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- Chad leaves Abigail a message he is heading home. Thomas would like to know to whom he was speaking … Mark is at the square relieved to hear phone Abigail's assurance Chad believed he was only giving her directions. Mark nervously alludes to trouble and Felicity overhears ... At the pub Kristen reads of Brady's confession and sighs she would have had his back. Here comes Ava, mad she did nothing to help HER ... Connie ignores Kristen's texts to Melinda, who is still tied to the bed and now struggling while paper doll Li watches ... At DiMera mansion gumption Gabi has divided the living room into her half vs Stefan's. Her lawyer advised her to make sure she still has a primary residence at the mansion. Stefan asks for forgiveness but gets none. She hisses his girlfriend should stay in his half of the house and marches off with her tape and her attitude ...
- Kristen assures Ava she is sorry. Ava sits down but is still sarcastic. She worries Gabi will go after her now. Kristen reminds her she slept with Stefan ... Connie has texted back Kristen as Melinda and enters the bedroom. Mad Melinda refuses to eat her slop. Connie speaks to the Li cardboard doll. Melinda snaps he is dead. Connie blames Melinda, Gabi and Stefan for that and almost admits what she did ... Thomas wanted a drink of water and wonders why dad Chad said he was going home ... Mark ends his call and greets sweet sis, who heard him say something about big trouble ... Back at the house of DiMera EJ hears that Gabi has cut the room in half. EJ hates the unsightly tape on the rug and refuses barriers in his own dang house. Stefan snaps brother's meddling made Gabi come after him ...
- Ava and Kristen continue to clash until Kristen gets a strange text from Melinda Trask ... Connie boasts she busted up Gabi's marriage and warns there is more to come for those who done Li wrong ... Gabi pays fake Abigail a visit and intros herself. She eyes her and notes there is no resemblance to the Abigail she knew ... Thomas noticed dad Chad not being at home in the morning anymore ... Mark fibs he was speaking with Aaron on the phone. He was mad he lied about paying for the lacrosse camp ... Chad admits he has an old friend in town who is recovering from an accident at the mansion. He is trying to help and there is a lot of room there. He promises his son he will be back at their house soon. Thomas wonders if the girl is his girlfriend ... Gabi asks Abigail to leave the tape as she and Stefan are at war. Abigail acts sympathetic. Gabi notes they were never really friends. Abigail sighs she heard she and Stefan had a fling but Gabi knows she was not herself and blames Stefan ...
- EJ reminds brotha the mansion is half HIS so Gabi had better not muck with him. Stefan is relieved to hear he is on his side but EJ is livid he hooked up with Ava Vitali. Stefan warns him to stay away from her. EJ taunts his twin was engaged to her and suggests that heart is the one in charge. He cackles he needs luck and downs his drink ... Kristen admits she was after legal advice but new hire Melinda is taking a break. Connie now sees her text reply and taunts Melinda that Kristen is mad about her leave of absence. Melinda suggests she could reply more realistically but Connie does it herself and tells her to take the job and ... Back at the pub Ava and Kristen agree that does not sound like the Melinda they know. Ava remembers her saying she would go confront Connie for her fraudulent resume but refuses to reveal what she might know since she no longer works at DiMera ...
- Melinda warns Connie that people are searching for her. Connie gets catty about her popularity. Melinda also warns her about Karma but alas has no luck ... EJ has not forgotten Stefan and Gabi coming after him. Stefan wishes they could be like brothers. EJ scoffs he cares not what happens to him ... Gabi tells faux Abigail about Gaby with a Y but harbors no bad feelings about her sleeping with Stefan. Faux Abigail is sympathetic. Gabi warns her about trusting anyone at the mansion and goes on her smug way ...
- Chad assures his son he has no girlfriend. He promises their family will all be under the same roof verrrrry soon ... Mark thanks Felicity for the fabulous apple fritter. She hopes he will not be hard on brother Aaron but he notes he should not have lied. She still misses their late mom and dad who were lost in that accident. He tells her he will always be around and gives her a tragic hug ... Chad returns to Abigail and updates her on Thomas noticing he was not home. He hated lying about being with a friend. She hopes he will not tell him she is alive ... Gabi is surprised to see Connie at the DiMera door. Her cold is almost gone and she will return to work tomorrow. She hands her notes she made for tomorrow's meeting for the new Gabi Chic line. Gabi almost forgot and boasts she is going after Stefan and the DiMera mansion. Connie suggests she cheat on him just like he cheated with Ava. Gabi gets a glint in her eye ...
- Tough cookie Ava will only spill her secret if Kristen rehires her. Kristen claims she cannot and takes her leave. Meanwhile Melinda is gasping and struggling ... Ava runs into catty Connie outside the pub. She blasts her for telling Gabi. Connie talks back so the former mafia princess reminds her who she is. In addition she knows that Melinda fired her! ... Gabi overhears EJ telling Stefan he hopes Gabi goes after him for everything and suggests brotha really wants Ava, whom he and Gabi both loathe. Gabi is his new bff in that respect. Gabi keeps listening and remembers Connie's suggestion she hit back at Stefan with a new lover ... Anxious Abigail wants to protect the children and suggests she needs more time. Chad already promised Thomas they would be together soon so she suggests he ... move out. Chad stares since she certainly does not sound like his loving wife. If only he knew the truth!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on AUGUST 29, 2024