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Tuesday, December 7, 2010 up at 5:15 pm est, December 6 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! CHRISTMAS WISHES ... - Sami dreams she is running on the pier, where she begs a cop to help her get her kidnapped baby back. The uniformed cop turns around. Tis EJ, laughing at her! She wakes up in bed saying "No!" Shirtless Rafe consoles her. She tells him of her nightmare and declares she will not be okay until she has her children back. He points out at least they are safe and promises they will get them back. There is something in the living room he wishes to show her. Sami is soon surprised by the beautifully decorated Christmas tree Rafe has put up. However, it is a bit crooked. He insists it is not and drawls he loves her. She loves him too. They kiss. He reminds her that last Christmas they did not have Sydney, but put presents under the tree for her and later got their miracle. Just as they will soon get her and Johnny back this time around! They embrace. Sami's spirits are lifted. She believes in Rafe and his promise. She smiles they can start celebrating the spirit with Ally and Will. "Let's do it," agrees Rafe and they kiss and smile. - Downstairs at the house of Kiriakis, Nicole considers EJ's ultimatum. "Damn him!" She will not choose between Brady and Syd! When Brady enters, dressed and ready to head out, she throws her arms around him. He wonders what is wrong. She does not want their happiness to end. He assumes her anxiety is due to Vivian and assures her they will never allow Viv to have power over them again even by worrying about her. The next time they will be ten steps ahead of her. "No matter what happens, I will always always protect you," he murmurs. She must never forget that. She hugs him tight. - Mel is in the kitchen getting breakfast. Enter Phil in his robe. He drawls they should go back to bed and make a baby! What happened recently made him realize that life is precious. The timing is right. Mel agrees. He declares they could have ten kids and lifts her up, taking her up to the bedroom, kissing along the way ... - Chez Dan and Chloe, he is doing Parker's feeding again. He gazes down at the child in his arms. The babe, he insists, means everything to him. Chloe is elated. Dan winks. - At the pub, Caroline gets a frantic call from Steph, who is at work and is very upset about her not wishing to discuss that Parker's real father is Phil. Click! Steph is now joined by Nath, who notes something is wrong. She announces there is and she will not keep it from him any longer! She starts to explain. Ring ring! Dr. Nath is summoned to a patient. He will meet her at the pub soon, where they can get a quiet table. She smiles she loves him. He states he loves it that they are together and gets back to work ... - At the DiMera mansion, Stefano sits alone at his chess set. Kate walks in and apologizes for not confiding in him about Vivian. Her eyes filled with tears, she asks if he is willing to make a fresh start. "More than you know," he replies. However, there was more than her Vivian secret. She did not even tell him that he sired Chad. He bitterly wonders if she told Victor that as well. Kate cries she has made mistakes and she is sorry for not having been open and honest. "But I hope you know that it was never out of disrespect." And whatever he decides, "I hope you will believe that I love you." The phoenix admits he does. Kate embraces her husband and asks if they can move past this. He retorts that in his heart, this is all he wants. Kate is relieved. She will speak to the cook about tonight's menu. Stefano stops her. "Katherine, there is a condition." Ominous music is heard. He elaborates. She must regain his trust. Kate agrees. Things will become clear, after he makes a phone call. Kate is most curious. The phoenix explains he must fulfill an obligation and asks her to be his proxy. He hands her a paper and asks her to read it. Kate has a look and turns back at him, her eyes flashing with anger! Stefano now places a call to baffled Daniel, congratulates him on his new baby boy, and thanks him for saving his own son. He has a gift for his baby boy. "I like to reward people who help me." The gift will arrive shortly. After the call is over, Stefano hands Kate a pretty gift box, and pleasantly informs her she need only follow the instructions. "Never!" she gasps. He accuses her of being disingenuous. She accuses him of being vindictive and wanting only to humiliate her. He reminds her he was the one who kept her out of prison for poisoning Chloe. He would have killed Daniel in order to protect her, but he ironically turned out to be a hero, when he saved his son. Unlike her, who made a fool of him and almost cost his son his life! He calls the mission he is sending her on a small price to pay. Kate grabs the box and instructions, which he orders her to follow to the letter. She storms out. - EJ takes the kids outside the house. Syd is in a stroller. Little Johnny asks after Sami. EJ quips they are not going to see mommy. He takes them shopping. When they pass by the pub, Caroline rushes out to greet the kids. Johnny is happy to see her. EJ coldly turns down her offer of having them inside. They are shopping, then off to Johnny's favorite ice cream parlor. And they will not be back this way again! Caroline