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- At the pub Talia sits with sister Jada and complains about her situation. Jada has Rafe on her mind, how their relationship cost him ... Phone Rafe promises phone Paulina he will locate Lani before anyone notices she is missing. After the call grinning Johnny greets him ... Busy Medicine man Tripp must cancel his date with Wendy, who understands. She now sees a note from Li about his blind date ... While Li and Melinda drink fine wine they enjoy one another's company and get on a first name basis. They both choose salmon from the menu and marvel they have sooo much in common ... EJ is rubbing Nicole's sore feet in the living room as he updates her on the latest DiMera drama. He asks about the service for Abe for he knows he was like a father figure. Nicole wants to talk baby ... As she arrives home, phone Sloan admits to phone Colin that Eric has no clue he could be Nicole's baby daddy. She says he is in the dark and realizes he just woke up on the sofa. Eric blinks ...
- Johnny cannot believe the new wannabe mayor sacked Rafe. He urges him to fight. Rafe admits he violated police department new rules. Johnny deduces it had to do with Jada. He is happy they found one another, given what happened with Nicole, who wound up with EJ and is now about to have a baby. Rafe had no idea she was preggers ... Nicole reveals that at tomorrow's appointment she and EJ can learn if their baby is boy or girl ... Surprised Sloan ends the call. Eric wonders who she was talking to and what she thinks he is in the dark about ... Tripp comes home to popcorn eating tv watching Wendy with a face mask on. They are all alone now cos Li went on a date ... Li and Melinda discuss classic fave movies. She does not date often and admits her ex husband was abusive. She got away before the going got too tough. She hopes Talia will make good use of her own second chance from creepy Colin ... Jada gushes about great guy Rafe. Talia the romantic reasons just as well he got fired so they can be together ... Rafe is bewildered but happy for Nicole. Loose lips Johnny lets it slip that the baby was almost Eric's … Sloan stares and admits to Eric there is something significant she did not tell him ...
- Nicole does not want to know the baby's sex in advance but EJ does and wonders why her hesitation. She fears guessing would tempt fate again. She worries about losing the baby she already loves so dearly ... Sloan states she was hiding the fact that she is ... late. Eric gasps she might be pregnant ... Rafe gets catty about Nicole's tangled love life. He likes being in a drama free relationship with Jada and asks Johnny about Wendy. Alas she chose Tripp ... Tripp is on the sofa with Wendy, who wanted to watch Body and Soul. He hates the popcorn but likes his date. She feels badly about making him and Johnny compete. Tripp knows Johnny will find someone soon. Wendy is more concerned about Li ... Li teases Melinda for her ruthless side but likes how she helped Talia. She suggests both she and Li were used by Gabi and Stefan and gets why Li would want him dead. Li claims not to know what she means. She likes him and admits they have a connection but she needs honesty. She believes he brought Rolf to Salem to arrange Stefan's assassination ...
- Rafe wants to compare problems with Johnny, who wins with his latest woes. Rafe tells him they are a couple of catches and believes there is a lucky stunner out there waiting for Johnny. He invites him to the pub to have a beer with him and Jada, who waits ... Wendy is worried about brother Li but concludes he can look after himself. She kisses Dr. Johnson and he uses the b word. Bedroom ... Melinda suggests Li sent Harris after Stefan. He grabs her phone which is recording. She denies doing so intentionally. He calls her a liar and storms off ... Sloan states she might be preggers but she is only a few days late. Eric wants to get a test from the pharmacy and races off ... EJ suggests Nicole cherish every moment even before their baby is born. He suggests girls are superior and makes her smile. He would love another girl ... Talia teases Jada about whether she and Rafe wear uniforms while ... Jada gushes making love to Rafe is the bomb! Here comes the bomb himself and Johnny is impressed with his reputation. Rafe grins and asks for a word with a slightly embarrassed Jada ... Johnny sits with Talia and he brings up how she pretended to be into Chanel, who happens to be his ex ... Rafe and Jada agree no regrets and kiss. Now he needs her help ...
- Tripp and Wendy start getting hot and heavy ... until glum Li comes home. Tripp wonders about his date. Li feels like a failure ... Depressed Melinda has drunk all the wine and now wants whiskey ... Nicole just wants a healthy baby. EJ agrees, hugs her and gushes their baby will be lucky to have her as motha. She gushes and him as daddy. They kiss in almost bliss ... Sloan grudgingly agrees to take the test excited Eric bought home ... Johnny does not hate Talia but she hurt someone he cares about. She assures him she wants to make things up to Chanel, whom she will never hurt again. He warns if she does she will have to deal with him ... Rafe is desperate to find Lani before she gets in trouble. Jada agrees to help. They are a team ... Meanwhile Melinda is still drinking alone and remembers the lost Love Chardonnay story she told perfect date Li. She believes she blew it ... Li has no desire to discuss his bad date and heads to bed. Wendy feels for him but wants to get back to kissing Tripp. He tenderly tells her he wants their first time to be special and only about them. She agrees and they cutely smooch and snuggle on the sofa ... EJ repeats how happy he is to Nicole and gushes they are going to be parents. They hug but her eyes reflect her worry ... Elsewhere Eric waits with bated breath. Sloan is stunned to see the two telling lines that mean they are having a baby. They kiss and she weeps with joy ...

Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 20, 2023