is lying ... Tate wonders who could have hit Sara and driven away like that. He is relieved there is a suspect. He suddenly notices Brady's silence. Brady accuses him of attempting to change the subject. Tate boasts nothing bad happened from him and Holly sneaking around. Brady now gets a text from Kristen. that the cops are going to arrest him so he should RUN. He tells Tate to get a ride with Holly and excuses himself to take care of something ... Holly now returns to confused Tate and cries they are to blame for Sara's accident ... Xander and Sara agree that only the driver of the hit and run is to blame for her accident. She wonders where he was. He saw Jada at the square. She has a prime suspect but would not give him a name ... Back at DiMera mansion Kristen innocently asks what Jada wanted. EJ smugly states she is going to arrest her baby daddy suspect and suggests sister was already in the know ... John leaves Brady a fatherly message and hopes he will call him back ... Jada is at the station already on the phone about the arrest warrant. Brady steps up to turn himself in, still not aware that the real hit and driver was Xander's troublemaking motha.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on AUGUST 27, 2024