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Monday, December 13, 2010 up at 5:30 pm est, December 10 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! DOUBLE JEOPARDY - Chloe arrives at Phil's place. He has something for the baby that Daniel should not know about. She becomes apprehensive. He explains that seeing how Parker makes her and Daniel happy got to him. And then he found something in an old box from high school. He hands it to her. Chloe is elated to see the song she wrote for Joy when she feared she might not live long enough to sing it to her sister. He adds she got better, and then they broke up. He thought she might want to sing it to Parker. She thanks him for being the first boy who ever looked at her twice. Flashback to teen Phil insisting shy teen Chloe remove her glasses and gasping he could not imagine why anyone would want to hide eyes like that! Back to reality. Chloe admits he is the first person she ever really loved. He chuckles he blew it. She nervously laughs so did she. They are now thankful for having each other in their lives as good friends and share a tender hug. - Mel visits with papa Dan and holds her baby brother. She coos soon he will be Uncle Parker. Dan hopes she is not ... Not yet. He asks if she is trying to get pregnant. No, but they are just not trying not to. Dan presses. Mel would rather not discuss. Dan gets worried. Is Phil in on this plan? Yes. Dan is somewhat relieved. However, he points out she and Phil have not been together long. He and Chloe were ready and he was ready to say goodbye to date nights, random travel. Is she sure that is where she and Phil are at? "Yes," replies Mel. Dan suspects there is more. "Why all of a sudden are you in a rush to have a baby?" Mel explains her near death experience made her see things differently. She wants to give a child all she never had. Papa Dan reminds her when she was sick, she said she wanted Nath. A baby with Phil will not solve any marital problems they might be having ... Chloe returns home. She hopes she is not interrupting something. Phil later arrives and the gang admire Parker, who has a dimple. Dan wonders what side of the family that comes from! - At the pub, Steph promises to protect Caroline and not say anything about Parker's real paternity. She also does not wish to rock the boat with Nath, hence her decision. She informed Nath all she wanted to tell him was that she wanted to get married fast. Caroline points out mother Kayla will eventually come back with her demands she tells the truth. It could be some kind of problem. Enter Nath and he would like to know what is some kind of problem. Steph lies they were discussing an email she got from her folks, who are now in Zanzibar. Nath states they cannot get married without her parents, but Steph does not want to wait! Her family could use some happiness. Enter Will. Caroline is surprised he is there to see Gabi, who smiles coyly at him. They sit at a table and discuss last night. She is sorry they got caught up. Will grins her is not sorry at all! She is relieved he does not think badly of her and shows him the pictures of the wedding. Will suddenly notices something and frowns. He shows it to Gabi ... - At DiMera mansion, Johnny is bored as EJ tells him of getting gifts on Boxing Day when he was a boy. He assures Johnny that he loves him even though he is giving him the cold shoulder. Johnny yells his daddy hates him, as he does not allow him to see his mother and tells him not to touch him. EJ calmly tells him Lexie is taking him to see Father Christmas today. Johnny gets madder and calls him stupid cos his name is Santa! EJ asks him to mind his tone, then whips out the drawing Johnny made of his family and wishes he could be in it. Johnny gets madder, shouts no, he cannot, and tears it in half. - At the loft, Sami angrily bangs while trying to wrap Christmas presents. Seeing Sydney's present made her sad, then she got mad. Rafe enters and remarks she ruined an ornament but mad is better than sad. Sami laments she goes from mad to sad and wonders how hard this Christmas must be for Johnny. Rafe reassures her, then must head off to a new gig. Alone again, Sami angrily sings "We wish you a Merry Christmas" until she gets a call from EJ. "I need to see you right away!" he announces. - Abe joins Lexie at the hospital, where has just given Theo a vaccination. He proudly reads to papa Abe. Abe is utterly amazed. "He's reading!" Lexie smiles. The boy reads the whole storybook, but then seems not to remember it. Lexie's face falls. Abe praises him for his good job reading as Lexie escorts him out. Lexie returns to Abe, concerned that Theo is not understanding the words he reads. Abe tries to make her feel better, then asks how Sami is, after she mentions seeing Johnny. Lexie now informs him that EJ seems to have made Sami give him custody of the kids. Abe is shocked. They both agree he must have leverage on her. - Sami meets with EJ at the mansion. He updates her on Johnny's rough night of tantrums