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- John and Marlena have had a long day. They enjoy the sound of silence. Brady comes in complaining about the fires he put out and wishes he had a non-alcoholic beer. John steps away to get him one ... Sarah admits to Xander that Maggie will be bringing Konstantin for dinner. He refuses to break bread with him ... In his room Konstantin wonders what the exact meaning of the card he found is. Maggie tells him tis time to go but the Greek sighs Xander is understandably not keen on him ... Ava is reading a romance novel aloud when heroic Stefan shows up with sushi. He suggests they drink together but she can see he has already been drinking. He suggests they drown their sorrows and she agrees ... Everett is on the phone arranging to pick up Chad in the morning and admits to Steph it has been busy. She believes she lost her earbud here in his room. He finds it on the floor and she wonders where he and Chad are heading in the morning ...
- John comes back with the beer. Teresa drops by cos Brady must sign Tate's wilderness trip forms. They believe Tate is better and plan to attend parental visitation soon. Marlena sighs she and John miss him too. Teresa gets teary ... Konstantin knows Xander is not keen on him given he thinks he endangered his daughter. Maggie alludes to Konstantin being in her life and he loves hearing it ... Everett admits to curious Steph that he and Chad could have breaking news by morning. She starts to go and he invites her to stay for dinner. He has lots of little bottles in his minibar as well ... Ava enjoys the sushi. Stefan sees the steamy book she was reading and teases. She gets he misses Gabi and he wonders if she misses robocop. Then he toasts to their lost loves and being friends. She agrees they are friends and he feels the same way. They toast to that and enjoy the vino ... John sips his wine and watches with Marlena. Brady asks Teresa if she is alright. John and Marlena step away. Teresa fears he told them she got high again ... Xander opens the door and Maggie realizes he is about to leave. She reminds him tonight is about her daughter and no one's bad blood. Then she goes to the bedroom to see Sarah and baby. Konstantin makes small talk. Xander warns him if he hurts Maggie ... The Greek impatiently repeats he has deep feelings for the redhead. Xander gets sarcastic ... Sloshed Stefan and Ava talk relationships. He admits he would be willing to set Gabi free if she would be safe. Time to open another bottle and he teases Ava for her healthy snort ...
- Steph agrees she and Everett now have a better understanding of one another. He remembers they were never sleepless in Seattle and brings up that bluegrass night he said he loved her. Three weeks later she loved him back. He admits he still loves her ... Brady admits Marlena knows and Teresa gets upset. He was worried and needed to talk. Marlena knows about addiction and was simply concerned. He apologizes and Teresa accepts. He insists Marlena and John will keep her secret. She sighs and marvels about the looks John and Marlena romantically exchange. They used to share such looks. Brady reminds her she is with Alex now. She wishes - as she believes Brady does - that they were like John and Marlena ... Everett apologizes for the declaration of love since Steph seems uneasy. She decides to accept his offer of dinner and drinks while they have a talk. She admits she is not fine being friends ... Sloshed Ava remembers how happy she and Harris were. Then Clyde ruined everything. She suggests shots and Stefan gets the limes ... They are soon beyond sloshed and dance. The drink spills on his shirt so he takes it off. The pants follow and he plops on the sofa. Ava stares ... Everett worries. Steph requests rum and they both drink up. Steph admits she and Everett together were incredible. She wants more moments like that, turns off the light and they start to make out like the good old days in Seattle ....
- Brady believes Teresa is idealizing their old days. They were an addiction but he admits he remembers the good times. He deduces they are different now ... Konstantin praises Xander for his cooking. The Scot informs curious Maggie he learned from his mom. Konstantin is surprised to hear he is from Scotland and quips that explains it. He claims Scots are cold and boasts about his Hellenistic culture that made him a man's man. Xander sarcastically suggests he would never take advantage of a vulnerable widow either. Konstantin suggests he not underestimate him. Xander gets more sarcastic. Offended Konstantin wants to leave since he has been disrespected but Maggie refuses to leave and strenly tells him to order a car. He storms out livid. Xander apologizes. Maggie blames herself and wonders what she was thinking as Sarah gives her a sympathetic hug ...
- John and Marlena excuse themselves to bed. Teresa praises Brady for being her rock and assures them she is back on track. John gets a summons and suggests he walk Teresa out. Marlena senses something bad ...Maggie is sorry but Xander blames his big mouth. Sarah is concerned cos Konstantin was so angry but the redhead believes she can handle any man. She goes to kiss the baby and Sarah wishes Xander had not provoked the guy. Maggie does seem to need him ... Stefan is wearing a bathrobe and Ava is feeling fatigued. He admis her hot oil teasing talk today got to him and gets closer for a kiss. They get passionate fast on the sofa and the book she had been reading comes to life ... Everett and Steph kiss like the old days in Seattle even thought this is Salem ... Marlena was relieved to see Brady and Teresa getting along. He knows tis the Tate connection. The blonde bids him a good night ... Konstantin comes across John in the dark Salem night. The silver fox warns him tis not safe here. Konstantin sarcastically suggests Mr. Private Eye is meeting someone and demands they talk. He gets his card ready as John glares ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on February 2, 2024