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Tuesday, January 4, 2011 up at 5:09 pm est, January 3 ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. LINK ONLY! CABIN FEVER! - Hope wakes up to Bo, who declares he is getting them out of there. He has found a map and wants to figure out where that old gas station is. About 2 or 3 miles away. They are not open in winter, but there is still a working payphone. They agree it is time to turn themselves in with the promise that Hope not have to serve her time in county with that awful warden, while the claims against the warden are investigated. Hope is all for it. Bo thinks Roman is the best man to broker a deal, though he will not be able to contact him directly. He has an idea to proceed and explains he will go to the gas station. He leaves her his gun should she need it, and hands her the flower from Ciara's hair, to give her strength. He kisses her on the head and is gone. Once alone, Hope touches the flower now in her hair and imagines Ciara running in to hug her. Hope promises her she and daddy will come back to her. Ciara innocently asks if mommy and daddy have reconciled. Hope now wakes up and whispers they are not back together. - The warden is on her phone in her office. She states Bo and Hope are so dangerous, they would be better off without them surviving! She is surprised to see eager new hire Jennifer standing at her door. PR Jen has coffee for her just the way she likes it, and asks about the fugitives. The warden smugly states the state cops will catch them and then justice shall be served! - Sami is outside the loft, on her phone with maid Mary, who has been kind enough to update her on Johnny and Sydney. Sami thanks her and enters the loft, where Rafe has just gotten off the phone with Carly, who has not heard from Bo. Sami laments to Rafe that EJ will not let Johnny go back to school yet and Ally does not understand why. Nor do Sami and Rafe, for that matter, but EJ is calling the shots. Sami gets upset that EJ will not let her talk to Johnny. Thank heaven for maid Mary! Rafe just hopes he does not have the mansion phones tapped. Sami exclaims she will not have Nicole raising her children and she intends to do something about it. Acting commander Rafe must head off to a meeting with the warden. Sami appreciates him helping Bo and Hope. He does not wish to change her, but reminds her to be careful where EJ is concerned while he is away, kisses her, and leaves. - At DiMera mansion, EJ presents Nicole with an expensive diamond bracelet. He snaps it on her wrist with a gleeful grin. "Now I'll always know where you are!" Nicole stares at him. He admits it is a tracking device, to keep him aware of her exact location. She starts to remove it. He warns that would activate an alarm and thus end their deal. She calls him disgusting. He sarcastically thanks her and calmly states that is how she will get time with Sydney, who will no doubt be calling her mommy before long. He toasts her with orange juice and charmingly adds "To motherhood!" Nicole hisses she hates him and will always love Brady. She is only agreeing for her love of Sydney. He suggests they make their wedding plans. She reminds him they will be married in name only. He states he will still have to kiss the bride and suddenly grabs her in a kiss. Nicole kisses him back! He casually continues drinking his orange juice. Her face is flushed. Later, she updates him that the two kids are upstairs coloring. EJ is working at his desk. She wonders what if something great happens to Sami, like she gets locked up for life ... He chuckles it is a wonderful fantasy. She worries he would then not need her around. He assures her he gave her his word and they have a deal. Enter Stefano. "About what!" And is this related to the plan his son claimed to have? EJ quietly advises Nicole to make herself scarce. Exit Nicole. Stefano grumbles he is waiting for his answer. EJ now drops a major bombshell. Congratulations are in order, says he. "Nicole and I are getting married." Stefano appears to be amused. "Never!" He suddenly rages his son must be out of his mind, given that she was the first one who stole Sydney! EJ airily points out he did that too, and boasts he and he alone now has complete control, not to mention that this will drive Samantha insane.The phoenix growls it will drive HIM insane! EJ replies he does not have a say in the matter. Stefano cannot believe it. "Is this the only solution you could come up with?!" He does not even love Nicole. EJ smiles it has nothing to do with love, but papa phoenix is not so sure... He warns EJ to get over his preoccupation with that Brady bitch. How about he take the kids and go to Argentina? Confident EJ, however, wishes to win on his own turf. Stefano warns Nicole is pure evil, will pose a danger to the children, and storms off ... - At the hospital, Dr. Walters has heard gossip and asks Carly if she is having some