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Tuesday, December 14, 2010 up at 5 pm est, December 13 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! THE WHOLE TRUTH - OR NOT! - At the station, Rafe agrees with Will and Gabi that something is strange in the photo. One of Johnny's pupils appears white. In all of the photos! Will has not yet told Sami. Rafe suggests they reprint the pics and take it from there. They head back to the loft and Rafe prints them out again, hoping it was a glitch in the other printer. After five different prints, they are dismayed to see the left pupil is still white. Rafe points out it could be the angle, thanks them, and assures them he will handle it. The teens depart. Rafe looks solemnly at the photos and also leaves, like a man on a mission. - At the pub, Mel asks Nath why he and Steph have moved up their wedding date. Is she pregnant like when she threw away her pills? "No!" Nath announces. Mel reminds him he told her he loved her in quarantine. Was he lying then? "Hello no!" he insists. She wants to know why he is marrying Steph if he has feelings for her. They sit at a table and discuss. He had planned to tell Steph the truth, but then a patient told him of her wonderful life with her husband even though he was not her soul mate. Besides, he and Mel are not possible, as she is a married woman. She glumly wonders if there is anything else. Nath adds they do not know each other. Yes, they have an attraction, though they should not blow what they already have in their lives. Mel agrees. Their significant others are so perfect for them. Nath suggests they get past their selfish attraction. Mel agrees it is best to be in the no broken hearts club. Besides, she and Phil are trying for a baby. Nath uncomfortably states that is great and adds he must get to work, They both stand up. Mel admits she cannot stop thinking about what they said in quarantine. Nath points out they were sick at the time, though his eyes mirror the depth of his feeling ... - At the hospital, replay of Caroline and Steph talking about the secret she intends to keep that way, despite Kayla's wishes, Steph loudly saying no one ever needs to know that Phillip cheated on Melanie. Dan is nearby and has overheard. "Cheating on my daughter," he muses. And then he tells her he wants to have a baby? "I will kill you!" he breathes, seething. Meanwhile, Maxine has approached Steph for a word. She and Caroline soon spy Dan, who is supposed to have a day off. He was just making a few rounds. He congratulates Steph on her engagement news and hastily excuses himself. - Elsewhere, Abe walks in on Ben consoling Lexie. Lexie is surprised to see him. He tensely quips he can tell! Ben gets back to work. Abe gives Lexie the evil eye and wants to know what was going on between herself and Ben Walters. She explains he was being sympathetic. Abe asks is she sure? She thinks he is overreacting. Abe gets mad about her getting so physically close to a co-worker. She explains she was upset about Theo. Abe bitterly points out she ran straight into the arms of another man instead of calling him. Lexie insists she only talked, Ben listened. But that is not how Abe sees it! Lexie wonders where this is coming from ... Abe admits he had a run-in with Sami, who reminded him of some past issues they had, hence his worry. After all, what man would not be interested in her? Lexie assures him she is only interested in him! Abe laments he has failed both her and Theo. He should not have been so cavalier and wonders if he had been a better husband ...Lexie stops him, insisting Sami only spoke of the past to hurt him. She loves him with her heart and soul. He loves her too. "More than you'll ever know!" They kiss and smile. Exit Abe. Lexie now gets a mad look on her face and storms off... - Phil drops by Chloe's place with takeout. She appreciates it and makes a comment about her lack of cooking skills. Brady now arrives for a visit, bearing a gift for the baby and some dramatic news. "Nicole and I broke up!" They had a fight and also realized things were not working. Chloe imagines Nicole must be terribly upset. Brady does not want to talk about it anymore. Chloe takes Parker into the next room for a change. Phillip solemnly wonders how they can trust Nicole, given that Viv is out to get them all. That b*tch might bring them all down! Brady thinks this is not the time or the place for such a discussion. Chloe returns with the baby. Phil takes his leave. Chloe asks Brady about the tension between them. Brady states it was a work issue. He now asks to hold Parker. Chloe obliges. He is so happy for her. She wishes he were happy too. He airily says he is fine. She feels bad for both of them - Brady and Nicole. - Nicole shows up at EJ's door and calls him a bastard. He wonders what happened when she gave Brady his walking papers. Nicole quips she has done