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Monday, December 6, 2010 up at 5 pm est, December 3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! DEATH SENTENCE! - At the hospital, Bo orders his man on the phone to do whatever it takes. He needs to talk to his wife. He suggests the guy smuggle a phone into solitary, if necessary. Along comes Brady looking for Maggie. Bo wants to know what the hell happened with her anyway. Brady drawls that he already explained in the police report. Bo makes a snide remark and heads to Carly's room. They kiss and discuss her progress. He starts to leave, as he has matters to attend to. She notes how distracted he is. He brings her up to date on Hope trying to call, then getting placed in solitary. "They know that she's onto them." He elaborates. Young people don't just die of broken legs and appendicitis. Something is amiss! - Meanwhile, in the prison, sleuthing Hope continues to press the prisoner whom she gave her dessert - about Pam. Pause. "Poor thing, she died on the operating table" is her reply Hope is shocked. Who told her this? Lee. Hope gets even more bad news. The warden and Lee are close. Hope gasps. The warden knows she is onto her! The prison server is afraid of being found out for gossiping. Hope promises not to reveal anything. Moments later, however, she puts her out with a headlock, apologizes, and runs out of the open cell door! Elsewhere, the warden and Lee discuss Hope. The warden shares that Hope suspects Lee has homicidal tendencies. Lee curses. The warden assures her she will protect her. Hope will not figure out they are connected. She sends for big Charlene, who got put in there by Hope Brady. She is going to be transferred with another prisoner, due to the overcrowding. Hope is now brought in by a guard, as she was caught trying to escape. Big Charlene loses it and attacks her. "I'll kill you, you bitch!" She is pulled away by the guard and Hope, bleeding lip and all, is left alone with the warden and Lee. The warden taunts they can take her to the infirmary. No! The warden accuses her of having delusions about people dying. Hope demands a right to counsel. The warden snaps she has lost all rights and she is having her transferred to a higher security prison - tomorrow! Hope protests when she hears it will be at the other end of the state. She warns that getting rid of her will not stop her from finding out their secret. The warden smirks she is delusional and almost burned her husband, so who would take her seriously? And in the future, they will have other issues to contend with! Lee quietly observes. The warden orders Hope to pack her belongings. She will be escorted to the new facility in an hour. Once Hope is taken out by a guard, Lee warns the warden it is a poor idea to place her in the van with Charlene. Big Charlene is out for her blood! She points out Hope does not really know what they have been up to anyway. The warden presumes she will find out soon if they do not act, good cop that she is. - Jennifer helps Maggie into the house and asks if she needs something. The redhead smiles and tells her to go Christmas shopping. Mel and Phil will be back soon. She should go shopping for her daughter. Jennifer is relieved she is alright. They hug. Jen promises to call later, just to make sure Phil and Mel have arrived. Maggie leans against the door once she has left. Her expression shows her worry. She tells herself she is safe at home, with the ones she loves. She addresses Mickey's picture and cries she hopes he will give her the strength to put this whole ordeal behind her. Knock knock! Tis Brady, there to check up on her. "You're still in hell, aren't you?" She claims she is fine, lets him in, and thanks him for saving her. He praises her as a sponsor and a friend. He notices, however, that she still looks upset. She admits she is - and the problem is him! Vivian told her he was the one who locked her in the crypt. He points out he did it to prevent her from doing it to Maggie. She disapproves that he did not call the police after. "She would have squirmed her way out of it," he retorts. And he had to keep everyone safe! Besides, that one deserved everything she got and he would do it again in a minute. Maggie thinks he sounds just like his grandfather and tells him so. She wants him to see the error of his ways. Furthermore, how could he expect her to approve of such ugliness? Brady argues Viv is crazy and evil and wanted to hurt her. The redhead insists she will remain furious with him. And how would Isabella have felt had she known what he did? Brady admits he thought about that and realized he might be more like Victor - and maybe that is not such a bad thing! He exits and slams the door after himself. - At the Brady pub, Viv informs skeptical Gus that she happens to be fueled by her need for revenge to make those who harmed her pay. And if he will not help her, she will go it alone! - Down at the pier, Stefano steps forward, revealing himself to Kate and Victor, grumbling that they must by commiserating about their respective spouses. He folds his arms and darkly tells Kate it must be a comfort to have someone to lean on. Kate starts to deny it but stops. The phoenix demands to know what is going on between these two! She explains she ran into him, and nothing is going on. He wonders why she did not keep running. Kate replies they were discussing a family issue. Stefano offers to help with Phillip. Vic makes a comment about his putting a hit on him. Stefano reminds him of their truce, but soon concludes that Kate must be confiding in Victor and keeping something from him - again! Victor