ethical problems. She insists she knows nothing, has done nothing, though Bo and Hope are still on the run. He apologizes. She asks about his two patients. He laments they will die if organs are not found but fast! Moments later, Carly gets an unexpected call - from Bo himself! He must be brief, due to the possibility of lines being tapped. He asks her to call Roman and instruct him to call him immediately on a secure line. She agrees and tells him she loves him. He replies he is grateful to have her on his side. When the call is over, Bo curses, having heard a noise ... - Rafe joins the warden in her office and drawls she has been avoiding him. Jen takes it all in as Rafe reminds her he is acting commander. The warden dismisses her and she exits. Rafe informs the warden he needs information despite the fact that she has ignored his calls. She blows him off, as the state police are on the manhunt for Bo and Hope. Rafe claims the Salem P.D. also want to find Bo and bring him to justice for going rogue! He wonders if she did something he should know about, which led the commissioner to break out his wife. The warden loses it and snaps at him to get out. Exit Rafe. Dr. Ben now calls her, agitated that he needs organs for two patients and they cannot wait. She explains it is not safe to make a move in her prison at present so he will have to find another way to save his patients. Click! The warden now gets a call from a contact with the state police. They have a 3 mile area they are searching, as they tapped a phone that panned out when Bo Brady used it. They will soon catch up with their fugitives! - Sami meets up with Brady at the pub. He pours booze in both their coffees. She asks why he looks like such a mess. What has happened? "Nicole," he sighs. Their breakup was bogus, until they got caught and Nicole chose Sydney over him. Sami still finds it odd that she broke up with him, given that Brady usually breaks up with women, not the opposite. She calls nemesis Nicole narcissistic and encourages Brady to at least do something to fight for the woman he loves. Brady, however, will do nothing this time. He has enough problems with that lunatic Vivian Alamain running around. Sami will not relent, excitedly insisting if they work together, they can bring EJ down. Brady assures her she can do it on her on and make EJ wish he had died the night she shot him ... Exit Brady. Sami considers. She decides to fight for her family, like grandma Caroline would, and calls Mary again .... - Rafe walks on the pier and leaves Roman a message about his visit with the warden. He suspects she is hiding something .... - Jen is also outside, pondering when she should let Rafe know she is working at the prison undercover. After she learns more ... - Nicole is at the church, lighting a candle, and prepares to pray. She toys with her tracking bracelet, feeling like a prisoner, and wonders out loud what the hell she is doing anyway. Along comes Rafe. "The wrong thing, as usual!" Nicole calls him a stalker but assures him she loves those kids. However, she will not let Sami see them. Rafe predicts her deal with EJ DiMera will not be not worth much in the long run anyway. - Bo is out of breath when he enters the cabin, and tells Hope they have to flee. He heard the telltale sound of a wire tap as he got off the phone. The state troopers must be on their way! The pair are out of there within seconds ... - At the hospital, Jen has a complaint about Jack blogging he loves his freedom. She starts to tell pal Carly, who replies she has had a bad day and takes off without much of an explanation. Jen talks to Ben about the futility of New Year's resolutions. He has just gone off duty and invites her for a cup of coffee. She thinks that sounds like fun and they depart together ... - At DiMera mansion, Johnny is happily playing, wearing his eye patch. He wants to hear another pirate story. EJ places him on his lap. First he has happy news he is sure he is going to like. He and Nicole are getting married. Is it not wonderful? "NO!" angrily yells Johnny. - Back at the church, Nicole suggests Rafe keep Sami sane, cos if she loses it and gets locked up, he will not have Sami, not to mention that EJ will not need her. She suggests he pray she does not blow it. Rafe smirks. - Sami is down at the pier when she hears someone and suddenly starts to pretend to be talking to Brady on her phone. She can offer up her place to him and Nicole yet again, as she understands the lovebirds are in need of their privacy. The phoenix walks down the stairs. Sami goes on with the charade. "What EJ doesn't know won't hurt him!" Stefano turns his head in her direction ... Next on Days of Our Lives "I'm afraid the truth came out. The whole truth," Kayla informs Steph. "Are you coming back to us?" Chloe nervously asks Dan. "Elvis has enough evidence to put you in jail!" Stefano reminds Sami. |
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