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Thursday, December 2, 2010 up at 5 pm est, December 1 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! EXPOSURE! - Sami meets up with Will, Caroline, and Roman at the pub. She has an announcement. She went to see EJ last night. "He made it clear that I'm never gonna be able to see my kids again." Caroline thinks he cannot do that. Sami gasps and declares she will find a way to get out of this mess. Roman wonders if EJ would be willing to compromise. No. Sami states he has won. "The hell he has!" drawls Commander Roman. He will have cops around him all the time ... Sami disagrees.Will thinks Sami should go see the kids first. Sami sadly explains they have no choice but to play this EJ's way. At least for now. She adds that Rafe agrees. Roman and Will are not pleased. Will excuses himself. Caroline states there must be some way to force EJ's hand. Sami insists she must be the one to find it. Roman reminds her of her past disasters when she tried to take matters into her own hands. Sami grins but now she is married to a former FBI agent and this fight is far from over! - Down at the pier, Rafe confers with a Navy Seal diver recommended by George. They need to find that gun! 22 caliber semi-automatic. The suited diver is curious as to why he wants it. Cos lives could be destroyed! The wet diver soon comes up, having scoured the Salem river. Nothing there. It either got washed downstream or someone has already found it. Oh oh! - Lexie finds EJ with his children in the lush DiMera garden. He sends Johnny off to play with Theo when she questions how he obtained full custody, after Sami had a restraining order, no less! EJ is still holding Sydney. He hands her to maid Mary and asks her to take the children inside. Once they are alone, Lexie questions him on what really happened. He retorts he managed to turn a certain situation to his advantage. "What situation's that?" she suspiciously wonders. They sit and she presses. He claims Samantha is too busy with her new husband Rafe to raise the kids properly. Lexie feels the fact that either Sami or Will shot him must have something to do with it. EJ gets evasive and adds he will not share his children with anyone. "Especially not Samantha!" Lexie disagrees and points out she is their mother. "Not for long!" he retorts. Lexie is shocked that he means it. He assures her he will not do anything, other than sit back and watch her self-destruct. He recalls how he attempted to take the children once but did not. Then he lost everything. He confesses that he almost took his life but even that was not enough for her! Lexie now realizes that Sami was the one who shot him. EJ sighs he survived and got his children back. Samantha deserves whatever she gets. She brought everything upon herself. Theo and Johnny run back. EJ offers some hot chocolate to his son. Little Johnny innocently wonders if they have time before mommy comes to pick them up. An uncomfortable silence ensues. EJ replies his mother is not coming. Johnny is surprised to hear they are staying another night. EJ distracts him with the promise of pizza and he takes off with Theo. Lexie wonders what he will do the next night - get a clown?! She soon relents and lets Theo stay longer, then heads off to say goodbye to her son. EJ's phone suddenly rings and he glances down at it, muttering how Rafe is always a pitiful step behind! - Inside the mansion, Stefano prevents Kate from leaving and confronts her. She watched him go crazy trying to figure out who shot his son but she knew it was Samantha! She denies it. Her eyes are filled with tears as he accuses her of leading to a series of events which could have led to his son's death! Kate blinks. "So, what are you going to do to me?" She states her case. They would have been taking away Will's siblings and he would have assumed she was involved in stealing the children, too. Much as she cares for her hubby, she could not let that happen. She could not lose the love of her grandson. The phoenix appears to consider, yet his expression remains dangerously dark. Kate bitterly cries that EJ is his heir, while she is but the woman he blackmailed into marrying her. The phoenix becomes enraged. "You went behind my back, with Samantha!" She sided with her! Kate sobs she could not stand back, as she herself had two children taken away from her by a lunatic husband once upon a time and she would not wish that on anyone. "Not even Sami!" The tears stream down her face. Stefano does not understand what she means. She brings up Austin and Billie, how they suffered at the hands of the evil Carter. That was why she snapped, though she had no idea of what Sami would try to do. She cries EJ is fine and they have the kids. How about they put it all behind them? "I don't know," sighs the phoenix. It depends on anything else she might be keeping from him ... Ring ring! Stefano answers his phone and asks the caller to have "him" come to his house. Kate is curious. T'was the hospital. "The paternity test results are in." Stefano gets a faraway look in his eye. "I am about to find out if I have another son in this world ..." - Maggie is resting in her hospital room after returning from x-rays. Viv steps forward,wearing her jacket like a cape, and observes her with a pair of reptilian eyes. "Hello, dear!" She stops the redhead from buzzing for help. Maggie is mad to hear she got away