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- Ava has a secret meetup with Harris, who pretends to be tidying the square ... At the grand mansion EJ sarcastically greets Stefan after returning from comatose Holly and mama Nicole. He suspiciously wonders where brotha was last night. Stefan acts like a tough guy and asks why he cares. Cos he read about the huge drug bust and the involvement of Statesville. Stefan cringes ... Chanel comes home from Johnny's place with sweet treats but Abe and Paulina are preoccupied ... Marlena has a warm morning beverage for distracted John and wonders about that new client he met last night. The former pawn stares into space ... Steph and Kayla are enjoying their pub breakfast. Steph gets a notification and tells her the new article is trending. Kayla is impressed. Steph has high praise for writer Everett and plans to treat him to a celebration ... Harris updates Ava on the far reaching bust. Alas Clyde was not neutralized. She reminds him of his promise to protect her and remembers that day he kissed her and she agreed to trust him with the whole truth. Clyde had threatened both Tripp and Gabi. She was worried about testifying and Harris promised to protect her. Then she agreed to update him on all the shipments. That was their deal. They kissed and he told her to slap him, make a scene as part of their cover. That was the way it was ...
- Harris insists he and Ava continue the charade until Clyde gets caught ... EJ smugly reads that Clyde is a key suspect in the drug dealing and taunts Stefan that he might make the next headline ... The silver fox sighs last night's meeting was a no-show as he avoids Marlena's eyes ... Paulina updates Chanel on her new surgery date. Chanel wonders when. Here comes Johnny, who parked the car ... Stefan warns EJ he too will look bad if he goes down. EJ gets sanctimonious and smug about sending him to the slammer after he gets Clyde, whom he knows will give him up in a heartbeat ... Harris informs anxious Ava that Clyde's candy man got killed so they must wait until he has a replacement ... Marlena deduces John is distracted. He lists his old occupations from ISA to priest and wonders whether the past really stays buried. Perhaps one cannot escape the things ... that one does not remember. Ooooooo
- Kayla probes Steph about Everett and the girl gushes things are going great. Mama Kayla sensed as much. Steph sips her champagne. Kayla is happy if her daughter is happy. Steph gushes about rekindling her and Everett's old connection. It all sounds ever so ... perfect ... Johnny has been brought up to speed on Paulina's surgery being scheduled asap. He and Chanel will be there. She is happy for the family's support and they wedding talk as they enjoy Chanel’s freshly baked scones ... Stefan makes a note of EJ's position. EJ vows to get the drugs off the street and make certain the cops lock up all with dirty hands. He leers brotha made a mess, cackles he will wind up in the slammer, and goes on his giddy way. Stefan seethes ... John admits to doc he has concerns about the unknown past coming back to bite. She assures him they can overcome all obstacles as they always do ... As Harris talks, Ava remembers her wild fling with Stefan and sighs about her bad decisions. She fears Harris will dump her when he discovers. He tells her they are a team and is then summoned to the station. Seconds after he goes, she gets a call from stressed Stefan, who summons her to the mansion stat ... John praises Marlena's pep talk. She praises her perfect man. She loves him as he is. He loves her back and they seal the deal with a classic kiss ...
- EJ sweeps into the station asking after Rafe. Harris notes he is busy with the press. EJ announces Clyde must have someone on the outside. Harris replies that man got killed after he tried to shoot one of their cops ... Ava arrives at the mansion. Stefan wants to know what Harris said. Just what was already in the paper. He warns her against speaking to Harris at all and suggests he could be aware of their affair ... Team Paulina has made all plans for the wedding to take place tomorrow. The hospital calls with her new schedule. The operation now takes place tomorrow morning. So much for the wedding. Paulina, Abe, Chanel and Johnny are positively disappointed ... Kayla wonders what Steph means about Everett moving fast. He wanted to move in but she said to go slow. Kayla the sage suggests if something was meant to be so it will be ...
- Harris has given grateful EJ the whole picture about Clyde. EJ wonders how to prove the creep's culpability. Harris notes the dealer is dead so they must wait until Clyde gets a replacement. EJ does not want him to slip through their fingers. Harris assures him they will nail that felon and all other parties involved ... Ava promises Stefan that Harris knows nothing about what happened and assumed he was only worried about Gabi. He is and insists she talk to Tripp and Wendy. Ava is more concerned about Clyde coming after them. Stefan wants to know what they are gonna do about that ... Paulina wants the wedding to go on without her. Chanel disagrees and Johnny supports her. Abe argues tis up to the couple to decide. Paulina caves and offers to cover the costs for the postponement. Now the diva needs to rest and Abe accompanies her. Johnny gets an idea ... Steph wonders what her parents have planned for Valentine's Day aka their anniversary. She wishes she would be as lucky in love. Kayla wishes her the same happiness ... Ava has an idea that would save herself and Stefan and agrees to tell him more when she can ... EJ is smug to hear about Ava and Stefan being of interest and informs Harris if his brotha is involved he can rot in the slammer with Clyde ... John believes he will have a better sleep tonight. Marlena leaves on errands and will see him soon. Once alone the former pawn makes a call and summons Steve to the office. Tis a most urgent matter ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on February 7, 2024