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Wednesday, December 8, 2010 up at 5:25 pm est, December 7 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! SALEM SCHEMERS ... - At DiMera mansion, Stefano is on the phone, pleased "it is done!" Mrs. DiMera will soon find out the hard way just what it means to cross him! - Meanwhile, Kate is at a bar, being refused service, as every place in town has been instructed to turn her away! She storms out. - Brady and Victor drink at the grand house of Kiriakis. Brady does not like the idea of the evil Viv plotting her next move. The Greek tycoon drawls not to worry, he will take care of her once and for all. Brady gives him a look. Once and for all sounds serious! How about they stick her back in the sarcophagus with her puppy dog assistant. He wonders what Victor's plan is. The Greek tycoon is evasive. Brady has noticed he just beefed up security. Indeed. Victor knows the black widow will wait until she thinks they have lowered their guard. He wishes to call a meeting between himself and Phillip and Brady and Nicole, to talk strategy. Brady notes he has omitted Kate's name and asks if that is cos he assumes she will hide behind Stefano. Brady tried to talk to her about Viv already. Victor will do it again, so she will finally grasp the threat that Vivian poses. Brady starts to leave but grandfather stops him, wanting to talk Nicole! She always puts herself first. Brady assures him they can count on her. Good. For once she will be on their side. - Outside, partner in crime Gus hands Viv some very hot documentation. She purrs about the total destruction that will be caused by her elaborate new plan! She reads and laughs how Kate will soon suffer in her own little private hell. So far she knows how she can pay back Brady, Nicole, and Victor. Next on the list is Phillip. They will soon learn the consequences of daring to cross Madame Viv ...! - At the pier, Johnny wriggles out of EJ's grasp and runs to Sami, hugging her. "Mommy, I love you, I miss you! Please!" he begs EJ coldly warns Samantha of the consequences of breaking the rules. Sami freezes, at a loss what to do. Nicole is visibly upset. Rafe stands by his woman. Before the situation can get worse, Rafe crouches down and tries to explain to Johnny he must go with his father. Johnny begs Sami to take him with her and grabs onto her leg. EJ warns her that doing nothing is not an option. Sami pushes him to EJ, who gets him away. Johnny starts to cry in his arms like a baby. Sami weeps as they all depart.She tells Ally she is sorry, this situation is only for now. Rafe woefully watches her hug her daughter. They returns to the loft. Once Ally is asleep, Rafe tries to console Sami with a kiss, but she is inconsolable. She decides her crying days are over and her kids need her! Rafe is there for her, and explains he understands how painful it must have been to let EJ have Johnny when he was tugging at her. It was, but she had no choice, as any display of compassion on her part would have led EJ to show Johnny her taped confession. She must do something! Rafe announces he can handle this one. He will take care of EJ! Sami gets upset he might break the rules. Rafe points out he will not do anything stupid. He made her a promise to get her kids back. But how? He does not know what he will do just yet, but he always wins against EJ and will do so again. Meantime, his does not want Sami to try and take matters into her own hands. They will get through this. They exchange I love yous. Rafe puts on his coat. Everything will be fine. He departs. Sami tells herself everything is fine ... - At the mansion, bored EJ looks through all his mail as Nicole brings up what happened. It made Sydney cry. He retorts she and Johnny will be fine. Nicole must go. EJ assumes she has a date with Brady and informs her she should go upstairs to say goodbye to Sydney - for the last time. She, he feels, has made her choice. Nicole follows him into the living room. Why is he acting so meanly? And he let Johnny suffer just to get back at Sami! He points out that if he lets Samantha start seeing Sydney, then Nicole will not! Her bleeding heart did not consider that angle! If he allows Sami to access the kids, "you are out!" He, however, has given her plenty of access to Sydney. Nicole agrees he has. He continues opening his mail and drawls he is the nice guy. She gets mad he wants her to choose between Brady and Sydney, after she helped him get his children back! Why can he not let her be happy? He makes a comment about their past, and she suspects his attitude is because she made him unhappy. She accuses him of wanting everyone to be as lonely, miserable as he is! EJ considers, and he looks upset, as though her words have affected him. He quickly regains his composure and dismisses the notion. Nicole points out he never would have let himself be compared to Stefano in the past. And even Stefano would not have been so mean to Johnny. Then there is Brady. Why does he hate him so much? Is it because he helped her pick up the pieces after he threw her out? EJ calmly explains. Why he hates Brady is irrelevant. However, Brady is Samantha's