implores him not to go. Johnny stares at her as EJ firmly holds his hand. Caroline points out she has done nothing wrong. He should not deprive her of her grandchildren! Johnny wonders what she means. EJ lifts him up and states she is just angry. Caroline warns EJ that God will punish him for what he is doing! - Brady shows up at Maggie's place. He learns that Mel already knows all about what Vivian did. Phil steps out to take a business call. Brady explains to Mel that he was the one who placed Viv in the sarcophagus. She already knows and has other things on her mind. Namely the fact that she is sure Nicole blackmailed him into taking her back! He drinks orange juice and explains what happened. Nicole did not make him love her. Mel sarcastically calls her a saint. Brady drawls he does not like her tone of voice and points out he and Nicole have each other's backs. Mel raises an eyebrow ... - Down at the pier, Nicole is thrilled to run into EJ with the kids. "We went shopping!" exclaims Johnny. She is on her way to give Chloe a gift. EJ invites her to join them on the few remaining stops they have. She agrees, for Sydney's sake. - Meanwhile, much to Chloe's surprise, Kate arrives at her door with a gift. "Congratulations," she says. She puts the gift down. Dan and Chloe watch, speechless, as Kate informs them that they are wonderful together and Stefano thinks the same. She praises their beautiful child, who is asleep in the other room. She confesses what she did to them was wrong, horrible, unforgivable, and she takes full responsibility for it. She made a colossal mistake, as she is a jealous, pathological liar who is threatened by younger beautiful women. She calls herself a middle aged dilettante whose only talent is making people suffer. She hopes they will accept her sincere apology and walks out. Chloe is utterly stunned. That must have been the strangest thing that has happened in the entire history of the universe! - Steph confronts Caroline at the pub for hanging up on her. It is wrong to let Daniel think he is Parker's father. Caroline points out this could have consequences for her. Steph insists the truth must come out. She does not want her grandmother to be hurt, though. Perhaps Uncle Bo and Roman can protect her from criminal charges. Caroline quips they have too much integrity to let her get away unpunished. And Daniel's marriage would be over, as would Mel's. Steph retorts it might be a disaster, but she must do as she promised Kayla. It is the right thing to do. Caroline now becomes upset about Sami. What if she is not there for her! She has recently lost Sydney and Johnny to EJ. Steph thinks that is just awful. Caroline cannot share the details. She cries that family comes first. Nath approaches their table and sees Caroline crying. "You OK?" Steph will be with him shortly. Nath understands and steps away. Steph now promises Caroline not to worry and assures her she loves her. She now understands that the truth should not come out. She joins Nath at his table and he wonders why she looks so upset. She sighs things are more complicated than she thought. Not everything can be made right. She cries that Sami has lost custody of her children. Nath assumes that was what she had wanted to say to him. She laments there is no fixing the situation she had felt could be resolved and her family is falling apart. Nath praises and consoles her ... - Kate returns to the mansion and assures waiting Stefano she followed the script, word for humiliating word. He hands her a drink. "There is one more thing. We are having a guest for dinner tonight." He asks her to deliver the invitation in person - to his intended guest, Vivian Alamain! - Chloe and Dan decide to never open Kate's gift box and to pretend the bizarre episode never even happened. She happily shows him Parker's christening gown. She cannot wait to see their sweet little man in it, Dan holding him in his arms. Dan drawls she has made him so happy and he loves them both, more than he can say ... - Nicole sits on a bench with EJ as they watch Johnny and Syd playing. Christmas will be like a dream. He invites her to come over and celebrate Christmas with himself and the kids. Nicole is grateful. He adds, however, that the condition still stands. If she has any contact with Brady, all bets are off. No Sydney. The question is, how much does she love Sydney and really want her in her life ? All of a sudden, happy Sami, Rafe, and Ally come around the corner. The smile fades fast from Sami's face when she spies Johnny and Sydney playing, Nicole and EJ hovering nearby ... - Back at the pub, Nath asks Steph if there is anything he can do. She sniffles there is indeed. "Marry me!" - At the mansion, Kate bitterly states Stefano is all about revenge by a thousand cuts. He calls his angle loyalty and respect. She tells him to take it and go straight to hell, for she is done! Exit Kate. - Back at the pier, EJ is holding Johnny, who suddenly cries out that he wants "Mommy Mommy Mommy," his arms outstretched, as he struggles in his father's grasp. EJ orders him to stop it ... ! Next on Days of Our Lives "Because I am not going to change, not even for you!" Kate informs Stefano. "I will find a way to fix this," Sami mutters to Rafe. Nicole exclaims to EJ "Why do you hate him so much?! Why?!" |
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