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Monday, January 3, 2011 up at 5:20 pm est, December 31 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! NEW YEAR AT THE PIER! - Nathan and Steph are bringing in the New Year nekid in bed in their Baltimore hotel room. Ring ring! Steph gets a call so Nath steps out to check the vending machine in the hall. Steph now realizes mama Kayla is back in Salem and calling her. Nath returns and asks if she will answer. Steph lies it is a friend who is probably drunk so she will let it go to voice mail. She mutters the woman is like a dog with a bone, then covers to Nath. He has a candy bar treat for her but she is not hungry. He senses there is something she is not telling him. She changes the subject and decides she wants to get married where there is no waiting period. How about Virginia? Now. He agrees to a New Year's Day wedding in the morning and she kisses him in delight. - At the apartment, Chloe says NO to letting Phil hold Parker. He insists he needs him! Chloe eventually brings the baby out. Phil takes his son in his arms, smiles, and drawls he is his daddy who will always do right by him. Chloe unhappily watches the father/son reunion. Phil sits down and promises "I'm going to be around a lot from now on." Chloe points out Daniel is still his legal father. Phil doubts he will want to raise a baby that is not his. Chloe insists Dan will come back to her. Phil feels she is only deluding herself and warns her to get a grip. "Everything is different now forever!" Stressed Chloe clearly wants him to leave. He wishes mother and son a Happy New Year, hands her the baby, and departs. Chloe repeats Dan will come back. He has to! Eerie music is heard as she tells Parker his daddy will come back. Dan suddenly walks in and kisses her. She hopes she is not dreaming. He drawls she is and calls her a lying slut. Chloe now sits up with a start. It was only a dream after all ... - At the house of Kiriakis, Mel insists that Dan is a far better parent than those two stupid people who could not even raise a goldfish. She works herself into a frenzy and announces she will go get Parker now to save him from the stupids, but papa Dan stops her. Taking Parker away is the worst thing they could do! She does not understand. He explains this is not about them, this is about the boy. "Chloe and Phillip are his parents." Mel cries they cannot lose Parker. Dan assures her they will get through this together. He is paged and has to go. She promises she will be okay by herself. They exchange I love you's and he adds he will call her. Once alone, Mel spies her wedding photo on a table. She throws it across the room and bursts out crying. - Sami has just put Ally to bed and is about to bitterly throw out what was intended for Sydney. Rafe encourages her that next year they will all be together and kisses her. Ring ring. Sami answers. "Oh my God!" She is upset to hear of the stroke grandma Caroline had and prepares to go to the hospital. Sami later visits Caroline at her bedside, with Rafe standing behind her. She is awake and able to speak a few words. Kayla steps out of the room. Caroline hopes she is okay. Sami assures her they will make sure she gets better. Caroline gasps she is not sorry for what she did. "My family always ... protect my family." Sami smiles she knows exactly what she means. - At DiMera mansion, EJ sternly advises Nicole to make haste and call Brady to let him know there will be no more trysts, unless she does not mind losing Sydney. Nicole asks him if he is in love with her. He gets sarcastic, then admits he does not love, like, or respect her. She asks why he is doing this. And why is ruining Sami's life worth more than his own sanity! EJ wrings his hands and impatiently states he has already explained many times why he wants to marry her. She accuses him of torturing her and the mother of his children. "You're boring me," he retorts. Nicole exclaims it is not healthy for the children to see their father in an unhappy marriage. They will sense her resentment of him for depriving her of the only man she loves. He coolly informs her that if they see any of that resentment, she will be out on her fanny! He adds she may see Sydney briefly now and arrogantly saunters out. Nicole looks ready to cry. She later woefully plays with little Sydney and then calls Brady. They arrange to meet at the pier in 10 minutes. Brady tells her he loves her. She sadly states she loves him too, gets off the phone, smiles at Syd, and lets out a sob, shaking her head that she could not have it all. - Maggie runs into Kate at the pub, who is there for takeout. Maggie assumes Victor does not feel like celebrating. Kate replies that is why they are staying in, gets her order, and walks out. Outside the pub, she calls Victor and leaves him a message. Maggie evidently thought he needed her support. What is going on with him? - Back at the house of Kiriakis, Mel opens the front door only to find Phil standing