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- Steve knocks on Jerry's door. Tis about Abe. No answer ... Whitley babbles aloud about having to save herself. Kayla interrupts ... Rafe apologizes to Paulina but he must now oversee Lani's transfer. Alas Lani is not there ... Lani soap stares at ABE after she bursts into Whitley's apartment. He looks at her blankly when she gasps DADDY ... Rafe is worried. Paulina assumes Lani is still at the park and they head there together ... Drugged Abe wonders who Lani is. His beloved daughter. He claims not to know her. She deduces tis the amnesia talking and promises to take him home to family where he belongs ... Kayla wonders what Whitley meant about choosing herself first. Whitley smoothly spins ... Jada lets Belle knows she is getting a search warrant for DiMera mansion. Belle is pleased to report she took care of everything and Brady is signing a new agreement as they speak. Meanwhile at the mansion Kristen blasts Brady for ripping up the new agreement and he pulls a gun on her ... She is shocked he has a gun. He admits tis John's and very loaded. He demands Rachel, presses his gun against her stomach and warns he is in charge now ... John joins Steve. They need to speak with Jerry so the door is busted open ...
- Paulina and Rafe find no sign of Lani at the park ... Lani assures Abe this is not his home. He stammers Paulina brought him here and said it is his home. Lani sees the wedding pic with Whitley in it and exclaims that woman was a fraud. She is no Paulina ... Kayla is surprised to hear Whitley is leaving her hospital job. Whitley states she already told Steve. Kayla keeps her talking. Whitley explains things are different since the mayor died. Kayla finds it an odd reason to move away ... Steve and the silver fox find no sign of Jerry, just an open window ... Whitley babbles about Abe's death being a metaphor about the ailing town. She is using her vacation time as two weeks notice. Kayla suggests they go over her exit package. Whitley is in a hurry, suggests she mail the check, calls her a great lady and waddles away. Smart cookie Kayla smells a rat ...
- Paulina is upset about Lani's disappearance. Rafe calms the matriarch and vows to find her. She snaps like he did Abe. Rafe looks a little hurt ... Jada reminds Belle that Kristen could be guilty of kidnapping and blackmail. She does not approve of letting her get away with it and knows Rafe would not approve ... had he not been fired because of Shawn ... Kristen gasps Brady wins and tells him Rachel is in the secret passage. With his guard down she tries to attack. He shoves her back in the chair and blames her for everything. He rages she only cares to win not love and likens her to Stefano. He refuses to let her have Rachel in her life and threatens to off her. Rachel runs in and protests ... Abe recalls Paulina said he had a son Theo but not a daughter. Lani accuses her of treachery. He remembers seeing Theo on TV and states he cannot leave. Lani explains that woman is a nurse whose name is Whitley. She faked his drowning and has been keeping him from the family. He wonders whether he is imagining the retro soap again now. Lani urges him to try and come with her. Whitley arrives and refuses to let him go anywhere ... Brady approaches Rachel but she overheard him say he would kill mommy. He was just trying to make her say where she was is all. Kristen starts to speak and he thunders to stay out of it. Rachel tells him not to speak to mommy that way. Tis surely not Brady's finest hour ...
- Back at the station Jada assures Belle she does not blame Shawn for Rafe's firing. She and Rafe led to that happening. Belle blames the strict regulations and offers to help legally. Jada is a wreck cos Rafe's expertise is needed to find Rachel and uncover what really happened to Abe ... Steve and John are on the case. They cannot imagine the nurse would have forewarned Jerry he was coming. Steve calls Jada and updates her on the latest. She will put cops at the train and bus stations ... John hopes tis not too late to catch the guy they need to question ... Paulina gets upset about Rafe carrying on with Jada, leading to his dismissal and inability to save Abe. She cries on his sympathetic shoulder ... Abe tells fake Paulina this woman has told him things. Whitley wonders who she is. Lani snaps she is Abe's daughter and the wife of detective Eli Grant. Whitley accuses her of stressing Abe. Lani leers she knows everything cos Jerry talked. She is taking Abe home now and sending the imposter straight to the slammer! Abe is confused. Whitley implores Lani not to ruin her future with the mayor and seeks mercy. Lani calls her crazy and warns she will pay. She turns to get his chair and gets jabbed instead ... Steve wonders about a motive. John is looking in an appointment book and wonders why there was no ransom. Steve wonders why strange Jerry stayed in Salem so long and even spoke to the family. The printer beeps and they get the jammed paper out. BINGO!
- At the hospital Kayla assures patient Paulina she will be alright. Rafe returns and Paulina profusely apologizes. She is still worried sick about Lani. Rafe ignores a call from her Maryland prison ... Brady orders Rachel to wait at the front door for she must come with him. She stomps off and he warns Kristen he will tell her everything. Rachel runs back and cries not to shout at mommy. He picks her up and walks out while she screams for mommy. Kristen is an upset mess ... She summons Belle and gives her the custody agreement Brady ripped. She urges Belle to get him to sign. She asks where Rachel is. With Brady now. Belle realizes Kristen had her all along and alludes to consequences ... Speaking of consequences ... Rachel is enraged at Brady. He sends her to her room, hides the gun and opens the knocking door to ... Detective Jada! He confirms Rachel took Kristen so he got her back. Jada actually came to arrest him for threaening Kristen with a gun. Brady cannot believe it. Rachel returns and reveals she was the one who called the cops. Brady's face falls ... John and Steve now have what they need. But tis a long list of possible destinations. Time to get to the terminal and stop Jerry before he bolts ... Paulina watches while Rafe calls back the prison, lies Lani is with him and promises to have her back before lockdown. At least that bought them time ... Abe wonders what is going on. Whitley looks triumphant as Lani falls to the floor in a heap ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 17, 2023