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- Steve calls Sweetness from L.A. He and John suspect Jerry is en route to resume his acting career and are waiting for the bus from Chicago. After the call John brings the coffee and they watch the Chicago passengers emerge ... Elegant Kate visits elegant Paulina and lets her know she is here for her. Paulina is in a panic cos Lani is nowhere ... Whitley loves the new day and has oatmeal for groggy Abe. She pretends Lani is her daughter too. Lani is groggy and tied to a chair ... Kate learns Lani was at the park and promised to head home. That was last night. Rafe is searching without the department so they will not know she was a no show. Meanwhile the prison called and Rafe covered but the clock is ticking ... Casually dressed Rafe pretends he is back to get stuff from his office and hears Jada has nothing new on Lani. He ignores another call from the US Marshal who must not know the truth. Alas he knows the only way Lani would not show would be if she was in big trouble!
- Paulina wannabe Whitley tries to feed Lani, who shouts she is not her mother ... Kayla updates Marlena on John and Steve trying to catch Jerry at the L.A. bus station. Marlena hopes it works ... Hoodie Jerry is surprised when Steve and John introduce themselves as friends of Abe. He fibs he came to look for work. John and Steve are onto him and they have an eyewitness who saw him lurking around Abe's room just before his abduction ... Kayla tells Marlena all about nurse King seeming obsessed with Abe, how she paid her condolences to Paulina when he vanished. Steve spoke to her and then she suddenly resigned to Kayla after 15 years. Marlena senses something strange about the timing. Now she remembers she once treated this woman a long time ago ... Whitley lies she gave birth to Lani and hoped they had overcome their mother-daughter issues. Lani is awake, livid and accuses her of lying. Abe is staring into space. Lani accuses her of holding him hostage from the family. Jerry even told her she had been lying to Abe about being the real Paulina, who is HER mother ... Kate and Paulina are at a loss ... Jada insists on helping civilian Rafe track Lani. They have no regrets. Here comes Sam from the US Marshal's office demanding one Lani Grant or else ... Jada intros herself. Rafe apologizes and explains the acting Mayor relieved him. The Marshal warns Lani is in violation of her release terms and orders him to hand her over. Rafe admits he knows not her whereabouts ...
- Whitley asks Abe to make Lani respectful of her mother ... Paulina doubts Rafe can find her daughter cos he never found Kate's missing son Philip. Kate agrees and admits she is glad cos Philip is actually alive ... John talks tough. Steve wants answers. Jerry suggests crazy nurse king took Abe herself and he is alive ... Marlena calls up the file of her fall 2021 sessions with Whitley and sighs. Those were the devil possession days ... Whitley sees some devil in Lani, who talks back. Groggy Abe cannot remember who he is. Lani appeals to him to remember she is his daughter and calls Whitley the crazy psycho who snatched him. Whitely jumps up and snaps to stop ...
- The mad Marshal wants the prisoner and warns Rafe if he is hiding Lani he is harboring a fugitive. Rafe insists she would not risk her agreement. The Marshal blasts him for his deception and vows to get the fugitive back to the slammer himself. Jada stops him and explains Lani was a cop who offed her mother's abuser. She also turned herself in. She urges him to help them find Lani cos something is off. The Marshal makes a call to track her ankle bracelet but if he does track her she is going back to prison ... Kate admits she helped hide Philip after she learned he faked his death to frame Brady for it. She and Victor sent him to a private psychiatric facility. She assures Paulina that Lani the smart woman will make it. God would never break her heart by taking her daughter after all she has endured ...
- Steve stops John from jumping Jerry after he gives them the whole story. Initially he thought it was an acting gig that involved therapy. He wanted out but Whitley threatened him. He already told Lani, who must have gone to her apartment to save Abe ... Lani tells Whitley she is a nurse and that man is Lani's father not her husband. Whitley gasps in horror ... Marlena regrets not being able to do the right thing during those devil days but Kayla insists she was not at fault. They now learn Whitley's husband perished from carbon monoxide poisoning from a faulty space heater. The three cats were also lost ... Whitley believes she saved Abe. She appeals to him and he slurs he does not know her. Lani offers to help her if she sets them free. Whitley refuses ... Kate informs Paulina how she initially believed Phil had perished when his prosthetic leg was found in the water but it was not the case. Paulina notes the similarities with Abe's case ... Lani warns Whitley law enforcement will find her for they are looking for her as she did not return. Her ankle monitor gives her location. Whitley accuses her of ruining everything and refuses to listen to more. Then she gets out a syringe for the final jab and gives her a deadly stare ... Marlena was the first one Whitley told about the tragedy she blamed herself for. Kayla concludes the devil did nothing to help. Marlena deduces that devil would have taunted her and made things tragically worse ... Jerry wants to leave but John warns he aided and abetted. Steve calls Jada's phone ... Back in Salem the Marshal announces he has Lani's location. He, Jada and Rafe are on their way ...
- Lani warns Whitley her death would destroy her father. Abe cries noooooo as his dear daughter gets jabbed and slowly closes her eyes ... Steve has left Jada a message. The silver fox makes a call ... Paulina now believes there is hope for Abe ... Kayla reads about Whitley's regrets. Marlena tries to call the former patient ... Lani is gone from the apartment. Whitley refuses to ever give up groaning Abe. Meanwhile Rafe, Jada and the Marshal discover Lani down at the docks ... Psssst. The soap heroine will make it!

Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 21, 2023