and nightmares. "He wants to see his mother." He is not sure he will let her see him. First they would need to get a couple of things straight. Sami's eyes flicker. She calls it torture for him to prevent the lad from seeing his mother. EJ warns her to behave or else they can go to the station together. He talks closure and now drops a bomb. "You are going to go and tell our son that you don't t love him anymore!" And she must make him believe it so the boy can move on. She calls him a sociopath. He claims it is necessary to make Johnny independent. She quips he is wrong, for then he would end up dead inside like him! She snaps at him to go to hell and storms out. Outside the DiMera door, Sami gets a call from Bo. "You need to get down to the station. Now!" She frowns. - Mayor Abe has just confronted Bo at the police station for not doing his professional and moral duty. If Sami shot EJ, he must bring her in. His job is at stake! He reminds him how he even had Hope investigate herself recently. Bo drawls is re-election coming up? Abe remains firm. He must protect the integrity of the department. Either they do the right thing, or he and Roman are fired! Sami walks in and speaks her mind to Abe about his own conflict of interest, being married to a DiMera, not to mention the things Lexie has done in the past. Abe states it is a far cry from attempted murder. Sami haughtily tells him to get his own house in order and leave them alone. Abe gives her a look. Bo gets Sami to stop and tells her they need her assurances that Rafe, who has just been hired by him, is not an accessory to attempted murder. Could anyone ever step forward with such a claim? Sami insists that will not happen. Bo thinks things should stand in that case. Abe drawls he hopes they do not regret it and walks out. Bo follows him. Sami now places a call to EJ. She will do as he asked, but only if he does something for her ... - Rafe visits Victor at the elegant Kiriakis mansion. He is wearing a suit jacket and tells him he is on his way to becoming a detective with the Salem P.D. He wanted to have a chat with him before it became official. "And that would interest me because ...?" asks the Greek tycoon. Rafe suggests he can offer him a deal. Victor is intrigued. Rafe declares they have a common enemy in EJ DiMera. Victor pretends they are fine. Rafe insists he is not wearing a wire and drawls he wants the s.o.b. out of his wife's life permanently. Victor decides he seems to have a pragmatic streak. Rafe tells him the deal. Vic passes on any intel he gets on EJ, and when Rafe brings him down, hauls him off to jail - or worse - the Greek tycoon gets to deliver the news to Stefano. Victor is pleased ... - Back at DiMera mansion, Johnny has his back to EJ as he lies that he called mommy and she did not want to come and see him. No answer. - At the hospital, Lexie is sadly standing in a room. Enter Ben, and he notes that something is the matter. She tells him that she had wrongly assumed her autistic son made a major breakthrough. However, he does not comprehend what he reads. She fights back the tears and laments she is upset with herself. Ben advises her to go easy on herself and hands her a tissue. She thanks him. He tells her he is a great listener, if ever she needs one and hugs her. Enter Abe. He stops in his tracks upon seeing the embrace ...! - Also at the hospital, Steph leaves Adrienne a voice mail. She runs into Caroline and they continue talking about the hurried wedding. Steph believes Kayla not being around is a sign. She and Caroline believe that what they did is right. Stephanie loudly announces no one ever needs to know that Phillip cheated on Melanie. Nearby, Dan has overheard the silly goose ...! - Bo returns to his office, where Rafe awaits. Sami, however, has flown the coop! - Gabi and Will stop by the station to see Rafe and show him the picture in which they have noticed something unusual ... - Sami faces EJ at the mansion and makes him promise not to prevent Rafe from getting the job with the Salem P.D. EJ drawls he could not care less about the bumbling Salem P.D. He now calls Johnny downstairs so she can keep her end of the deal. Johnny excitedly throws himself into her arms. EJ tells him she has too many children to take care of. Sami tells the devastated boy she does not love him and she is sorry. She holds up her palm, making the sign that she really loves him. Johnny lets EJ lift him up. EJ says he still has him. Johnny grins and shows Sami his palm right back! Sami departs. EJ calls Johnny a brave boy and assures him this is not his fault. "It's okay, I'm fine," grins the lad. - Outside the door, Sami cries and vows that this is not over, not by a long shot ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "We gotta get past this selfish attraction so that no one else gets hurt," Nath informs Mel. Nicole rages at Brady. "You bastard, you lied to me!" Rafe faces EJ. "Just look at the pictures and tell me what you see!" |
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