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- Steph sits with pretty pal Jada at the pub. Here comes Romeo Rafe. Steph gushes about getting the bistro as a new client. Rafe has been working the drug case and suggests they stop the shop talk. The gals tease him and he takes it well. He holds Jada close and suggests they all have a pink cosmo ... Xander is in his apron when Sarah comes home to his big deal Robbie Burns supper. His steak pie rings ready and Sarah admires it. He gushes she motivates him ... Anxious Alex arrives to discuss Teresa with emotional healer Marlena. He stopped her from leaving Salem and ... they slept together ... actually it was making love ... Kayla has summoned anxious Teresa and wants to hear the latest from sister Kim's worrisome wayward daughter ... Back at the pub the gals are sipping their cokes while Rafe has a beer. Jada and Rafe ask about Steph's love life. Steph works with two exes. One from her life in Seattle. Jada used to live in Seattle and they wish they had connected back then ... Everett is torn about Steph being hired by the bistro to squash any negative publicity about said bistro. To print or not to print such a statement ...
- Sarah and Xander fine dine and discuss their days. He suggests she deserves a raise since she works so hard. She is fine with her salary but he thinks she should not be ... Alex updates Marlena on Teresa’s slip, how he and Brady were there for her. Alex wanted to be her hero but Brady was better. Teresa decided to return to California but the plan changed cos he convinced her to stay. Alex feels exposed since he needs that girl so much ... Teresa realizes Kim told Kayla about her slip. Kayla is sympathetic and asks about her decision to stay in Salem. Teresa sighs it was cos of Alex ... Jada proposes a toast to not needing a shoulder to cry on. Rafe heads to the bar to get another beer after asking whether the ladies need anything. Jada marvels what a gentleman this man is unlike her lying cheating ex ... Sarah is worried about Xander believing they need more money. She assures him she gets enough and he has the Spectator so they will both be contributing for their daughter. He assures her he will do respectably right by their little girl and she flashes the great Scot a loving smile ... Alex has never felt the way he feels about Teresa, whom he needs and feels close to. She is always on his mind. Marlena smiles a sweet smile and uses the L word. Love ... Teresa is telling Kayla the same thing about Alex, who gets her as she gets him. He is the one that she wants, the one that she cannot be without. Kayla asks if she loves him. She does indeed. Kayla believes with the right woman a man who seems to be a shallow egoist can change. Teresa admits she was after Brady when she fell for her friend and now feels guilty about what she did. Kayla wonders what she went and did ...
- Alex admits being in bonfide love is a brand new feeling for him. He wonders whether he should propose. Marlena suggests his feelings seem new so take it slow. He worries he could lose the girl ... Sarah is having a wonderful relaxing evening. Xander updates her on their daughta's adorable reaction while he read her Goodnight moon. She has Sarah's intensity. Sarah gushes and daddy's nice smile. Xander likes her smile right back. They both feel blessed about the baby and what feels like a fresh start ... Jada admits to Steph she learned her ex was cheating when their credit card bill had a hefty jewelry charge with no jewelry to show for it. He was mad when she brought it up and they argued, then they were done. Rafe returns and Steph steps outside to take a call from Everett, who asks her to have a look at his follow-up piece on the drug bust in case revisions are required. She will take a look tomorrow as she is presently with pals at the pub. She invites him to join them and he agrees ...
- Alex admits it was hard losing Justin and he is not exactly ready to rush into anything. Marlena suggests he be there for Teresa for now ... Kayla senses Teresa's regret for past mistakes and suggests she make amends with anyone she hurt. Teresa sheds a tear and agrees ... Steph updates Rafe on the scavenger hunt with online clues. Speaking of clues ... Unseen Everett opens the pub door, sees who is at Steph's table and silently steps back outside ... He texts Steph he cannot come and insists she call him as soon as she can ... Steph sighs. Jada wishes she had been able to meet her new guy ... Sarah wants to try whisky from the Celtic cup. Xander is obliging and pours the drink of trust. She praises him to the heavens and he praises her right back. He takes the first sip and then she takes hers. He recites Burns' romantic poem A RED RED ROSE ... Sarah swoons and they passionately kiss but he disagrees when she suggests the bedroom ... Alex praises Marlena for her assistance. She suggests he take his time. If the relationship is good and real it will not disappear as he fears. He admits he is in love and blushes ... Teresa thanks Aunt Kayla for the advice and is ready to make amends with those she done wrong. They hug ... Xander would love to make love but wants to do things the right way. The stakes are too high. Sarah loves him ... being the poetic voice of reason and they share a hug. A long one ... Steph gets going. Outside in the snow she calls Everett, who is sorry and asks her over so he can say something ... She agrees but gets a bad feeling ... Alex runs into Teresa and they admit they were thinking about each other ... Rafe invites Jada home with him and she agrees ...
- Steph meets Everett in his room and wonders what is so serious. He announces he must confess something ... Xander admits his heart is skipping beats and Sarah says the same of hers. Then she kisses him and heads to her bedroom. Xander is reaching for a much needed drink when his phone rings. An unknown caller with a disguised voice has a job for him. Wot kind? Someone needs eliminating ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on January 26, 2024