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Tuesday, December 8, 2009 All rights reserved. Link Only REVOLVING DOORS! - Chez Bo, Hope is displeased to see Carly and bitterly invites her in. Bo looks apprehensive. Carly informs him moving into Maggie's did not work out. Hope accuses her of trying to cozy up to her family. "Why!" Things get tense. Enter Vic, who drawls he interrupted just in time and advises Bo to get rid of Carly the intruder! Bo starts to tell him off but Ciara interrupts and runs to grandpa. He invites her to the mansion to see her Xmas present. Hope says fine, she will be there soon. Exit Ciara and Vic. Carly is sorry she came by. Hope whispers the damage is done, so why not tell her why she cannot stay with Maggie. Carly pauses. Hope makes a snide remark about secrets. Carly explains Maggie had a room for rent, that was all. She decides to check into the Salemn Inn, but Hope has not finished. Bo suggests they move on. Hope bitterly whispers her displeasure and gets sarcastic when Carly says she can cut off all contact with Bo. Hope demands to know why she came to her house. Bo says Hope left her house anyway. Carly thinks she should leave. Hope, however, decides to beat her to it and angrily departs, after throwing at Bo that she was mistaken! Carly now tells Bo they need to tell Hope about her daughter! He solemnly disagrees. "Things have a way of getting out." Victor might find out. Vivian must be in town for revenge on Carly. Until they hear she is not a threat or she is gone, the secret remains a secret. Carly gets it. She decides to go to the motel. Bo thinks he can protect her easiest if she stays at his house. She insists on the Salem Inn. Bo now hears things did not go well with her daughter at Maggie's. "I think she hates me," she sadly admits. - At Java Cafe, Kate grabs a latte before Vivian. While awaiting another, Viv approaches Kate, who mocks her for thinking she could form a twisted maternal bond with Phillip. She was but a mere gestation device! Viv points out she wed the man who tried to have him killed. Kate is surprised to see her without Victor for a change. She alludes to the fact that she just wants to get to Phillip thru Victor and tells her to go to hell before waltzing out. Viv then speaks on the phone about finding out where someone is staying. Enter boy Friday Gus, with the contents of a secret safety deposit box Lawrence had in Basel, Switzerland. Viv looks at the letter which was found inside and concludes that someone else needs to read this! - At the Cleveland hospital, replay of angry EJ accusing Stefano. Rafe and Sami want to know if it is true. "Where is our daughta!" says Elvis. And if he took her, he will pay! Sami asks if he knows where Sydney is. "Yes, I have an idea," smoothly states the phoenix. He cherishes her and believes she is wherever Nicole must have hidden her. Sami sighs. Elvis rolls his eyes. "You lie!" Sami points out that Nicole denied she took the baby to Brady. The phoenix thinks lovestruck Brady should not be taken seriously. EJ wonders if Stefano is still helping her. Rafe steps away to take a call. Sami wants Stefano to tell the truth. He purses his lips in thought. "My heart goes out to you ... Unfortunately, I do not know where Sydney is." Elvis does not believe him, as he had informed him he would be cut off from seeing her, for aiding Nicole.Stefano has an idea. He was having Nicole followed, as was EJ, with his own men. How about they combine resources and have twice the chance of finding her? EJ suspects Stefano just wants to keep Sydney away from them. Sami agrees with his assessment. Stefano growls without his assistance, they will never find that child! - Rafe gets off his phone and runs into Roman. Rafe's buddy at the FBI said no one was seen following Nicole, so it may have been the work of a pro. Roman, who was just briefed by the Cleveland cops, says they think they might know who took Sydney after all. Mama Fay was seen visiting Nicole. Maybe she took Sydney. Rafe doubts she would smash her daughter's skull. Roman agrees, tho she is still a person of interest. Rafe now wonders if there were two separate crimes - Nicole's attack and the snatching of Sydney. If Fay has her, she will not take her back home. "That baby could be anywhere by now," laments Mr. FBI. Roman joins the rest of the gang and tells Stefano the cops would like a statement. He snaps they can speak with his attorney, warns EJ he will not be made the villain, and leaves in a huff. - In her room, Nicole whispers for Sydney to be safe and shuts her eyes. She flashes back to happier times and tells her to hang on. "Mommy's coming ..."The felonista later feebly pulls out her IV and gets out of bed. She opens the door, sees a cop and closes it. She then makes her way to a second door, whimpering that it is locked. She soon finds something with which to pick the lock and proceeds to do just that. - Outside the main door of her room, Rafe convinces the rookie cop on guard duty to let him in so he can ask her a few more questions ... - Chez Maggie, Mia comes home from finishing a shift and is there just briefly before covering for someone at the cafe. Maggie offers her a sandwich. Chicken? Mia sadly remembers how when she was pregnant with Grace, she craved chicken. She laments all she has are memories. Maggie thinks she ought to try talking to her mom. Mia glumly disagrees. The redhead assures her things will get better. Mia appreciates Maggie's sincerity. Other people are only users - like Nicole. Maggie hopes the teen is not bitter, but Mia retorts it is too late, thanks Maggie for her concern, and heads back to the cafe. - While Mia is at work at Java Cafe, Hope stops by to pick up coffee. They talk Maggie. Hope asks questions about any new roommates. Mia mentions Carly. Hope wonders why she did not move in. And what is her opinion of Carly? Mia does not feel good about gossiping. Hope states first impressions are usually right. Mia admits she did not like or trust Carly. Hope smugly departs with her coffee. - Viv stops by the house of Kiriakis to see Victor. He gets her a vodka on the rocks. Madame comes clean when the Greek tycoon drawls she must be back in town to see Carly gets what she deserves. "It's time for revenge!" says she. Victor is amused. Madame announces extradition and execution is not enough. She needs painful revenge! Is Victor interested in being her partner in crime? "You really have to ask," he grins. - Stefano calls Kate and updates her that Sydney is still missing. She is concerned about his stress level. Stefano snaps that they are trying to keep Sydney away from him and they will pay! "My granddaughter is going to be found ...!" - After Roman promises to keep Sami up to date, he saunters off. Alone, Elvis and Sami talk. She is very worried, as people say the more time goes by, the harder it is to find a missing child. He squeezes her shoulder reassuringly and promises they will find their daughta. - Rafe finally gets into Nicole's room, but her bed is empty! The felonista has flown the coup, via the other door ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "My gut reaction might have been right," Hope tells Justin. "She came back to take my husband." "The sooner we get Carly out of the picture, the better," Victor informs Vivian. Brady turns around in an alley. "What in the hell are you doin here?" |
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