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- Woeful Holly tells Tate what happened to Sara and Xander that fateful night - all because THEY stole Maggie's key ... Sara hopes to return home. Vendetta Xander cannot wait for Jada to reveal the suspect and vows revenge ... Fiona is with the baby at the square wishing she had a drink and sighs she stole Sara's future. Here comes suited Justin ... John curses he cannot reach Brady. Marlena wonder whether they are on the right track. He laments it does not look good. Meanwhile at the station Brady confesses he ran over Sara to Commiss Jada, not realizing he is really an innocent man. Jada wonders why confess now? To do the right thing cos he has a son plus he feels guilty as soap sin. He calls himself evil. Jada reminds him he has the right to an attorney ... Strange music plays as Fiona admits to Justin the granddaughter is her confidant. She remembers Justin was the one who had the letta that changed their lives. Justin updates her on the partial plate of the hit and run driver and hopes the perp will get caught soon. She plays along ...
- Xander returns and announces Sara will be released soon. The redhead will ask Fiona if she needs any help with Victoria, kisses her darling daughter and goes. Xander and Sara are elated about her imminent release. Her great Scot also has an idea ... Holly is upset her and Tate's deception lead to Sara's accident. Tate argues they are not to blame for the timing. Holly confesses she came clean to Maggie and Sara, then realized the implications and ran out. Tate insists the real guilty party is the unknown hit and run driver ... Marlena doubts Brady would lie. The silver fox wonders whether he said something to Paul and gives his other son a call ... Xander suggests a move to the wheelchair friendly, well staffed Kiriakis mansion and argues Maggie would be able to help. Sara agrees to that and his other idea that FIONA move in as well. Oh oh!
- Justin thanks Fiona for coming to town and clarifying that Alex was not Vic's heir after all. He is grateful he got his son back. Ring ring. He takes Brady's call. Brady summons him to the station as his lawyer. He just confessed ... to Sara's hit and run. Justin gasps. Fiona wonders. Justin sighs Brady just confessed he was the driver ... Tate tells Holly about Brady's odd text before he took off. He is worried about his pop and wants to head home. Holly wants to go too since their precious days together could be numbered ... John ends his call with unseen unheard Paul, who said he caught Brady almost having a drink when he recently saw him. However, Brady gave it to Paul. Marlena is hopeful it was a one-off but John has a sinking feeling ... Xander brings the wheelchair for now dressed Sara, who wants to get in by herself. He smiles he is with her all the way and suggests today they do it together. Then he lifts the woman he loves and gently places her in the chair. She kisses him ...
- Fiona curses and decides she needs another drink. Here comes Maggie. The redhead wonders why so pale. Fiona updates her on the bastard driver calling Justin to rep him. It was BRADY. The redhead gasps in horror ... Spiffy Justin arrives at the station and asks to be alone with client Brady. Jada agrees but wants his statement after. Alone with his client Justin urges Brady to share every detail. Alas tis all fuzzy cos Brady cannot really remember ... John intends to track down Brady and is about to leave when Holly and hobbling Tate appear. Marlena assumes he is on crutches cos he got injured at lacrosse camp. Alas he did not attend said camp ... Justin probes. Brady admits he has been on benders. The night of the accident he had been at a bar and believes he must have hit Sara while he was drunk driving. He can remember waking up in the driver's seat in his car but does not remember driving into the parking garage. His front fender had the telltale damage. Justin thinks that sounds like he is not certain he did it ... At the Kiriakis mansion Xander is waiting on dahling, who thanks hunky hubby for his support. He kisses his beloved and then she kisses him. Now she wants ... a lemon bar ...
- Maggie wonders whether Brady was drinking and reads a text from Xander, who is taking Sara home to the Kiriakis mansion with the baby. Maggie adds he wants mum to move in too. Fiona is over the moon. Maggie praises her for what a great help she has been. She also wonders what Xander will do when he hears Brady was the one who ran down his wife. There was already bad blood there ... Xander brings Sara her lemon bars and wants a kiss ... Ring Ring! Tis Commiss Jada calling cos they have someone in custody. He demands the name of the bastard ... Back at John and Marlena's abode, the supercouple are shocked to hear of Holly and Tate's seasonal deception. John wonders how Brady reacted. He looked bothered about something and bolted. John now gets a shocking call from a contact ... As she packs in her hotel room Fiona remembers her fling with Brady, whom she then hung out to dry. She feels a bit badly and considers coming clean that she was the drunk driver ... Justin notes Brady does not have the necessary memories. Brady is convinced he did it cos he can hear the screeching tires in his head. Justin orders him just to share the facts of what he recalls with the other side. He must not confess. Guilt-ridden Brady, however, vows to do the right thing. If only he knew how wronged he had been by his older woman ... Meanwhile Maggie comes home to Sara, who heard Brady was the driver. Xander already stormed off ...
- Xander storms into the station demanding Brady. Jada orders him home. Xander growls he must have gone off the wagon, barges into Brady and Justin's room and starts to strangle him ... John ends his call and reveals his old buddy's intel to curious Tate. The driver who hit Sara was Tate's father ... Fiona feels for Brady but decides she has too much to lose and leaves with her suitcase, destination the Kiriakis mansion. Meanwhile Jada and Justin pull murderous Xander off Brady, who insists he is sorry. Xander vows to make him spend the rest of his rotten life in lockup! Brady blinks ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on AUGUST 28, 2024