ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Link Only JAKE'S DNA MATCHES STEFAN, GABI AND VIVIAN CRY TEARS OF JOY, CLAIRE CONVINCES CIARA OF HER INNOCENCE, BEFORE SONNY AND WILL CAN SPEAK TO ALLIE, SHE ASKS RAFE TO RAISE HER BABY ... 1200 words Beware of copycats. These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) THIS IS THE WAY IT WAS Coffee drinking Eric closes his computer when over sleeper Allie emerges. Nicole is at the park with Holly. He sweetly describes their playdates. Allie can imagine Rafe being like that with her child. Does he think she is doing the right thing …? Ben blames Claire for the damaged dress. Meanwhile nail painting Claire listens to Gwen complaining about Gabi, hoping she goes to the slammer. Claire counters she was cleared and teases Gwen she has an adversary who also wants Jake … Vivian disagrees that is a mugshot of Jake for that is her Stefan. Rafe shares that Gabi believes the same thing … Gabi opens the test results. Jake grows impatient. She pouts to wait, passes all the symbols and sees it is a match … At the townhouse Gwen rages about Gabi going free to hound Jake. She even stole his toothbrush to do a DNA test to prove Stefan was brought back from the dead. Claire informs her some in Salem do survive death … Will greets Sonny at the Kiriakis mansion with the good news Gabi was cleared. Sonny smiles they can now tell Ari they are adopting. Will warns it might be too soon since they have yet to confirm with Allie … Eric assures Allie he respects Rafe the great guy and dad material. However, is she sure she wants to do this? … Viv gasps Jake was dead and she saw. Rafe shrugs Gabi is trying to prove her hunch with a DNA test … Gabi gives Stefan a big kiss. He has his doubts so she shows him the DNA match. He is confused. She gushes he is her Stefan her love her hubby her hero, her one and only! She gets emotional. Jake acknowledges this must mean his last two years in Philly are his only true memories. How can the rest be a lie of a life? Gabi is sorry that Rolf made mischief but she knows with her help he will remember the depth of their love … Gwen leers she is not fearful of Gabi but that girl should be fearful of her. She now hears Claire spent the day gown shopping with Ciara and senses she is up to something. She asks wot she intends to do … Ciara believes Claire changed. Street smart Ben reminds her of the past and points out Claire gained her trust to destroy her. Ciara asks him to accompany her and give Claire a chance. He sighs in agreement and holds her close … Sonny agrees they should speak with Allie before Ari, who really wanted a puppy. Will agrees they are the perfect pair to raise his sister’s baby … Eric informs Allie that Rafe recently lost a child he hoped to adopt so if she sets the wheels in motion again there can be no turning back … Will does not want Allie to feel any pressure. Sonny agrees and gushes she will be able to see the baby grow up. He and Will would be happy to have her involved. Will notes Lucas does not want her to give up the baby but Sonny senses she is not listening … Allie insists Rafe is the right choice. Eric senses she would want to visit her child sometimes. Would she reveal herself as the mother? Important things to consider … Claire acts indignant about Gwen thinking she would hurt Ciara. Stony faced Ben arrives with Ciara and gets sarcastic when she boasts she took care of the dress … Viv gasps Gabi ran DNA tests? Rafe confirms and explains the results just came in … Jake/Stefan states nothing is different for he feels nothing for Gabi regardless. She loves him and leads him away by the hand to help him remember … Allie has much to think about but still believes Rafe would be the best parent. However, she has not yet spoken to him. Eric suggests she do so … Ciara updates Claire on the nail polish that ruined her dress. Ben spies a bottle of nail polish and suggests they compare the colors. Claire dramatically denies any wrongdoing or accident that spilled the polish. She left the dress in the bag and returned it to the shop. Then she came home and did her nails. Ben questions her story so Gwen defends her friend … Vivian has only Stefan on her mind and hopes it is really him. Rafe suggests she get a lawyer for that other stuff and gets back to his desk. Gabi comes running with Jake and the test results. Rafe is surprised since he assumed Stefan’s heart was in Julie. Gabi wants him to get the serum from Rolf. Not really possible. However if he really is Stefan he will be wanting to see Vivian, who was arrested for trying to off Lani the bride. Gabi calls Lani a murderer. Jake finds out vicious Viv is his mama … Allie is ready to approach Rafe and thanks Uncle Eric. Alas Sami still does not know anything. Allie admires Eric and Nicole as a couple and hopes one day she too will find that kind of love. Then she goes to get ready … Gwen does not like her friend being accused of lying and quips she is afraid Ben might strangle her on the spot! Claire breaks it up and begs Ciara to believe she did not destroy her dream dress. Ciara decides to believe her. Claire hugs her and hopes she is still maid of honor. Ciara agrees. Claire will help find the next perfect dress and wants to pay for the ruined one. Ben growls that is like an admission of guilt and leaves with the woman he loves. Gwen grills Claire on her guilty conscience … Sonny and Will visit Eric and ask to see Allie … Jake digests that his mom just tried to kill a police detective. Gabi teases t’was not her first offence. She also shot Kate and left her for dead in a grave. Gabi hopes seeing Madame Vivian will bring his memory back. Allie arrives to speak to Rafe in private. He will be at work for a long night and invites her to get some food with him. He is not fussed about Jake visiting Viv since there is no escape. Jake hesitates. Gabi gushes he might remember more like how much they were in love … Will and Sonny admit to Eric they wanted to ask Allie whether they could adopt her baby. Eric is amazed. However, he suspects Allie has no clue … At the square café Allie praises how supportive Rafe has been all her life and asks if he would like to adopt her baby … Trusting Ciara heads home with Ben. He holds his most beautiful bride close, his eyes reflecting his worry … Gwen assures Claire there are alone sooooo … did she do it? Claire denies it and blows on her painted nails … Gabi sends Stefan in alone and assures him Vivian adores him. Weeping Madame whispers Stefan her son is alive and he peers at her … STAY TUNED! Luv Cathy |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE The Salem Story on Thursday, July 2, 2020 |
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