All Rights Reserved. Link Only WHEN LEO MET JAVI AGAIN, JADA SMELLED A RAT, JOY GOT SCENES CUT AND CHANEL FOUND OUT WHAT EJ DID… These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) REAL TIME SEQUENCE + KEY DETAILS! - Rafe is bound and gagged in the DiMera cellar when Jada calls. Alas the hero cannot reach his phone ... Upstairs EJ gets a call from Belle and blasts her for stealing his D.A. position ... Leo is all alone lamenting his lousy New Year. He now reads a new scoop from the Fake Lady whistleblower that suggests he could get sacked ... Shirtless Javi is in a swanky room when he gets a Lady Whistleblower notification on his phone. Hmmm ... Meanwhile Johnny calls Chanel, who hangs up on his groveling attempt and storms over to Joy at the square to give her phoney friend a piece of her mad mind ... Leo comes on down to Body and Soul, surprised to see a downtrodden Johnny. He plans to write a new story the imposter will not spoil. It involves Chanel and Joy fighting over the same soap hunk. Johnny sighs no can do ... How Joy wishes Chanel would forgive Johnny. Chanel gives her a look to kill ... EJ seethes he was betrayed by Paulina and Jada. Belle argues it was just a change and suggests he drop the revenge talk ... Alas Rafe cannot reach the phone but accepts the call with his foot and makes a loud sound that is not coherent to Jada at the other end ... - Leo reasons the two rivals are at odds so Johnny unhappily enlightens him ... Chanel blasts Joy, who argues it was all a misunderstanding. Chanel is still mega mad she was lied to ... Marlena comes home to Belle after her workout and asks about her New Year. Belle admits she was Chez DiMera at an odd party. It was tense since Paulina had just fired EJ and replaced him with HER. Marlena smiles ... EJ stops Rafe from communicating with Jada, gets the phone back and offers him his breakfast. Rafe glares. EJ blames Arnold for what happened and removes his gag, warning no one will hear if he hollers for help. Rafe tries regardless ... - Javi greets Jada in Rafe's kitchen and offers her leftover pancakes. She complains about Rafe going on a case and almost but not quite answering her call. Now it goes straight to voicemail ... Elegant Chanel continues to confront fake friend Joy, who sadly apologizes. Chanel does not buy it and questions her character ... Leo is shocked to hear about Joy and Johnny's almost hookup. He thought he and Chanel were happy. Johnny insists they were but he wrongly believed Chanel was having an affair with Alex. When Leo learns they did not go all the way, he notes tis not really cheating. Johnny knows he should have known better. Leo can totally relate ... - Jada leaves Rafe another nervous message. Javi changes the subject to wedding plans. She believes it will be modest. Javi offers to be her wedding planner cos they are gonna be family. Jada smiles ... Rafe stops yelling and wonders why EJ even gagged him. He wanted him to know who was in charge but alas cannot let him go. Tis all cos of Arnold, whom he ordered to leave town but then Rafe got in the way. Rafe is enraged and warns Jada will track him here. Arrogant EJ notes she is not even looking ... Marlena congrats new D.A. Belle and wonders how EJ took the news. It was tense but she will not see him often. Marlena now mentions Shawn. Belle does seem a tad stressed about seeing her ex on a daily basis. Knock knock. Speak of the devil. Tis spiffy Shawn. They get tongue tied and he enters. He is here to present her with cases EJ wrongly refused to prosecute. Grateful Belle feels ready to hit the ground running. He gushes he is glad she is the D.A, cos she cares about Salem and its inhabitants ... Rafe is worried about Arnold impersonating him. EJ admits he did kiss Jada when the ball dropped but he has since sent him to a motel. Jada believes Rafe is away on Black Patch work. Rafe warns he will not be able to hide him here forever and suggests they team up to take down awful Arnold once and for all ... - Javi admires Jada's ring but gets glum about his prospects. He is still seeing Terry but has his doubts he is his Mr. Right ... Leo complains about Javi not giving him another chance and moving on with another love interest ... Joy and Chanel get teary. Joy really regrets what she did. Chanel is hurt since she thought they were friends. Joy knows she was wrong to almost sleep with another woman's husband. She woefully wonders whether she should accept EJ's offer to leave Salem with the big money he offered her before. Chanel is shocked to hear of it. EJ is her father in law! Joy is sorry but mad Chanel suggests she take the money and leave town. She never wants to see her again! - Leo feels Chanel will forgive Johnny at some point and offers to keep the two gals apart on the show. Johnny suggests a new story. Leo steps away for another caffeine infusion first ... Javi just does not feel his current fella is the one and hopes he does not see Leo at the gym. Jada wonders but he denies there is anything there ... Shawn admits he is working today as he had nothing else to do. Belle promises to make the perp charges stick. Marlena assures him he will always be family. He thanks her, wishes both ladies a Happy New Year and takes his leave. Marlena praises Belle as a great D.A. already. But the blonde is worried about what EJ will do ... Rafe reasons both he and EJ want Arnold locked back up and promises to say nothing to no one if he lets him go home. He is a man of his word. Alas EJ knows they cannot trust Arnold and believes Jada would want him locked up as well. So Rafe must remain until he comes up with a solution ... Now he decides tis feeding time ... - Chanel joins Johnny at B and S to announce she is quitting the show ... Leo greets a very unjoyful Joy at the town square and tries to warn her he had to write out some of her and Chanel's scenes. She storms away and Leo stands up, finding himself face to face with a very soulful Javi ... Rafe is alone now and struggling to get free ... Upstairs EJ has his phone and texts back Jada pretending to be Rafe busy on a case. That will buy him some time. So he thinks ... Smart Jada reads the text at the station and tells Shawn this message might not even have originated from Rafe!! STAY TUNED ... Luv Cathy |
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