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- Tripp and Wendy stop kissing when Li walks in. He complains about his bad date who wanted to send him to the slammer ... At the club Sloan is upset with Melinda for making Colin get a tough sentence. The D.A. suggests she should not be surprised. Sloan sits but says no to the drink offer cos she is having a baby ... Eric comes to see Brady, concerned by his brother's bad judgment i.e. threatening Kristen with a gun ... Stylish Kristen is sulking about her lack of lawyer at the mansion when Belle sweeps in, concerned Kristen will let Brady be locked up. Kristen cares not ... Brady agrees with Eric's assessment he played into Kristen’s hands. Eric understands how a man worries for his child. He breathes he is going to be a father ... Nicole introduces Dr. Sorenson to excited EJ. Nicole says no to learning the baby's sex. EJ is caught off guard when the lady doctor asks to examine him first ... Brady hears Sloan is having a baby ... Woman in red Melinda learns Eric is the father and deduces it was not planned. Sloan insists it was. Melinda does the math and muses she decided to have Eric's baby after he turned out not to be Nicole's baby daddy ... Elegant Sloan states she wants the baby for her family is not around. She wants to start her own family. Melinda says congrats and sips her drink. She admits she does not like being alone. Sloan encourages her to create her own family ... Last night she went on a disastrous date with Li. It was going well until he discovered she was recording him ...
- Li updates shocked Wendy and Tripp on Melinda's mischief. Before her unauthorized recording it was going well ... Eric is over the moon about being a dad. Brady warns him not to expect the best from Sloan. Eric believes she is a good girl to whom bad stuff happened. The talk turns to Rachel. Brady hates how his daughter heard him threaten to shoot her mother and called the cops on him. Eric is horrified he is now facing attempted murder charges and urges him to get her to change her mind. No luck cos she is on team Kristen and Kristen confirmed her story. Eric wonders what comes next. Belle is appealing to Kristen as they speak ... Kristen reminds Belle she refused to help her before. Belle wonders what it would benefit her if Brady were stuck behind bars ... The medicine woman seeks a sample of EJ's DNA ... but as DaysCafe has said for years ... in Salem DNA spells Don't Nothin add up! The clock of chaos is ticking ...
- Back at the mansion Belle argues Brady would never have shot Kristen and blames her for provoking him. She denies taking Rachel. Belle argues Rachel needs both parents so please recant the statement that would send daddy Brady to the slammer ... Eric wishes he could help his brother. He is here for anything. Brady thanks him. Now Eric must meet Sloan for her first prenatal appointment. Brady is surprised to hear Sloan offered to have his baby. He deduces the girl does loves him. Eric loves her back ... Melinda use the c word. Chemistry. But her attempt to entrap a confession from Li ruined everything. Sloan wonders why she recorded him ... Tripp believes Melinda has been through much and updates Wendy and Li on the loss of her daughter Haley. Li is sympathetic but still done with the D.A. ... Nicole wonders what they are looking for. The doctor wonders why Mr. DiMera did not get tested, only Eric Brady did ... Ponytail Nicole admits there was a chance Eric was the daddy but after his negative test there was no need to test EJ as well. The medicine woman is looking for genetic markers to make sure the baby is healthy. Nicole gets uneasy but agrees ... Eric suggest Kristen could change cos he thinks Sloan did. Brady believes Eric will be the best dad. Eric wishes he could help him. Alas only Kristen could fix this mess ...
- Back at DiMera mansion Kristen reminds Belle that Rachel heard Brady threaten to off her. Belle argues at that moment Brady was upset with grief and knew not whether his daughter was dead or alive. Kristen realizes tis not a slam dunk and states if Brady signs the custody agreement she will take back what she said. Belle will get another copy cos Brady tore it up. She assures Kristen Brady will come around ... Melinda could not resist trying to get a win. Alas after Li left she was alone again and unhappy ... Sloan calls shrewd rich Li a catch. Melinda feels tis a lost cause and adds the matchmaker already found a replacement. They are meeting here soon ... Li is meeting a new date and gets going ... Dr. Sorenson steps away to get the ultrasound ready. Nicole and EJ kiss. His sample is bagged ... Melinda is a tad tipsy. Sloan excuses herself for sha has a prenatal appointment with Eric. They enjoyed their chat ... Melinda munches an olive ...
- Foodie Tripp has leftover pasta primavera for Wendy. She loves it. She was sorry to hear about Haley and probes. She almost chokes when she hears Haley was Tripp's wife ... Belle gives Brady the good news. He hates he will have to share custody but agrees. He is about to sign when Kristen shows up. He suddenly decides not to sign until Kristen recants cos he cannot trust her. They play hardball and she agrees. She calls Trask and claims she was rattled at the time and overstated so she is retracting and not pressing charges against Brady ... Tripp explains he and Haley wed cos she needed a green card. While they were together they fell in love. Wendy is so sorry he lost her. He assures Wendy he is happy again and they cutely kiss. She has to get back to the office. He suggests tonight after his shift they watch a movie or ... something. She agrees, kisses him and goes. She hopes Li has a good date tonight too. Tripp still believes he would be best with Haley's mom ... Melinda calls the matchmaker cos her date did not arrive. She is told to look for the guy with the blue blazer and suddenly spots spiffy Li wearing one ... Nicole runs into Eric at the nurse's station and updates him on her and EJ's appointment. He is happy for her. Sloan slinks up and smugly announces she is also with child. Nicole's face falls ... EJ asks the lady doctor to let him know the sex of the baby so he can decorate. Alas she cannot. He smiles he would be happy enough knowing he was having a healthy baby. The medicine woman smiles too, his bagged sample with his name written on it in her hand. For now...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 25, 2023