as he asked and now wants to see Sydney. She walks in. He grabs her arm. "Not so fast!" First she will need to move out of the Kiriakis mansion. She offers to eventually get an apartment, but he has an even better idea. "Move in with me!" Nicole is stunned. He reminds her of the cottage on the grounds. It is presently unoccupied. She will enjoy free room and board, time with Sydney, and that will annoy Samantha, so it is not such a terrible idea. He suggests she move in her things and he and Syd will be awaiting her later. - Back at the hospital, Nath and Mel join Steph and Caroline. Mel looks depressed, then excuses herself when she hears chatter of the wedding plans. Dr. Walters appears. Did he hear right? Nath confirms they are getting married soon. "I don't think so," disagrees Ben. Mel grins. The doc elaborates. Dr. Manning and Jonas should examine him, as the drug they were given was new. Now is the time to be vigilant about one's health. Nath gets testy. Ben wishes him well and walks off. Later, when Mel is standing alone at the nurse's station, she flashes back to Nath telling her he loves her. Moments later, Ben and Nath come back. Ben assures him he is happy for him and Steph. Nath claims Steph is the best thing that ever happened to him. Mel's eyes flicker with pain. - Dan is down at the pier, wondering if he understood what he heard right. Chloe calls with an update. Babysitter Maggie is running a tad late so she will be at the pier later. Dan ominously whispers it is alright. Chloe hears something in his voice. Dan looks intense when Phil saunters around the corner. Phil asks if everything is alright. Dan drawls it will be if he can tell him he did not cheat on his daughter! Phil wonders why he would say such a thing. Dan retorts he saw him with that employee at the pub last night. Did he cheat on his daughter? Phil insists that he would never do anything to hurt Mel, as she is his life. Dan looks into his eyes, then grabs him by the collar. "Son of a b*tch, you're lying!" - Rafe pays EJ a visit at the mansion. EJ is not interested, though Rafe drawls it is important. EJ is smug to discover that he does not yet know of how Samantha gave in to his demand to tell Johnny she would not see him anymore. Rafe gets sarcastic. EJ explains one of the conditions was that he not stand in the way of Rafe being employed by the Salem P.D. Rafe declares he is there for something more important and hands him the photo. He asks him to take a look and tell him what he sees. EJ dismisses him. Rafe snaps at him to look at those pictures and tell him what he sees! Elvis suspects he wants to see Johnny and that is what this is all about. Rafe exclaims for him to look at his left eye and maybe see a doctor. EJ, however, insists his son is fine and closes the door. - Back at the house of Kiriakis, Brady asks Nicole if EJ bought it. When Henderson walks in, she angrily smashes her glass against the wall. "You bastard, you lied to me!" They pretend to yell and disagree on her wish to be with Sydney. Brady forces her to choose. She loudly chooses Sydney. Henderson does not wish to get in the middle of the spat. He quips he was leaving and takes off out the front door. Once alone, Brady and Nicole start to make out. They should break up more often! They head upstairs and roll around on the bed, panting over their staged breakup. After, when they lie nekid under the sheets, he is dismayed to hear of her moving into the DiMera guest house. She explains she cannot give up on Sydney. This way she will have them both. "I have to do this," she says. They kiss. - Back at the hospital, Mel and Steph are working in a room, checking it is re-stocked. Steph smugly gets confirmation of her flowers over the phone, then tells Mel how lucky she is. Mel asks her if she knows how Nathan really feels ... - Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Brady is worried that EJ will be watching Nicole like a hawk if she moves into the DiMera guest house. She soon convinces him it will be a challenge and they start to make out again ... - At DiMera mansion, EJ asks maid Mary to let him know when Johnny has risen from his nap. He holds a photo of the boy in hand, his eyes concerned. - Rafe returns to the loft and takes out his phone. Knock knock knock! Tis raging Lexie, demanding to see Sami. Rafe thinks the timing is good cos he and Sami just happen to need her help ... - Down at the pier, Dan calls Phil a sleaze. Did he think he could get away with cheating on his daughter? Chloe arrives on scene and her face falls, as she assumes the worst ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "EJ, is something wrong with Johnny?" asks Nicole. "Are you insinuating that Nathan is in love with you?" says Steph to a smiling Mel. Dan is held back from Phil, whom he accuses."I know the truth! I know it!" |
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