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- Steph slips out of room 305 and here comes colorful Leo. Steph wonders why he is here. He lives here and teases she does not. She suggests tis her biz why she spent the night but everything is the biz of Lady Whistleblower ... Ava wants a word with surprised Wendy, who assumed she was Tripp returning home ... Stefan remembers a year ago with his beloved Gabi and feels sad. Johnny comes into the living room, helps himself to coffee and wonders whether EJ is awake. Stefan gets snarly. Johnny gushes he and Chanel will wed on Valentines Day. Stefan slurps his coffee and complains his wife is in the slammer. Johnny assumed he was seeing Ava, Stefan snaps to butt out ... Kayla comes by almost open Sweet Bits but the mini banana muffins need cooling. Chanel flashes her engagement ring and Kayla offers a heartfelt congrats. She and Steve also wed on Valantine's Day ... Sarah has a confidential patient waiting. Tis anxious Paulina ...
- Steph sternly reminds Leo she and Everett are friends and colleagues. He alludes to when Harry met Sally. She dismisses him and tries to pull rank by stating she is PR consultant to his boss and could cause trouble. Then she marches off ... Leo pretends to leave too but then returns to Everett's closed door with a spirited knock ... Dr. Sarah thinks the lump feels the same size and suggests an ultrasound. Paulina is worried and would like it now. Sarah pep talks and promises to get her in as fast as possible. Madam Mayor says no preferential treatment and refuses to contact daughter Chanel ... Pink apron Chanel notices Stephanie leaving the Salem Inn in her crumpled dress ...
- Kayla gets back in bed with Steve, who stirs. He had a long night with John while she was working cos Marlena called. He and John have Konstantin concerns now more than ever and Maggie is not listening. There is no proof so far but Patch knows a clear and present danger when he sees one. Kayla suggests he let Maggie decide for herself. Steve is now sleepless as the smell of banana muffins fills the air ... Ava sits with Wendy and suggests tis tough for her having Tripp's mom around. Wendy assures her tis not the case. Ava morphs into Vitali mode and hopes Wendy is for real about her son cos if she is not, she should bow out. Wendy is indignant. Ava wonders whether Tripp is her security blanket cos she lost brother Li. Wendy denies it and gets testy ... Leo impersonates room service. Sleepy Everett opens the door. Leo saw Stephanie leaving his room and teases up a storm. Everett sighs and ushers him away for a private chat ... Steph sips her bistro coffee and Chanel teases she just missed Kayla. Steph assumes she is curious why she just came out of the Salem Inn. Chanel smiles tis nobody's business ... Radiology is ready for Paulina cos someone cancelled. Sarah suggests she let her call Chanel, who would want to the with her ... Stephanie is relieved Chanel is not a sanctimonious Salemite and now admires her engagement ring. She gets going and misses emerging Everett and Leo, who offers to buy the boss breakfast ... Stefan continues to insist he loves Gabi so Johnny reminds him he kissed Ava Vitali right here in this room. Stefan gets cryptic. Johnny gets sarcastic ...
- Steve munches the banana treats in bed. Kayla kisses him and feels sleepy. The rest of the treats are for Stephanie, who has just returned. Steve suddenly realizes she was out all night ... Wendy feels insulted. Gangster mode Ava wants her son respected. Wendy sternly states they love one another and their relationship is no one else's business but their own. Ave's phone rings with a call from Harris and Wendy notices when she does not want to answer. She sarcastically wonders whether she is into Harris or Stefan or both ... Stressed Stefan calls Johnny names and refuses to be judged. Johnny is still baffled by his bizarre behavior. He waited forever to be with Gabi so why is he so openly making moves on Ava. Stefan swears his vows were true and Gabi is always on his mind. Johnny still wonders. Stefan suggests Ava is a beautiful distraction. Johnny hopes he can live with himself. Stefan grumbles he does too and walks out ...
- Steph gives Steve the rest of the treats and Kayla asks about her night. She is elusive. Steve probes. She stayed at a friend's place ... Leo feasts on the sweet bits treats at the square as Everett warns him no article about what he discovered. He declares he and Steph are friends only. Leo cracks more jokes. Everett suggests he is insecure and needs therapy. Leo likes his self-help books and he is also happy to have Everett to talk to. Everett looks like he would rather be anywhere else ... Chanel is now at Paulina's bedside. Paulina is pleased when almost son-in-law Johnny arrives and thanks Sarah. Time to get dressed. Johnny is happy she feels better and steps out. Paulina gushes her girl is lucky. Chanel knows it and smiles like a girl in love ...
- Ava refuses to answer Wendy's question about her feelings for Harris. They agree they are good and Wendy excuses herself to catch up on her meditation ... Ava answers the phone and snaps at Harris to stop calling. Wrong. Tis Stefan DiMera, who is miffed she is even talking to that cop. He reminds her he is trying not to blow up the operation that Clyde forced them to run and angrily wonders why the hell Harris keeps calling her. The mafia princess agrees to give him the brushoff and he suspiciously wonders where she is. Chez Tripp for tis her day off. She notes tis not easy faking her interest in creepy Stefan. The insults intensify as they keep talking like mobsters. They seem to bring it out in each other. She teases she will take a hot bubble bath and Stefan starts to sweat ... Everett suggests Leo try working sometime. Leo has his gossip plate full. Everett agrees not to keep tabs on his hours cos he gets the job done. Leo pinky swears everything he heard today will stay confidential ... Stephanie remembers old times with Kayla. Steve is sorry he missed so many years. He is worried so she sighs and admits nothing happened with Everett last night. She has no intention of rushing. Steve is relieved. Everett now calls the pr princess and she gets going. Steve sits down with a sigh, sensing that something wicked this way comes ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on January 30, 2024