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- Phone Kristen is at the square and agrees to come by after she gets Rachel at swimming in a few hours. She ends the call fast when she spies jogging Alex. She asks how things are at Titan. Clean and mean. She cackles at the clean claim cos Brady told her what Teresa did. Alex gets mad but bites his tongue. Sort of ... Meanwhile in Abelina (Abe/Paulina) world ... Paulina wishes her Abe a good morning and they gaze. He kisses her hand and she teases last night relaxed her. He suavely suggests more mind relaxing and they kiss again ... Clyde is on his miserable cot when hos phone frantically buzzes. He gets mad at the caller making a decision cos tis his business. Then he ends the call and vows to retaliate …The cops have busted a drug operation and the rookie who shot someone is rattled. Harris admits to Jada it does not look good … Alex defends Teresa and tells Kristen to leave the lass alone. Kristen warns Brady will always be in Teresa’s life and confided his concerns. They have a strong connection. She continues to play on Alex’s insecurities … Paulina praises Abe for bringing her joy. He feels the same way and they agree to make more memories … Harris agrees with Jada it was a good drug bust but … Jada gets it. They would have needed the dealer alive. She goes to check on the rookie who offed him. Harris argues to Rafe they could have gotten Clyde. Rafe argues it was a good bust. Reporters Chad and Everett show up. Rafe gets irate ...
- Chad informs the cross commiss they came to collect info. He hears Harris summoned them and agreed to give them the scoop to get a little more time until the Lucas story gets printed. This is news to Rafe, who rages at Harris, then hears it was Lucas who contacted the press. Rafe realizes he needs to give a statement and announces they removed more than 7 kilos from the streets. He suspects they are laced with opioids and vows they will reclaim the town. Everett wonders about casualties. An officer did shoot a dealer but the investigation is ongoing. He steps away. Everett and Chad get going to write the big story but they have one more stop to make ... Kristen continues to play on Alex’s insecurities. She insists she and Brady have a never-ending connection cos of Rachel. He reminds her she insisted on shared custody and suggests she was wrong to call the cops on Brady. He is stunned when she states Rachel did that …
- Jada grills a burly cop on how officer Goldman shot the dealer. He states he heard two shots and then saw rattled Goldman … Clyde sarcastically greets Chad and his pal at the prison … Kristen advises Alex to be stingy with his heart. He wonders whether she is involved. She is not into dating apps. He suggests she could reconcile with Brady and tells the lady captain to bring that ship back cos it could sail again. Kristen teases he wants Brady far from Teresa …Paulina updates elated Abe on Johnny and Chanel’s Valentines Day wedding plans. Then she proceeds to write her announcement. He wants to help and assures his sweet Paulina all days are good days … The thugs are hauled off for interrogation. Harris notes their boss will not be happy. Boss Rafe was not happy about Harris hiding things like Lucas. They now discuss officer Goldman the marksman. Rafe reminds Harris the shooting range is different than the street and notes the newbie will have to talk to the department shrink before she can be considered for a return to duty. He warns Harris he has no control over the press or the fallout from their impending article …
- Everett intros himself to Clyde as editor-in-chief of the town paper. Clyde never heard that name. Clyde hears that Chad now runs the paper which belonged to the late Abigal’s family. Clyde taunts he is no Stefano, he is a waste of his time. Everett senses his rotten mood due to his awful day. Clyde wonders. Everett brings up the recent raid. Chad plays along and updates him on the massive raid on the warehouse on Kingston Road. Everett adds it was seven kilos and the cops are still counting the cash. Millions. Chad muses he must be mad. They hear his vibrating phone which is not permitted in the slammer. Chad dares him to check his messages. Clyde gives him a look to kill … Kristen teases Alex for feeling insecure about Brady and Teresa. He admits he has been around a lot since her slip. She assumes they are also discussing Tate and suggests she can help …
- Policewoman Goldman stares into space and assures Jada she is alright. Jada recalls how hard her first shooting was. It was domestic violence and she tried to calm the guy, who fired his gun so she fired back to protect the public. She will never forget the blood. Harris and Rafe arrive and assure her she did what was right. She has doubts since she did take a life. Jada tells her she will overcome … Chad asks Everett his opinion. It was not what he expected. Chad taunts the slammer must have broken Clyde, who asks the clowns what they want. Everett suggests he use them to share his truth if he is innocent. Clyde claims he has been a model prisoner and taunts Chad must miss Abigail. He recalls how the beautiful girl begged him to spare her. Everett holds Chad back. Clyde wonders why Chad came. Cos he wanted to see his face about the crumbling of his empire. He will expose him and Clyde will rot in the sunless slammer forever! Everett observes …
- Kristen agrees it would be win win to have her more present in Brady’s life which would mean Brady would be less present in Teresa’s. Alex wonders and she admits she will always have a place in her heart for Brady. They have the same goals so she suggests they stay in touch to share intel … Paulina has just done the engagement announcement and decides to shop for her wedding outfit with Abe …. The hospital calls. Alas the ultrasound results revealed the tumor grew so surgery will be fast tracked to the end of this week. She hyperventilates and Abe agrees she will be alright. They will overcome together as a team ... Alex suggests Kristen come work at Titan to keep close to the action. She will mull it over. He also suggests more visitation for Brady with lots of sleepovers and insists their motives are pure. Happiness for all - especially Rachel. Kristen cackles and drinks to that … Clyde warns Everett to forget what he heard today. Everett warns he will not be intimidated and promises him a copy of the paper. Chad warns he will wind up with two life sentences, Clyde calls for the guard. Chad and Everett are almost done ... Meanwhile Harris warns Rafe that after Clyde hears what happened he will be out for revenge!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on February 6, 2024