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- Fake Abi suggests the kids need dad Chad. She will remain at the mansion. Chad says no ... Steph is decorating as she dances around her old place. Knock knock. Tis Jada bearing Everett's urn ... Melinda is awake, struggles and gets mad at paper doll Li. She flashes back to Connie admitting she killed Li ... Ava informs Connie that Melinda went over to fire her. Connie denies seeing her and threatens to sue them all ... EJ calls Gabi aka Ava's enemy his new friend and downs his drink. Stefan stares ... Gabi texts her minion ... Connie warns Ava not to gossip about her or Gabi. Ava scoffs. Boss lady summons so weird Connie takes off on her next assignment ...
- Chad is concerned about the DiMera family discord. Abi sighs she will not sleep with a brother again ... Stefan insists EJ hates Gabi, who sweeps in and warns Stefan she will win it all. She taunts she told Abigail what he did once upon a time. His phone rings so she gets it and tosses it over to his side of the room. Stefan leaves as there was a fire alarm at his bistro. Flunky Connie did it and smugly texts Gabi ... Jada asks Steph to deal with Everett's ashes. Steph solemnly agrees. The talk turns to Brady Black turning himself in for the accident that hurt Sara. Jada senses she is missing something ... Melinda now knows Connie killed Li and flails like her life depends on it ... EJ gets anotha drink. Gabi ends a call regarding Rafe and he asks after him. Alas there is no update. EJ gets snarky and they air their grievances about one another ... Ava runs into stressed Stefan outside the bistro where the false alarm went off. Gabi was at the mansion so it was not her. Ava suggests it could have been strange sidekick Connie ...
- Connie comes back to lucid Melinda, who notes neither she nor Gabi nor Stefan stabbed Li. She suggests therefore Connie did it ... Chad does not want wife near so many strangers. She suggests her memories will return soon. Meanwhile they must protect the children. Chad admits he used to live with another woman and their breakup took a toll on his kids. The other woman was her cousin Steph ... Jada is having a tough time doing Rafe's job and feels to blame because of Everett. The docs warned her the longer Rafe is comatose the less likely he is to wake up. Steph points out they are all praying and hopes her pal is sleeping enough. Alas no since the department is short staffed. Steph gives her a supportive hug. Somber Jada leaves as Leo arrives. Steph is surprised to see him. He has his Body and Soul bio ready. Steph crosses out the lies and he suddenly sees Everett's ashes. He wonders what she plans to do with them ...
- Faux Abigail acts understanding. Chad is mad someone told her about her alters and that someone was Gabi ... Gabi complains about Stefan's cheatin heart with Ava. EJ sighs she ensnares many males. The cattiness continues and she suggests she did him a favor cos Nicole always wanted Eric anyway. He gets clooooser ... Ava suggests crazy Connie pulled the alarm for Gabi and adds she lied on her resume so she could work for her and more ... Connie blows up about Melinda suggesting she offed Li the love of her life and uses the D word. Deathwish ... Chad suggests Abigail avoid Gabi and Stefan and Kristen too. Matter of fact she should not stay at the mansion. She wonders where else she could go ... Steph sadly decides on a service for Everett. Leo is sympathetic. She wonders who would attend and suggests Leo. He notes he did not know him well and suggests Connie cos he did say she was his friend ... Melinda covers by claiming she was thinking of those cool crime podcasts. Multiple suspects means someone is smart. Connie loves the praise and gushes she always gets away with it ...
- Ava updates suspicious Stefan on Melinda going over to confront Connie but now apparently has quit. Tis strange timing ... Gabi coos she and EJ are similar with their conniving ruthlessness. All she ever wanted was love but now is after revenge for what Stefan did. She reminds EJ what a fool Nicole made of him. He must be feeling frustrated ... He wonders wot she is after and she whispers he knows ... Chad offers Abigail a Salem Inn room. She would rather stay at the mansion and assures Chad it will only be for a while. Chad accepts that and goes to pack. She can call anytime ... Steph never heard of Connie but Leo explains tis Gabi's new assistant. Steph wonders how she and Everett became acquainted ... Connie boasts to horrified Melinda that she murdered Bobby Stein for standing in her way. Right now the only reason Melinda is alive is cos Li asked her not to kill her. For now ...
- Ava admits she needs a job more than any gossip speculation. Stefan would hire her in a heartbeat but Gabi would not approve and he is trying to save their relationship ... EJ teases Gabi is not his type. The femme fatale suggests they use one another to show them all ... Chad looks around the empty DiMera living room, sighs and leaves the building ... Upstairs in her bedroom the Abigail imposter unhappily picks up an old pic of Chad and wife in happier days ... Steph decides to reach out to Connie cos she might want to attend Everett's memorial. Leo thinks tis a good idea ... Meanwhile murderous Connie has just told stunned Melinda that Everett was the reason she had to stab Rafe. Melinda starts to sweat ... Jada implores sleeping beauty Rafe to wake up ... Ava leaves Melinda a message. It concerns Connie ... Connie notices Ava called. This poses a problem ... Stefan implores his beloved Gabi to open her door cos he could never stop loving her ... Meanwhile EJ and femme fatale Gabi madly make out on the bed ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on AUGUST 30, 2024