stepbrother ... That means either he goes or Sydney goes! - Kate storms into the mansion and snaps at Stefano she has her own money, so she does not need the credit cards he canceled! She only liked being Mrs. DiMera cos she liked the sound of being his wife. But as of now, it is over! - Kate is later sitting in the DiMera garden. Stefano approaches and notes it is cold. She suggests he leave. He reminds her this is his garden. She accuses him of overdoing the revenge. He thunders about what Samantha did. "You are the rrrrrreason that she shot my son!" And she also kept to herself that Chad was his son! She thought she was doing the right thing. He exclaims she cannot go behind his back and lie! Kate explodes. She is who she is and he knew when he married her. She will not change, not even for the phoenix! He acknowledges as much and adds there were rules and loyalty expected when she married him. Kate now points out he has kept secrets from her, such as what happened with Sydney. He admits there have been secrets on his side as well. Kate declares he has been a good husband, however, and she has been so happy. "You made me happy, too," he murmurs. Kate does not think they will make it if every mistake she makes is treated like high treason. Can he compromise and meet her half way? Stefano slowly shakes his head. He loves her, but "No, I will never change." The conversation returns to how her actions endangered his son. She realizes he might never find it in his heart to forgive her. He does not deny as much. She cries she cannot live like this, awaiting the next punishment. "For you, revenge is like an addiction." It is best for her to leave. He calmly offers to have the maid pack her things. Where should they be sent? Salem Inn. Their eyes lock. She touches his face and wishes things could have gone differently. "So do, I," sighs the phoenix. She kisses him one last time and bids him goodbye. "Goodbye Katerina," states the phoenix. Once she is gone, he sits and sighs, his eyes filled with tears. Moments later, Viv arrives, pleased to find him. She pretends she lost a bracelet. Stefano is impatient. She smiles she would just like to say hello. "Goodbye!" he growls. She perceives he does not look well and wonders if something is troubling him. He wants her to leave. Viv explains she overheard Harold ordering Kate's belongings sent to the Salem Inn. Did she leave or did he kick her out? She hopes she did not cause their separation. Stefano is fed up. He warns her to play her games elsewhere, and walks off. Viv now places a call to Gus and smugly informs him there is trouble in DiMeraville. All the better for her plan! - Down at the pier, Victor criticizes Kate for ignoring his messages. Viv is on the warpath, they need to be on their guard. Kate clearly has other things on her mind. The Greek tycoon gets sarcastic about her stormy marriage to the likes of Stefano DiMera. Kate explains Viv got to Stefano and told him about the sarcophagus secret, how she conspired with Vic, which made him see red. Things got bad and she left him. Victor is elated and invites her to move in, under his roof. She assumes he is joking. No, but he is worried about Vivian, whom he senses is plotting as they speak. She would be better off under his roof, with some protection. Annoying Stefano would be an added bonus! She states he is just as bad as he is. Indeed, though he would never throw her to the wolves. Kate decides she will do it. She will move back in with him! Victor grins mischievously. - Back at the mansion, Nicole assures EJ that Brady is out of her life. He calls it a wise decision. She snaps at him to go to hell and walks out. EJ takes a drink. "I'm already there," he sighs unhappily. - Back at the loft, Sami is tidying up when she finds Johnny's penguin on the sofa. All of a sudden, Ally cries "Noooooo!" Sami races to her room. - Nicole returns to the house of Kiriakis, where Brady gets her a drink. He talks Vivian. She has other matters on her mind. EJ has ordered her to stop seeing Brady or she cannot be with Syd. She has to move out and never see him again. Brady, however, refuses to be EJ's fall guy again. "You're not going anywhere!" he declares. Nicole holds him tight ... - At DiMera mansion, EJ sits with Johnny and mentions milk and cookies. The sad little lad asks why mommy hates him. "Your mommy doesn't really matter anymore." Daddy loves him and does everything for him and Sydney. He will make sure he never loses him again ... - Back at the loft, Sami assures Ally her nightmare would never happen, for she would never leave her. "You left Johnny," Ally replies. Sami sadly admits Johnny must be with his daddy right now. She loves them both. Ally laments Johnny was crying. Sami insists she will not let it happen again and she has a plan. Matter of fact, she will fix things today ...! Next on Days of Our Lives "Listen to me! I'm being set up!" Hope exclaims to the uniformed guard restraining her. Nicole gives Brady a look. "You're talking about faking this break up!" "Please tell me that you're not thinking about going back there!" Will implores Sami. |
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