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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Link Only! LEO'S LAST STAND AND PRELUDE TO A DNA DECEPTION! Monday, July 2, 2018 Episode 13,367 1200 words Beware of copycats. These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) Now without further ado ... BASED ON DAYSCAFE NOON TWEETS WITH DETAILS ADDED! At the square Abigail is with Chad, who tells her how fast Thomas is growing. He goes to take a call so anxious Abigail calls Gabi, who is outside the mansion, mission Stefan’s DNA! Meanwhile Abigail must get DNA from Chad today ... Inside DiMera mansion Kate warns Stefan she will not work with him against Chad. He praises her diabolical plan with Leo and lets her know he will not let her stop ... At the pub Will and Paul meet John, who has the sordid scoop on Leo ... Sonny is stunned by Leo’s offer to marry him and make the lawsuit disappear. He hates him. Leo insists he is not so bad and wants a partner. Sonny knows he only wants money. Leo thinks they should live the high life together ... John notes Leo Stark is not even a real name. He has a record including a stint as a male prostitute. That would mean reasonable doubt. Paul is perplexed he did not cover his tracks. John feels he was someone’s flunky ... Kate snaps at Stefan for stealing DiMera from Chad, who is like a son. She will not be used against him! Abigail is anxious on the phone. Gabi remembers how her own life was ruined by her friend. She then assures her she blames only Stefan. Abigail wants to help her with Ari when it is over. Bff Gabi is amazing for helping her. After she ends the call Chad appears asking how Gabi is helping her. She is helping her with her life by giving her a chance! Abigail holds his hand. She feels hopeful about the future. Chad does too ... Paul thinks Sonny needs this file on Leo now. Will offers to give it to him as he was on his way and leaves with if after kissing Paul. They have also exchanged I love yous ... At the Kiriakis mansion Leo will not give up. Sonny loathes him. Leo warns he would have to take the stand and his lawyer would ruin his reputation ... Stefan reasons to Kate that she has everything to lose and her reputation would drag Chad down with her. He concludes Chad will go down either way and slyly suggests she save herself ... Chad toys with his food and Abigail encourages him to eat. He does so she smiles. They missed one another. She promises not to leave again. He gets romantic but has to step away for another CEO related call. Abigail slips his fork into a bag ... Kate stands up to Stefan and advises him against underestimating her as did Stefano. He suggests she save herself. She refuses to go against Chad. He smugly states they will be dragged down together then and he will win. For now he looks forward to the lawsuit and downs another drink. She calls him an s.o.b. He snaps she shot his mother and warns her he holds the power. But he will give her time to come around. Kate walks out and runs into Gabi. Each wonders why the other is there ... Leo claims he was not just a con artist, he truly cares for Sonny. He suggests the stress of Titan tanking could kill Victor. Sonny threatens him. Leo needs his decision now. Either let his family be destroyed or marry him. Sonny replies fine he will marry him. Will has arrived and overhears ... John marvels over Will and Paul being in love. He asks how it happened. Paul gushes he just said it. John chuckles. Paul points out his declaration also triggered a memory for Will. John asks if the serum is starting to work. It seems so since he remembered Sonny also saying he loved him. And he helped Will remember more ... Will thinks this must be a joke. Leo wants to call the justice of the peace and kicks him out. Will cannot let Sonny make such a monumental mistake ... Kate pretends she was trying to get her old job back but failed. Exit Kate. Gabi now hears phone Stefan demanding files on all Titan deals no matter how they are obtained! She heads upstairs lest he see her ... Chad sighs about the Titan situation and has to get back to work. He blames the lawsuit. Abigail notes but he can do nothing about the lawsuit. Chad remembers finding out Kate was the mastermind and mutters yes he could. Eerie music plays. Abigail asks if he could help Sonny. Chad stammers he meant he could suggest Victor and Justin settle. He believes Sonny deserves better. She gushes she is proud of him and praises him for his good work at Titan. Chad now wonders where his fork went ... Will asks Sonny if he lost his mind. Sonny states he agreed for his family. Leo says to get out. Will now whips out his file and calls Leo by his real name. Mathew Cooper the criminal and prostitute. Sonny sarcastically decides to wait with the wedding invitations ... Kate leaves Leo another message about signing his settlement papers ... Gabi is coming downstairs when Stefan sees her. He demands she explain what she is doing there ... Abigail tells Chad she accidentally knocked that fork off and excuses herself to run errands ... Gabi replies she wanted to get Stefan to sign off on her new marketing budget. He suspects there is more to it and orders her to explain herself ... Chad ends a call about a conference call with the board and gets glum. Kate approaches and he admits he hates lying to his wife and his best friend. Kate reminds him he needs the Titan power to defeat Stefan. He feels like a heel for keeping secrets from Abigail. Meanwhile Abigail has his bagged DNA in her hand and looks up to the heavens ... John is impressed that Paul offered to step aside. Paul gushes but he is not Will's second choice ... Sonny calls Leo a liar. Will stands behind him. Sonny would rather take his chances in court and does not want another minute with this man. Will tells Leo to get out. Leo attacks Will, raging he ruined everything. Gabi warns Stefan she is going by the book. She is done being burned! He brings up Abigail so she excuses herself to the office. Abigail calls and wants to meet with their respective samples at the lab. Stefan follows Gabi ... Chad thinks his wife would want him to do the right thing. Kate alludes to Abigail not being such an angel as she did murder Andre. She laments Leo has not gotten back to her about the settlement signature. She fears he is up to something. Meanwhile Will turns purple as Leo chokes him for ruining his plans. Sonny throws him off and ends him flying through the air. Leo hits his head on the mantle. Will assures concerned Sonny he is alright. He now checks on Leo, whose head is bloodied and who is NOT moving. Will stares at Sonny in soap horror... STAY TUNED! |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE All the drama in Salem on Monday, July 2 |
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