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- Steve wants to know why Whitley is leaving and to where ... Jerry babbles about Abe's service. Lani heard from her brother he attended and sighs about the unanswered questions. She asks to enter ...Groggy Abe's mind mixes what he is watching with what he is imagining and in some cases remembering. He visits Kate on TV in his pajamas ... Brady and Belle sit at the square and marvel at the turnout for Abe. He updates sis on Rachel not really being missing ... Kristen claims hypothetically if she knew where Rachel was, she would expect a reward for revealing it. Marlena wonders what her angle is. Full custody of her daughter ... Kate aka Lorna calls Abe Henry the ice cream king. She wonders why he looks worse for wear. He was attacked and wound up in hospital but tis still quite confusing. Lorna assures him she will fix things as she always does ... Packed Jerry was about to return to L.A. Lani wants to know what he was about to tell Theo but did not. He starts to sweat ... Whitley is leaving town for a new start. Steve asks where she is moving to. Scottsdale where she has family. Steve is already aware she was one of 5 kids ... cos of the background check. Abe's notorious nurse lets out a little gasp ...
- Belle wishes she could get forensics Shawn to help search for Rachel at the DiMera mansion - but he was suspended for drinking. Brady is stunned and sympathetic. Marlena might be able to convince crazy Kristen to return his daughter. She is with her now ... Marlena calmly suggests a lawyer. Kristen scoffs no one would help and rages Brady took her daughter last New Year's Eve as well. Marlena reasons she was withholding the orchid at the time. Kristen claims she hypothetically has her own reasons now ... Whitley worries why the FBI background check. Steve makes light of the procedure and reminds her she was the last one who saw the mayor. That means the investigation is not going away anytime soon. She tells him the last person to see Abe was Jerry not her ... Lani probes Jerry about what he almost shared with Theo. She admits she used to be a cop but still seeks answers. She implores him to share any info on her dad so she could get closure. Jerry blurts out his tale was a big lie ...
- Abe imagines Kate - aka redhead Lorna - approving of his grey suit. She wants to help get him elected as mayor. She is his director of communications. He gets a feeling of déjà vu. She notes no one will stop them. Here comes angry Kayla with a brunette wig ... Man in black Brady believes Marlena will be able to appeal to Kristen to do the right thing ... Marlena calmly asks Kristen where Rachel is now. Kristen denies knowing. Marlena asks what she is after. Shared custody cos her daughter loves her mommy. She advises her to talk to Belle. Marlena agrees and asks her to let her granddaughter know she loves her. She leaves and Rachel appears in a bear costume ... Lani demands the truth. Jerry admits Abe was not at the docks. He was ordered to plant his blood and bracelet. Lani snaps what did he do to her dad! He reveals it was all Nurse King's plan ... Steve states the last person who saw Abe before he went missing was Whitley. Whitley claims it was Jerry ...
- Even in Abe's soap opera dream Kayla - called Cassandra - is a medicine woman. She clashes with Kate, who claims her candidate Henry will win and presents her perfect candidate - a glittery grinning Paulina ... Belle thanks Brady for his concern about Shawn and explains he is seeing Marlena, who now arrives and reveals Kristen denies knowing where Rachel is. But ... if she did ... she would want a new custody agreement ... Rachel does not like the attic. Kristen assures her she only needs to stay there a little longer and praises her for her perfect disguise that makes her blend in with the stuffed animals. She offers to come up and have a tea party. Rachel is unhappy about worrying daddy. Kristen suggests the deception will end soon ... Steve wonders why Whitley never mentioned Jerry lurking outside Abe's room before. She acts shocked he believes Jerry might have been involved in Abe's vanishing ... Abe is introduced to Sondra - played by Paulina with her usual panache. The diva plans to build a big discount store when she wins. Abe frowns. He finds her story very familiar and also knows she has kept other secrets from him ... Jerry completely comes clean to mad Lani about Whitley and announces Abe is ALIVE!
- Brady is livid about Kristen's demand. Marlena warns she could vanish with Rachel. Belle reminds him that Rachel ran away from the camp he chose and he had full custody so the situation is not in his favor. Brady was all for Kristen being in Rachel's life until she played blackmail with the orchid. Marlena urges him to think of Rachel and the future. Belle can draw up the document ... Kristen promises Rachel will see daddy soon and sends her back to the attic while she prepares the tea party ... Abe imagines Paulina denying she had a secret from him before. Strange music plays. The mayor now remembers. Drums play. He tells Paulina they had a daughter and she lets out a soap gasp ... Jerry swears tis true, Whitley stole Abe from the hospital, now claims she is his wife and even paid him to pretend he was Theo. Lani cannot imagine Abe would believe it. He did for a while but sometimes his memory starts to return. Nurse King always stops it by sedating him ... Whitley acts shocked about Jerry. Steve calls John for Jerry's address. Whitley smiles an eerie smile ... Jerry swears he did not expect Whitley to do such things when he agreed to an acting job. Lani wants to know where papa Abe is NOW. At the apartment but Witley plans to leave town with him soon. Lani races out and he cries he is so sorry ...
- Back at the flowery square, Belle informs Marlena that her assistant has sent the updated agreement to Brady. Marlena cannot wait to see Rachel. She is all that matters and she does love her mother. Belle disapproves of Kristen's kidnapping. Marlena hopes for a calmer future ... Brady hands Kristen the amended agreement at DiMera mansion. She approves and he gives her a pen. She signs, hands it back and he rips it to shreds, his eyes blazing ... Whitley feels badly about Jerry but hopes for his sake he is long gone ... Meanwhile Steve knocks at Jerry's door before he can leave with his luggage ... On the retro soap Abe hears knocking. Lani bursts in FOR REAL and gasps DADDY at the groggy mayor!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 14, 2023