there. He whispers she cannot leave. She advises him to step out of her way. They have nothing to say to each other! She walks away dragging her suitcase just as Kate arrives. She would like Phil to tell her what happened. Once inside, Kate is smug to hear Dan is not the father of that "slut" Chloe's baby, until she discovers it is Phillip. She assumes Chloe seduced him, but how could he let it happen and why did he not have the sense to use ... He cuts her off. She pours herself a drink. "So what's next, besides Jerry Springer?" He has no idea, but it is not over with Mel cos he will never let her go! - Down at the pier, loverboy Brady meets Nicole, excited about spending the New Year with his beautiful girl. And that's not all. He has found a way to neutralize Vivian so they can have the life they want. Nicole gets teary-eyed. Brady realizes EJ DiMera owns her life and fears she is about to end it with him. He thinks she should have told EJ to go to hell, but she explains he is giving her another chance. It's not just about giving him up, she will have to give up her whole life and her freedom. She cries she is sorry. Brady stares numbly ahead. Nicole insists it is about Syd, whom she needs. He must know what it means for her to have her baby back. She implores him not to say she is not her baby, for in her heart, she still is and will always be. She hopes he understands. Brady bravely says he does. She bids him a tearful goodbye, whispers she will always love him, kisses him, and walks away into the night. Brady turns and woefully watches after her. - At the hospital, Maxine gives Dan something which came for him - tickets to the pier fireworks display. He thanks her, staggers a few steps, and drops them into the garbage. - Back at the loft, Sami decides to be strong like her grandmother. Even though she does not feel like celebrating, she will go to the Fireworks bash with acting Commander Rafe. - Nicole is back at the mansion, where EJ is clearly pleased she is now under his control. He has left a dress for her upstairs and wants them to attend the Fireworks party together, where he can show off his bride to be! - The pier party is now underway. Balloons, music, drinks, and cheerful guests abound. Sami kisses Rafe and smiles soon they will have the kids and EJ will be out of their lives. They cannot conceal their surprise when elegant EJ and dolled up Nicole make their grand entrance as a couple. EJ wishes them a Happy New year and gloats they are there to celebrate. Sami insults him for hanging around Nicole to get back at her. She rages Nicole must disgust him as she is a total lowlife bitch. Nicole retaliates by casually tossing her drink on Sami. EJ laughs heartily as she asks him to get her another glass of champagne."Of course!" Sami is momentarily rendered speechless, then gasps, and tries to lunge. Rafe leads her away and praises her for her restraint. He is proud she did not kill Nicole. They kiss again. EJ stands next to bored goddess Nicole and angrily watches the display of affection between Rafe and Sami. - At the pub, Maggie hugs Mel, who laments she must be cursed. "I loved him so much. I gave up everything for him. Everything. I was so stupid and now I'm paying for it. I never should have given up Nathan!" - Nath gets up from the bed in Baltimore and Steph listens to her phone message. Tis Kayla, informing her of the stroke grandmother Caroline suffered, She is at Salem University hospital. Steph is stunned to hear of it. Nath comes back with glasses and a bottle of champagne. She begs him to just hold her. - The pub bell rings, as it is almost countdown time. Mel is not in the mood. Neither is Maggie and she suggests they go home ... - Back at the Kiriakis mansion, mama Kate hopes that Phil does win Mel back. She adds she loves him and will also love his son. They share an emotional embrace. - Alone with Parker, Chloe remembers a romantic New Year's eve she once share on the pier in Dan's arms, as the fireworks surrounded them. Alone at the hospital, Dan , who appeared to be having the exact same flashback, is wished a Happy New Year by nurse Maxine. - The New Year is rung in, down at this year's pier bash. Brady glares at EJ kissing Nicole and walks away drowning his sorrows with his own bottle. Newlyweds Sami and Rafe wish each other a Happy New Year, exchange I love you's, and kiss. EJ suddenly interrupts the party with the shocking announcement of his engagement to Nicole. They are looking forward to their future together in 2011. He drawls his wishes are coming true and dramatically seals it with a kiss to his "sweetheart." Rafe is stony-faced and calm. Sami, however, looks ready to explode ...! Next on Days of Our Lives Bo is at a payphone. "Hey, it's me. I need your help!" EJ faces Stefano."This will drive Samantha around the bend and make the kids happy. It's a win win!" "I'm gonna find a way to stop it, Rafe. It is going to end!" declares Sami. |
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