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- Pretty Chanel and glam Paulina are breakfasting at the square. Paulina feels the Valentine Day wedding pressure. Chanel nervously notes Johnny will come after he deals with something ... Chad hollers up at the kids to hurry. Johnny drops by to see his uncle ... At the park jogging Brady asks jogging Alex about Teresa. He convinced her to stay in Salem and she regrets she kissed Brady too. Brady reminds him that she did the kissing not him. Alex is still insecure ... Harris and Jada are delighted at the station cos they got a big stash and two dealers. She lowers her voice and worries about Harris kissing Ava aka bad news ... Hoodie Xander shows up at the mansion demanding a word with EJ. Stefan states he is not here and suspiciously wonders what the problem is. The Scot got a strange call ...
- Brady wants Teresa to be in a good state for their son and tells Alex he is in the picture for Tate's sake ... Stressed dad Chad is ready to hear Johnny out. Johnny gushes he and Chanel got engaged and intend to wed in 2 weeks on Valentines Day. He asks Chad to be best man. Chad goes silent. Then he admits he would feel uneasy bringing another unfortunate woman into the bad luck DiMera family. It killed his beloved Abigail ... Stefan gets sarcastic. Xander is dead serious. Stefan will pass the info onto EJ. Xander updates him on the blocked caller requesting he off someone. Stefan frowns. ... Harris admits he wants to be with Ava but Jada is against it. She feels her partner and friend has too much to lose. The other two cops who helped them on this day return and Harris suggests they all celebrate their win with a hearty breakfast ...
- Chanel does not want mama to overdo or stress about anything. Paulina talks a mile a minute as she plans and takes a deep breath. She shows her a veil and Chanel smiles tis nice. Now time to talk cake and cascading centerpieces. Mama wants to go big. Chanel plays along even when she suggests a bold bridal bouquet made of pastries ... Johnny argues Abigail was not Clyde's target. Chad talks bad luck and reminds Johnny of his own disastrous wedding. His new wife could get murdered too! He suggests Chanel would be safer staying away from him altogether ... Brady warns Alex that Teresa needs to be watched in case she has another slip. Alex has a question ... Stefan gets serious about Xander's untraceable caller trying to order a hit. Xander notes he was never an assassin for hire. He would not kill someone in cold blood. Stefan suggests it was a wrong number. No cos they knew his name ... Jada, Harris and the other two officers get served by Roman, who tells his brothers and sisters in blue that breakfast is on the house ... Johnny warns he WILL wed Chanel come Valentines Day. Chad admits he was having a hard morning and is missing Abigail. His heartbreak is never-ending. Johnny is sincerely sorry for Chad and the children. However, he assumed he was inching toward a relationship with Steph. Alas no and his heart still belongs to Abi. He tells Johnny to hold onto his love with Chanel and keep her safe by running back to Italy and staying there ...
- Stefan wonders why Xander would suspect EJ. Cos he recently hired a hitwoman to take out Ava. Tis one of many such orders he knows EJ made. Stefan gets testy cos the Kiriakis men are no angels ... Alex asks Brady for advice and info on Teresa. He wonders what it was like when they were married. Brady admits he was wasted in Vegas when they wed and suddenly asks if Alex actually has marriage on his mind ... Paulina's tacky suggestions continue and she calls out Chanel for humoring her. Chanel agrees to talk turkey but mama admits she still likes the fancy wedding veil she showed her ... Johnny flat out refuses to flee since Chanel wants to stay near her unwell mom in Salem. Therefore they stay. Chad will be his best man after all. They hug and Johnny thanks him. Then he asks if he would still marry Abigail if he knew then what he knows now. Chad would have taken her far away to save her. Johnny blinks ...
- Alex drinks more water and admits he and Teresa have no marriage plans. They are good the way things are but he yearns to know more about her before getting closer. Brady suggests they go slow. He warns him about her wild side that can suck a good man in ... Stefan argues EJ would not even ask trainwreck Xander to take someone out. Xander concludes EJ might have been responsible for the call. He is a respectable citizen now so he can get someone else to be the town hitman ... Roman tells the officers in the pub some funny stories about the old days. Harris suggests a toast to Roman for his service at the Salem PD and for paving the way for the next generation. Roman is touched ... Paulina and Chanel are giggling about wedding cake when Johnny joins his favorite gals. Paulina rushes off. Chanel sees Johnny is stressed and assures him the wedding will be fine. He suggests they postpone and her face falls ... Stefan insists new D.A. EJ would not have called Xander. The Scot starts to suspect Stefan, who dismisses him but Xander wants the last word ... Johnny shares Chad's dire warning with devoted Chanel. She would risk her life to be with him! He shares the sweet sentiment and they kiss in bliss ... Alex thanks Brady for the advice. Brady wishes him well and lets him know he is a call away if he needs assistance with Teresa. Alex gets going but Brady still has Teresa's kiss on his mind ... Roman wonders how long Lucas must stay in his secret room. Harris intends to keep him hidden until they know it is safe ... Xander repeats he has changed and has a daughta. He doubts the DiMeras are clean in this case and suggests EJ and Stefan can go straight to hell as DIMeras always do. Then he storms out. Stefan gets to thinking ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on January 31, 2024