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- Sara swears she would not lie for Xander. Belle scoffs and remembers what Brady said. She dares the witness to lie under oath about hubby plotting to kill Brady Black. Justin looks worried. Xander too. Sara freezes on the stand ... Johnny praises Alex for the good acting. Alex complains about his art mirroring his life and starts to walk away. Johnny has something to say ... Outside the pub pretty Joy looks ready to pee her pants when Chanel announces she knows what she did ... Justin strongly objects. Belle keeps going. She accuses Xander of breaking in to kill Brady and suggests he belongs in lockup. Xander and Sara are astounded. Justin jumps up and accuses Belle of assuming her evidence. Belle tells the court Sara knows the truth. Justin refuses to let her accuse his client. Her Honor orders a brief recess ... Joy stammers. Chanel states it is about her secret hookup. Alex and Johnny told her. Relieved Joy realizes she was referring to her and Alex. Chanel wonders who else ...
- Alex is listening. Johnny apologizes for forcing him to lie. Steph arrives at the ajar door in time to overhear Alex acting irritated about Johnny telling Chanel that he had slept with Joy ... While they wait Belle updates curious Phil on her hunch. Phil does not want to cause trouble for Sara. Belle just wanted to get Xander to confess ... Justin hates that Xander did not forewarn him. Xander insists he and Brady are on good terms now. Justin warns they cannot stop this line on questioning. Sara has two options. Spill the beans or lie under oath. Sara does not want Xander to lose Titan or get arrested ... Her Honor returns ... Joy plays along with Chanel's belief she slept with womanizing Alex. Chanel is here for her friend if she needs to talk. Joy cringes and claims she appreciates it ...
- Johnny insists he is sorry. He and Alex now spy Stephanie, who overheard that Alex is sleeping with Joy. Alex alludes to her misunderstanding but Steph feels like a fool ... Her Honor permits Belle to continue. She asks Sara to say what she knew about Xander's plan to off Brady. Sara would rather not say. Justin notes tis her spousal privilege not to have to testify against hubby. Court will be in recess while Madam Judge decides. Phil assumes they lost so Belle hauls him out to explain. They get coffee at the square and she explains Xander was made to look guilty regardless ... Xander thanks Justin, who warns the judge could still harbor doubts about him. Xander is just relieved that Phil did not admit he recently attempted to shoot him. Justin is exasperated and warns no more bloodshed. Alas Xander cannot guarantee it ...
- Joy swears she and Alex are done and she regretted her actions right away. Chanel believes Alex was the one at fault. Joy suddenly suggests tis safer to stay professional so she should not be friends with Chanel and Johnny either ... Alex cares for Steph and swears he is not sleeping with Joy as Johnny cringes and then glares ... Alex sees seething Johnny and decides not to tell Steph the whole truth. But he insists he and Joy only had a one night stand. Johnny adds they stopped the affair cos they were working together. Alex hopes they can move on. Steph suggests the producers should know. But this will not affect their ... friendship. She unhappily leaves to run some errands, trying to hide her heartbreak ... Joy lies it would be easier to not have any real friends on the show. She wants to be professional and argues it was mama Nancy who made Chanel promise to be her friend. Chanel assures her she matters to her and Johnny. Chanel is always here and hugs her ... Phil apologizes for underestimating Belle and is grateful she helped. She knows they were right cos his letter was clear. Besides he deserves Titan more than killer Xander. She gets a text that Madam Judge has made up her mind ... Back at the court Justin is upbeat. Sara gets mad when Xander calls Philip a nut job ... Phil gets nervous and fumes cos it might not be in his favor. Belle suggests they wait and see as they return to the courtroom ...
- The judge tells the returned parties she must consider both letters. Philip should not be penalized so he has a valid claim to Titan. Phil gushes he won. Not so fast. Her Honor has decided that each heir receive 50 percent of Titan, which will make them Co-CEOs ... Joy greets Steph at the square and wonders what she should get Steph's pal Alex for Xmas. Steph sighs she heard they slept together. Joy notes it is not a real relationship. Steph suggests she and Alex were never serious anyway. She wishes him happiness and leaves in a tragic huff ... Alex tells Johnny he decided it was best to hide the truth but he hates looking like a cad to Steph and all of Salem. He suggests Johnny steer clear of him and storms off ... Phil talks down to Xander the secret bastard son. Xander refuses to quit. Phil suggests they work together for Titan and sarcastically offers his manicured hand. Xander storms out with Sara, having given him the cold shoulder. Phil innocently informs all present that he did try ...
- Chanel joins Johnny at his office and updates him on her conversation with Joy. She is worried about her cos she almost left the show and now claims she would rather not be their friend anymore. Johnny suggests she wants a separate pro and personal life. Chanel is pleased to say she convinced her to stay friends which is good cos Joy needs them ... At the square Alex complains to Joy that Steph now assumes they slept together. Joy noticed when she saw the hurt girl who clearly cares for Alex ... Steph meets Phil in his room happy to hear he won half. She hugs him and then he kisses her on the lips. Sad Stephanie responds ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Xander paces like a panther. Sara reasons he still has half of Titan and is the man in charge. Then she kisses him and heads up to the baby. Xander fumes ... Justin and Belle discuss the outcome. Belle has a bad feeling about the brothers killing each other ... Meanwhile Xander vows to Victor's portrait that he will remove Philip from Titan forever ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on DECEMBER 17, 2024