with her crimes and orders her out. Madame, however, is there to let her know she has no cause to fear her anymore. She is now after Victor. "I plan to destroy him - and he isn't the only one!" The redhead warns her to get out or else she is going to start throwing things! She starts with the vase of flowers and threatens to tell the cops all. Viv now drops a bomb. She might wish to reconsider. Victor kept her in the sarcophagus, but her beloved Brady was the one who put her there. Maggie is stunned! - At the pub, Sami is with Rafe, quietly discussing the diver's inability to find the gun. EJ now calls her and suggests she tell Rafe to stop wasting time looking for the gun in the river. They will never find it! Sami passes the message on to Rafe and laments EJ has everything. "For now," drawls Rafe. They walk out of the pub and Sami exclaims that EJ is a monster. Along comes Lexie. Who is calling who a monster! Sami is hysterical upon hearing she just saw the kids and yells for an update. Rafe takes her inside to calm her down. Lexie muses this is not going to turn out the way EJ wants ... - Back at the mansion, Stefano plays chess. Kate asks if he must venture to the hospital. No, Someone from the hospital is coming, as is Chad. He wonders how she feels about the possibility of his having another son. She assures him it is fine with her. Even though it was with Madeline? Indeed. He notes she is remarkably calm about it and recalls how she used to push Chad at him. Kate feigns innocence. "Chad is Will's friend." She merely pitied him after what happened to his mother, and wanted to help with the job at DiMera Enterprises. Ring ring! Tis Chris. Kate tells her assistant she is running late and asks him to set up their meeting as a conference call. She walks out to wait for the call. Once she is gone from the room, the phoenix flashes back to Chad informing him that his birth certificate was sent to him by anonymous messenger. Moments later, Kate returns, as the meeting has been canceled. Stefano remarks she is a busy woman - and he is certain she is keeping something from him! He has just done the math. She has known about Chad for quite a while, has she not? She nervously denies it. He points out the lad said he got his birth certificate anonymously. Kate cries it must have been the D.A. Stefano sarcastically applauds. "Nice try!" He reminds Kate she had the first look at what was in Maddie's safety deposit box. She must have seen way back then that he could be Chad's father, yet chose to keep that information to herself. He would like to know why ... - Outside, the mansion, Roman comes across EJ as he sends off Sydney and Mary to a play group. He warns him he will not get away with what he is doing to Sami. EJ suggests instead, he consider what he is doing FOR Samantha. He is allowing her to live in freedom with Rafe and the other kids. Roman retorts he had thought he was better than that when it came to the children. Johnny's best friend is sister Ally, not to mention that Sydney needs a mother. He is depriving his kids. Is that the kind of father he wants to be? - Down at the pier, Will runs into Chad, who has been summoned to see Stefano. Even if he is his biological father, it means nothing to him. Will warns it would mean everything to the phoenix! He would never let go. He tells him how EJ took Sami's kids. A good life does not include the old school, controlling DiMeras. Chad considers. - Back at the mansion, Kate admits to Stefano he is right but Madeline begged her not to tell him. She cries she honored her wish, as she was a powerful judge and her husband is the D.A. Stefano takes a drink. Even after she died? Kate admits it bothered her. Stefano points out that still she said nothing. Frightened Kate states she sent the birth certificate and left it up to Chad. The phoenix explodes. "You betrayed me! You kept my son away from me!" He laments despite the fact that he is supposed to be her husband, she seems to watch over everyone's interests but his! - Back at the hospital, Maggie insists Brady would not have done such a thing. Viv reminds her he is back to the bottle. If she goes to the police, then she will sing like a canary, plead temporary insanity from having been locked up, and will tell all about the others who kept her in the sarcophagus, including Nicole, Kate, and Phillip. The crypt club! Maggie does not believe it. Phillip would not have been involved. Viv purrs she will find out the truth soon enough! - In the pub, Rafe tries to calm Sami down. She is desperate to do something different and make this right, but how ...? - Outside, EJ reminds Roman that Samantha also took the kids from him. Roman threatens to expose him for the kidnapping of Sydney and track down Anna as a witness. EJ threatens retaliation. He would bring down the strong arm of the law upon Samatha. He arrogantly adds he has an airtight case ... - Back at the mansion, Stefano quietly tells Kate to get out. She offers to give him some time. The phoenix clarifies. "I meant GET OUT OF MY HOUSE." Kate stares at him, her eyes filled with devastation ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "I know what you did to Vivian, Phillip!" says Maggie. Viv stares down Victor. "I'm going to get my revenge on the whole pack of you!" Chad awaits. Stefano speaks. "Am I this young man's biological father or not?" |
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