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Thursday, December 17, 2009 All rights reserved. Link Only DANGEROUS LIAISONS! - Rafe ends a call as Sami walks in from the kids' room. She laments Sydney is not in her routine. She is glad to focus on the twins, but anxious to also see Will. She wants more than anything to be a mom to her kids. All of them. Rafe will watch the twins. She asks about the lead he had. It is nothing so far but he will keep her posted. She kisses him and departs. Rafe calls his pal again and summons him over. Tis Mayor Abe! Rafe informs him of the hot lead Nicole gave him. He needs Abe's expertise on Stefano DiMera. They discuss. Abe states if Stefano is proven to be the mastermind, EJ might kill him. Rafe mutters he might kill him first! They conclude Stefano may have hired a woman. They just need to find her. Gaby later drops by for a visit. She cannot reach Arianna and is concerned. - Down at the pier, replay of EJ playing the hero for Ari and asking what is going on. She pretends Troy is a supplier for the pub. Elvis implies she is lying. She suggests he mind his own biz. He claims he is worried about her and that supplier seemed to be threatening her. Tis a bad area they are standing in at present, full of unsavory types. She agrees and gives him a look. He reminds her he did save her brother's life. Arianna gets sarcastic. He doubts that guy she was meeting was a real pub supplier and chuckles when she looks him in the eye, declaring she always tells the truth. She adds "We have to stop meeting like this." He now claims he tracked her down so he could thank her for trying to look for his daughta in Cleveland. Ring ring! Elvis gets a call. No news on Sydney. Arianna is sorry for what he is going thru. EJ admits he quite enjoyed their verbal sparring. He suspects her tough exterior conceals a warm interior. He wonders if her brother has any leads on Sydney and says he is terrified he will never see his little girl again ... - At the house of Kiriakis, Brady calls Victor a hypocrite. Vic dismisses the notion. Drugs almost killed Brady and now he is shacking up with a drug dealer! The people the drug dealing woman has contact with could kill him! Brady faces the Greek tycoon and tells him the stuff he has is high quality and berates him for selling. He is not using, "no thanks to you!" Vic points out he sold that business. Brady is not impressed he was involved in such seediness in the first place. Vic admits it was about the profit. Brady glares at him and declares unless he tells him who he sold it to, he is reporting him to the cops! Vic calls that a hiccup and adds it would place Arianna in danger from the new, sinister owner. - Anna gets a chair and stands in the doorway to hang a wreath, only to slip and fall to the floor. Syd is still in the room, now unattended, as the still fully unseen Anna lies unconscious! The door remains open and the thermostat shows the temperature inside dropping colder and colder. When it is at 35 degrees F, Sydney is heard crying. - T-man, Kinsey, and Mia are in Maggie's kitchen, studying Emily Dickinson. Kinsey has had enough of Mia's doom and gloom mood. Furthermore, she thinks they should cheer up Will. Mia makes a snide remark and walks outside, lamenting everything is her fault. She walks back inside and apologizes. Kinsey is sorry too. She heard thru the grapevine she and Will are back together. Why is she not with him now? Mia sadly says her baby died and Will's little sister is missing. Serious stuff. - Sami sees Will outside the pub and encourages him to go to the dance, promising that Sydney will be found! They sit at a table in the pub and have a heart to heart. She wishes Will could just be a kid. She regrets she and his dad were childish. He grins they have grown up a lot. Sami does not want Will to worry, as she senses Rafe will bring Sydney home. They run into Abe as Will departs. The mayor assures Sami things will be okay. Sami believes it. She is hopeful Rafe is onto something. She returns home and Rafe announces he has a surprise. He has decorated the tree. Sami cries Sydney will love it, too. She wishes him Merry Christmas and they hug. They exchange I love you's and starts to kiss on the sofa. He then presents her with a mother's ring, with birthstones for all her kids, including Grace. Sami is moved and they kiss again. - Chez Maggie, Mia et al are soon gone and Will visits Maggie, telling her how his mom encouraged him to go to the dance. He notes that without Maggie, Mia is quite alone. - Later, Mia studies alone in the kitchen. Enter Maggie. She knows the holidays are a hard time. "Just take it one day at a time." Maggie brings up Grace's joyful spirit. She is probably in heaven, hoping Mia will be happy. She did not give up her life. God took her home. She would not want Mia to give up her life. - At Java Cafe, Gaby is staring at a missing poster of Sydney. Chad introduces himself. He is excited to hear she might transfer to school there. They smile at each other. He encourages her to attend the dance. Enter Mia. Chad introduces them. Gaby heads off. Chad wonders why Mia is not studying with her friends as she had planned. She laments no one understands how she feels. "I do," says Chadman. He explains he tries to overcome by going thru the motions of doing what he would have if things had not changed. However, he thinks Mia has lost more than him. She is tired of feeling sorry for herself and wonders if she too should start going thru the motions. He suggests she go to the dance. She thinks it could be fun. Chad grins then it is a date! - Brady comes upon Elvis and Ari down at the pier and stares at Elvis suspiciously. Ari assures Elvis that Rafe would not keep it from him if he had a lead. Brady steps out of the shadows and suggests EJ ask Rafe directly instead of playing on her sympathies. Exit Elvis. Brady warns Ari to say away from that one. Ari seems to think she can take care of herself. Brady updates her that Vic admitted he sold the drug biz and her new boss could be very dangerous. She tells him how EJ was trying to help her. Brady warns her never to trust him. And it would be dangerous for her to feel sorry for that guy! - Meanwhile, Troy and EJ are on the phone and Elvis smoothly states all went according to plan and he is getting close to finding everything he needs to know ... He later gets a call about Nicole remembering there was a woman. He frowns he will go and talk to her ... - Sami sleeps on the sofa as shirtless Rafe gets a message from his FBI contact and calls Roman to update him. The footprints they have are a match for the kidnapper's boots Nicole described, so he thinks they may have Sydney back in the morning! - Meanwhile, shivering Anna the abductress comes to and stands up, still wearing her leopard booties ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "It's time that EJ DiMera gets what's coming to him!" Brady exclaims to Ari. "Nobody is going to get him to talk," EJ informs Nicole. Rafe faces Stefano. "Actually, you and I, we're gonna have a little chat ..." |
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