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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Link Only! EVE AND VIC MAKE BRADY LOSE, SHE-DEVIL GABI PUTS HER PLAN IN MOTION, ABIGAIL ACTUALLY BELIEVES HER, STEVE TRIES TO ATTACK STEFAN, CHAD WANTS TO HIRE KATE! Monday, July 16, 2018 Episode 13,377 1420 words Beware of copycats. These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) Now without further ado ... BASED ON DAYSCAFE NOON TWEETS WITH DETAILS ADDED! JJ stands up and tells the judge they were all his drugs! He had them before Theresa came to temporarily stay ... At the square Kayla notes Steve did not touch his lunch. He worries he might not be a match for the bionic program. Sweetness makes him feel better with a kiss but stops smiling when he notes she did not even have to involve Stefan ... Kate warns Stefan not to let Chad in. He threatens to tell him all about her scheme and opens the door. Chad demands to know why he is there. Stefan sarcastically asks which one of them should tell him ... Abigail reads the test results she was handed and gasps Stefan fathered her unborn baby. She hyperventilates how can it be! Gabi fakes sympathy and suggests she move on but accept that the past did happen. Abigail muses maybe she should not have it. Gabi worries she wants to terminate? Meanwhile Kate fibs to Chad that Stefan begged her to come back to DiMera. Chad doubts it and wants a straight answer. Kate forces a smile ... JJ pretends his personal issues led to his latest relapse. Brady reasons he could be covering for Theresa. JJ insists it was all him and claims she deserves custody. The lady judge has listened and calls another break ... Theresa stomps out as JJ insists she was set up! She is so sorry. She believed Brady wanted to work something out and knew not he would stoop so low ... Brady wonders with Justin. Eve agrees Theresa is not using. Brady wonders how the drugs came to be at JJ‘s place. Justin has no idea ... Kayla suggests she and Steve plan for the future with a safari and a picnic on the highest mountain. She feels their future is bright and kisses him again ... Stefan states he needed someone to run DiMera and Kate was the best idea. However she turned him down. Kate assures Chad she made it clear where her loyalties lie. Stefan takes his leave ... Abigail claims she was not of her own mind when she was with Stefan sooooo ... Gabi admits she too considered abortion but thank God she did not. Her life without Arianna would not be as whole. Abigail sighs her situation is not the same. Gabi asks if she could end the little life inside of her. She herself just found out she can have no more kids cos of the infection she caught after the prison attack. Abigail hugs her friend in support and blames herself. Gabi stares darkly ... Kayla pours the champagne. Steve toasts to their honesty that makes their love stronger. To his sweet wife ... Stefan arrives at the square and wonders what the occasion is. Kayla's face falls ... Chad informs Kate he will destroy Stefan and take DiMera back. He invites her to work with him at Titan. She thinks Victor would not approve but Chad believes he needs her on his side ... Gabi reasons Stefan is really to blame as Abigail was not herself, she was an alter. But she wants her to see even Stefan’s baby as a blessing. Abigail wonders how to drop the bombshell on Chad. Gabi wishes she would just do it. Abigail reasons this would be the ruin of their marriage ... Theresa hugs JJ and thanks him from the bottom of her selfish little heart. Brady walks over for a word alone. He hopes they can get back on track. She fumes JJ lied the drugs were his cos Brady framed her! Brady denies it. She leers she will never let him see his son again ... Justin shuts his briefcase and asks Eve whether Victor had the drugs planted. She stammers she is not certain. He blasts her for making the whole deal blow up by playing dirty ... Theresa felt she and Brady would be able to make a deal. He insists he wanted to and did not plant anything. She knows they were not JJ’s and praises him for standing by her. Brady begs to get back on track for Tate. She fumes no and she is now fighting for full custody! Kate reminds Chad of their original deal. He insists he needs her. She suggests he speak to Victor first. They now discuss Leo not coming to court. Kate suspects he was scared off by John’s investigation. Chad is relieved no one will realize what was really going on ... Abigail almost wishes the results had been altered. Gabi tells her to tell Chad he is the father and change the results so no one knows it is Stefan’s ... Stefan wonders what the celebration is. Steve tells him he might be getting a bionic eye and suggests he scram. Stefan alludes to Kayla going to great lengths. Steve gets angry about Abigail and wants to attack him but Kayla ushers him away ... Kate is sorry Chad ended up being involved in the Leo mess but it did help make him the top at Titan. He admits he did not tell Abigail how he came to be Titan CEO ... Gabi suggests a switcheroo. Abigail cannot lie. Gabi argues the baby would still at least be Chad’s nephew or niece. Otherwise it will be hard for Chad to accept. Eerie music plays as she points out lying would be best for all of them especially Abigail’s unborn baby ... Theresa stands to say something. She stayed with JJ as Brady had booted her out but now as she is running Bella she will be able to afford a home for herself and her son. After Tate was born she vowed to be the best mom! She has learned from her mistakes and asks to have the chance to be the best mother as she wants to be. Then she sits down. Brady stands to make his plea. He denies killing Deimos, refers to his sobriety and praises Eve, whose love made him believe in himself again. They shall wed soon and have a house filled with friends, family and love. He adds he has been the only parent for Tate for a long time and mentions how they keep monsters from his bed. He loves his boy with every breath he takes and asks not to have them torn apart ... Kate updates Stefan on the phone about Chad wanting her to work for him. She warns him he will have to take Chad down without her. He threatens to go to the press with the Leo lawsuit she concocted even though Chad was not involved. Chad is a DiMera and she would be taking a gamble. He hangs up at the square and comes face to face with smirking Chad. He smirks right back ... Gabi shares with Abigail how she just spoke with Chad about her problems with Ari. Chad is the best dad and if she pretends he is the papa she will be spared of Stefan’s lifelong custody battle. Abigail needs more time. Gabi assures her she is here for her friend always. Abigail thanks her and is sorry for her recent news. Gabi gasps she is her friend but after Abigail hugs her and goes she glares ... Ted is sitting by Theresa. Justin is still seated by Brady. The judge regrets the people involved could not come to an agreement. She lists Theresa’s bad decisions and Brady’s as well, especially surrounding the death of Deimos Kiriakis. He did not tell the court how he came to have evidence of the murder. Such a dilemma and a difficult decision! In her view sole custody should be granted to Theresa, who is hereby ordered to stay away from JJ Deveraux. Theresa cries. Brady lets out a wounded sound, totally devastated ... In her office Kayla and Steve await the engineer together. He praises her for making it happen and apologizes for losing it with Stefan again. She gets it and alludes to all his enemies ... Chad accuses Stefan going after all he loves. Stefan gets sarcastic. Abigail arrives and they leave together. Meanwhile Gabi is all alone as she remembers what really happened earlier. She had viciously changed the test results to hide that Chad was the father just to give Abigail her comeuppance. She takes a deep breath, savoring the first phase of her REVENGE! STAY TUNED |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE All the drama in Salem on Monday, July 16 |
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