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Thursday, December 3, 2009 All rights reserved. Link Only CONTACT! - At the bus station, Nicole has her tickets to Toronto. She laments she is unsure she is doing right by Sydney, but seems to change her mind when the announcement comes on for her bus to board. She pauses, then prepares to board with Sydney. There is a slight delay so she calls mama Fay from a payphone. They are fine. Baby Sydney does not look pleased. Nicole says goodbye, hangs up, and heads to the waiting area, where she sees families together and sadly flashes back to EJ bonding with his daughter. Happier times. She cries, deciding not to go after all. - Chez Sami, Will opens the door to smiling Lucas, out of rehab early! He has yet to contact Sami and wanted to see Will first. He vows he will never let him down again. Will is distracted, however. "It's mom. She lost her baby, again. My little sister." He updates him on the Nicole fiasco. Lucas wonders how she found out Sami was even pregnant. T'was Chloe's doing. Lucas' face becomes tense. - At the hospital, upset Chloe is beside herself that Nicole kidnapped Sydney and confesses to Daniel she made a big mistake. Daniel puts his strong arms around his beloved and murmurs she is not to blame for what happened. Nicole would have found a way regardless. He kisses her, promises to be back soon, and gets back to work Enter Lucas, who calls her a traitor. He is livid that she ruined Sami's life by repeating what he told her in confidence! And she left him in the dark! Chloe explains she tried to contact him, but Will would not give her his number. She feels sick for telling Nicole about Sami's baby. Lucas snaps it is her fault Sami was without her baby for an entire year. Dan saunters over and drawls that Lucas might want to focus on doing something to help, instead of behaving like an alcoholic. An angry, bitter, dry drunk. This is not about pointing fingers. All that matters is finding the little girl. Later, when Lucas is gone, Chloe thanks Dan for defending her. "I would slay dragons for you," he vows. "I am your man forever ..." They seal the deal with a passionate kiss. - At the pub, Brady updates the gang on his convo with Nicole before her phone went dead. He feels she will bring Sydney home. Elvis snaps they are out of their minds, for Nicole is mental and acted angry and defiant with him. Brady says he must have bullied her. EJ sarcastically calls Brady a compassionate junkie. Rafe steps in to referee. EJ rejects Brady's help and accuses him of being infatuated with his wife, jealous of him. Brady protests loudly. Rafe reminds them they have work to do. He heads off to relay the new info to the FBI. Sami exclaims to Brady she does not believe Nicole will return, as she is obsessed with Sydney! Elvis refers to Brady an accomplice. Rafe returns with news. When Nicole called Brady, she was in Cleveland. The gang prepare to go, but Elvis tells enthusiastic Brady "You are not a part of this!" Rafe thinks Brady could be a great help, however, as Nicole responds only to him. EJ doubts he would help. Brady lied time and time again and conspired with Nicole! Brady scoffs he is in no position to accuse him of being a criminal! - Meanwhile, Nicole starts to makes another call on the bus station payphone - to Brady. She then realizes there is just one person she should contact and proceeds to place another call... - Steph has an envelope from hospital admin for Maggie and Maggie finds her leaving it on her doorstep. Why is she avoiding her? Steph is uncomfortable due to their last convo. Maggie admits she now has the same worry - that Nathan might get hurt. Steph points out Nath and Mel are solid. They discuss in Maggie's kitchen as she pours the coffee. Steph is embarrassed she told Nath how she feels. He let her know he is with Mel, despite having liked her when they first met. Steph believes Dr. Nathan is now going thru the same thing with Mel that she did with Phillip! Later, when Steph is gone, Maggie gets a call from Mickey, soon to be on his way home. Mia is studying. and commends Maggie on being a beautiful person. And she says Mel agrees. Maggie brings up the importance of having a sense of family. Mia thanks her for all she has done for her. The redhead gives her a hug and then is off to the market. - Nathan explodes when he sees Mel and Phil almost kissing at the Cheatin Heart. What the hell is going on! Phil smoothly says he is to blame. Mel keeps Nath from charging him and then speaks with him alone. He is displeased to hear her say she would not have stopped had he not interrupted them. Nath concludes everything was a lie! Mel gets flustered, then admits she has feelings for both guys. Nath thinks that is twisted. Phillip will always be in her head and her heart. She wants time. He feels there is no more time and storms out. Phil puts a reassuring arm around crying Mel, who blames herself. She starts to get mad at Phil, but then prevents him from leaving. She thanks him for taking responsibility for the almost kiss, though she admitted to Nath that she did indeed want to kiss Phil. Phil is sorry she is upset but that is all. He declares he wants Mel in his life for all the right reasons. She cries she cannot do this. He stops her from leaving. "Choose me," he says gently with a twinkle in his eye. She points out they never made it longer than a day together. He insists that will change and they will be unstoppable. Mel glumly wonders if she is unreliable as she cannot make up her mind. He grins he is not giving up and will never let her go! - Nath returns to the hospital and informs Stephanie that he saw first hand how Mel is not over Phillip. That is all he will say. Stephanie is sorry and thinks it is unfair he did not get what he wanted, as he is such a great guy. Nath thinks she is wrong. He does not believe people get what they deserve in life. Besides, if he got what he wanted this time, he would only have been delaying the inevitable. At least now he can move on. He thanks Steph for the talk and makes his rounds. Steph is all smiles! - Maggie runs into Lucas on the pier. He sighs someone called him an angry, dry drunk. Maggie wonders what happened. He saw Chloe at the hospital, after hearing she betrayed his confidence. Fact is he seems to repeat his mistakes again and again. And he is the one who betrayed Sami's trust, so if anything happens to that baby, how can he face Sami and Will again? Maggie praises Lucas for taking responsibility for his actions. - Back at the pub, Sami gets a call from a Cleveland area code. She stares at the phone. The gang become quiet. Sami picks up. "Nicole? Nicole?" Silence. Sami tries again. "Nicole, answer me, are you there?" But Nicole is no longer on the phone. She is collapsed on the floor, unconscious, the phone receiver dangling overhead, Sydney nowhere in sight ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "There is a reason that she wasn't talking!" Sami exclaims. "Why wasn't she talking to me!" Someone comes across collapsed Nicole. "Miss, are you ... Oh, dear lord!" Mia faces Carly. "I'd like it if you just left me alone!" |
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