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- Friendly EJ gets himself and Stefan a drink at the bar. Stefan wonders why the invite. EJ assures him he attempted to stop Megan when she tried to off him ... Li ends a call with someone he is sending money. He is surprised when Gabi comes to his door ... Belle blasts Kristen for taking Rachel. Kristen counters Brady just took her after she miraculously appeared before Brady could shoot her ... Defiant Rachel shouts at bewildered Brady that she called the cops when he stopped at the gas station. He asks why. She accuses him of trying to kill mommy. Jada is shocked ... Gwen is delighted with the new edition and wonders what her fiancé is doing. Meanwhile the cad fiancé is getting very physical with Leo. She leaves luv a message to ring her about tonight. She cannot wait to wed him ... Leo and Dimitri are out of breath. Leo offers to show more new moves. Randy Dimitri realizes Gwen rang. Leo curses. He hates ... deceiving his bff. Dimitri tries to distract him. Leo wishes he could use someone else to get his inheritance. Alas there is not enough time. They kiss again ...
- EJ informs surprised Stefan that he tried to stop Megan's plan to off him. Stefan wonders why he is telling him ... Shirtless Li is sorry for what happened to Gabi. She vows to off strange Rolf with his ponytail one day. He lectures her for going to see him alone. She already agreed to stop taking such risks to Stefan but warns today is different. She pulls a gun on Li ... Belle does not buy Kristen's story about Brady threatening her with John's gun. Kristen insists he snapped. Belle blames her and believe she is lying like always. She refuses to help her and leaves ... Brady denies the gun part but Rachel screams she saw him with the gun on mommy. Jada wants an explanation. Brady admits he may have said he could kill Kristen but had no gun. Rachel says tis in the drawer. Jada gets Brady to key in the code and gets the gun. Then she suggests Brady get a sitter cos they need to speak at the station ...
- Fashionista Gabi is furious. Li starts to panic. She is mad Melinda let him go cos she knows he must have been working with Megan. The buck stops here ... EJ talks family connection so Stefan laughs. EJ explains he was always lectured about family loyalty by Stefano, and suggests Stefan is a lot like him. Tis time to be a united front. Stefan reasons Megan is gone but EJ warns she will return one day and there is still a fox in the DiMera henhouse ... Fully dressed foxy Dimitri kisses Leo, who slips out the front door. Dimitri now greets livingroom Kristen, who lets him know she saw him sneaking someone out of the house. She leers was it his girlfriend or boyfriend and eyes him like a cat ... At the station Brady admits to Jada he tore up the custody agreement. Belle arrives and tells him to say nothing. Brady would rather not lie about what he did ...
- Dimitri denies it. Kristen updates him on Rachel seeing him in the sack with Leo Stark. She has done the math and knows Leo doubled back, found the damning document on his inheritance so Dimitri seduced him. Dimitri does not deny it and claims it was demeaning. He urges Kristen to tell no one and she agrees but ... she now expects a cut of that inheritance ... Leo arrives too late for the meeting and Gwen wonders where he was. He stammers about his column about cuddling. Gwen thinks that sounds dull and senses he was avoiding her due to ... Dimitri. He denies it and claims he has been working too hard. Gwen is worried as today Dimitri did not call and wonders whether she made a mistake. Leo blurts out he was with him ... EJ warns Stefan that Dimitri could still be doing Megan's bidding and suggests they work together. They shake hands. EJ now suggests they come up with a way to get rid of the fox. Stefan already has an idea...
- Gabi is losing it. Li reminds her of their good times. She snaps Stefan is the love of the life and she would so anything to keep him safe. He swears he will not bother Stefan and has accepted she is with him. Wendy advised him not to throw away his life. He is done dwelling on the past and suggests she check his matchmaker profile on his laptop. Gabi pities his next girlfriend. He assures her he is no threat to her and Stefan anymore ... Dimitri laughs but Kristen threatens to tell former friend Gwen the truth unless she gets her fair share. She needs power and big money to help her get Rachel. Dimitri wants a number. She demands Megan's share and reminds him of her mischief. He bites a nail and is about to reply to her deal offer but Stefan and EJ appear. EJ unceremoniously tries to kick him out of the mansion ...
- Leo admits he went to the mansion to get the goods on Dimitri, who caught him red handed. Things got physical and rather rough. Gwen is worried. Leo concludes in the end Dimitri convinced him he wanted to marry her and so he is giving his blessing ... Belle argues Brady was not trying to sound threatening. He tells the detective he was worried he would lose his daughter. Belle hopes Jada will let it go but Trask storms in and says no way ... Terminator Gabi rages Li wanted her fiancé dead. He claims he was not himself after his broken heart. He babbles he is going on a date tonight and is moving on. Gabi lets him go but threatens to pump him with lead if he ever bothers her again. Li is relieved ... Trask orders Jada to book Brady and get a statement from Kristen. Now she has a dinner to attend in her blue dress ... Kristen is curious. Stefan states he and EJ are against the common enemy. Dimitri was not aware of Megan's actions. EJ wants him out regardless. Kristen coos she has her shares and Peter would vote with her any day. Dimitri also has DiMera shares. Kristen threatens to go to Li too. Stefan wonders what her game is. Kristen wants them to stick together like one big happy DiMera family ...
- Gwen is happy to hear she has Mattie's blessing. He admits he saw another ... side of Dimitri. Gwen suddenly realizes that was last night and yet he was with Dimitri today ... Leo lies they were planning a surprise for her wedding but tis a secret so do not tell Dimitri she knows. Gwen is touched and gushes how happy she is her best friend and groom are getting along ... Stefan agrees Dimitri can stay for now. Livid EJ warns they will regret it and storms off. Kristen coos grateful Dimitri can pay her back ... Gabi arrives and Stefan escorts her upstairs to discuss what went down and where she was ... Li anxiously awaits his date at the bar. She is wearing a blue dress. Enter Trask in a blue dress ... Jada comes to the mansion to ask Kristen about Brady. As per Rachel, he threatened her with a loaded gun ... Brady is grateful to Belle for getting him home. She warns if Trask has her way he will be tossed in the slammer and that could happen if Kristen presses charges. Sneaky Rachel overhears. Her duplicitous eyes dance ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 18, 2023