looks at him in surprise. Hr growls they were discussing Phillip moving in with Melanie. The shrewd phoenix doubts it and still wants to know what is going on ... Meanwhile, Viv is dreaming of what she told Gus about her plan. She soon comes upon the three disagreeing and remains concealed. Victor insists they were only discussing their son. Kate whispers to Stefano there is nothing going on and reminds him he in fact threw her out of the house. Stefano growls she disappoints him more and more and storms off. Kate declares to Victor that he can never find out about the Vivian debacle! - Back at the hospital, Dr. Ben and nurse Maxine are discussing a patient who needs a heart transplant. Jen arrives. For a moment, she fears they are referring to Carly. No, tis another patient. Ben excuses himself to check the transplant registry. Jen wishes him luck. Bo now runs into Jen, having come out of Carly's room. Jen asks how things are. Carly is better. Jen also asks about Hope. Bo explains he is trying to call in a few favors and will be in touch when he has more ... Jennifer now visits Carly and they talk about their friendship. Jen confesses she feels badly, as it is uncomfortable for her to see her with Bo. She loves both friends - Hope and Carly - and does not want to take sides. Carly is understanding. Enter Bo, looking serious. He has not had any luck trying to get through to Hope and has not yet heard back from the governor's office. Maybe by tomorrow they will call. Jen assures him Hope will be alright until then. Bo is dismal. "I'm not so sure!" - Stefano pours himself a drink at the mansion. A visitor arrives. He does not wish to see anyone and yells at Harold to tell them to go to hell! Viv sweeps in and announces this is his lucky day! "It is time you knew the truth." She enlightens him how Brady locked her in a toxic sarcophagus. The phoenix does not care. Viv adds his wife was involved - and that was what Kate and Victor were talking about down at the pier. The pair of them were conspiring to keep the secret from him! She left her there too and was in league with Victor. The ultimate betrayal. "You have been made a damned fool of!" The phoenix considers. Why should he believe such a troublemaker? She purrs she will tell him what else she heard and then be on her way. Apparently there was yet another secret Kate was keeping from him and confided in Victor Kiriakis! Viv walks out of the room, toward the front door. She runs into arriving Kate, who demands to know what she is doing there. Viv coos at her to ask her better half, for her work is done! In the living room, Stefano quietly consoles himself with a cigar ... - Back at Maggie's house, she has another visitor at her kitchen door. Tis Victor. She quips she meant what she already said and tells him to leave. He sincerely states he meant what he said, too, and declares "I love you." The redhead shuts the door on him! - Down at the pier alone, Brady drinks from a flask, glumly remembering Maggie's words about his mother. Viv comes around the corner and taunts that he must be feeling guilty, well on his way to a downward spiral. She points out he only hurt the ones he loved in the end. He stands up, warns her not to push him, cos she knows very well what can happen, and saunters off into the night. - Back at the prison, the warden gets a call from her contact, none other than Dr. Ben Walters! She smiles and asks what she can do for him. He needs a heart transplant asap. The warden assures him that will be no problem, as they have had a recent death. It will be ready soon, unless things go wrong. Ben asks what she means. The warden assures him they can have it for him tomorrow! After the call, Lee doubts Charlene will be able to destroy Hope, a trained cop. The warden leers she will be handcuffed, whereas Charlene will not! - Hope is shoved back in her cell and warned to behave. Battered and bruised, she is still determined to do something! - Kate enters the grand DiMera living room and Stefano reminds her he threw her out. She explains she left some belongings behind. He coldly advises her to go and get them. She assumes Vivian has told him of her involvement in what happened. She did indeed. "And I applauded you." However, he remains angry that she confided in Kiriakis and not him! She insists he is the only man she cares about. He airily informs her that Chad is his son. "He is a DiMera, in case you were wondering." He pours himself a drink. She asks if he wishes to talk about it. Silence. She leaves to go upstairs and get her things. She adds she will give him time to cool down. He mutters that will be a long time, for it is much worse than she thinks ... - Down at the pier, Viv is on her phone with Gus, who is in! Time to go over the plan ... - Back at the hospital, Jennifer asks Ben about his patient who needs a heart transplant. He informs her there just might be the possibility of one tomorrow and thanks her for her concern. Jen nods ... - In Carly's hospital room, Bo thanks her for support. It keeps him going. She understands what it feels like to have someone you care about in trouble. Someone like Hope ... - Back in her cell, Hope paces, mulling over the facts. Three women are dead and the warden is so afraid of her, so desperate to get rid of her. "What the hell is going on in here ...!" Next on Days of Our Lives "Don't talk like that about Nicole," Brady tells Mel. "I have her back and she has mine." "If you have any contact with Brady, all bets are off!" EJ informs Nicole. Teary-eyed Kate holds Stefano's face in her hands. "Can we move past this ...?" |
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