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- Holly comes to the cabin to see country boy Tate. He picked her flowers and she boasts nobody knows she is here. She now gets a call from Nicole ... At the mansion EJ is mad on the phone about not getting the case files he needed. Here comes hurricane Eric ordering him to sign the dang divorce papers ... Alex is staring at Victor's foreboding portrait, feeling like a fool. Here comes sympathetic Sarah ... Teresa’s flight is announced and she turns to go but Xander blocks her path ... Fiona tells handsome good afternoon as buff shirtless Brady wakes up in bed alone. She notes they had quite the night and gives him water. They were both drunk. He realizes he is in her Salem Inn room and wonders whether they slept together. Yes ... Xander blasts Teresa for trying to flee. He demands to know why she would deny him his birthright. She does not hide her hatred ... Holly fibs to Nicole she is covering at the Bistro. Nicole announces they must move out of the mansion to a new place far from EJ ...
- EJ rudely reminds Eric that HE brought the baby to him. Eric suspects he knew all along Jude was his son. He vows to make him pay dearly ... Alex gets a drink and pours out his heart to sincere Sarah. He is not the guy he believed he was! He is having a tough time and she says the same of Xander. Alex scoffs and takes another drink, embittered he now has no billions ... Xander blasts Teresa for her devious deception. She talks back. He hears her NYC flight is about to board and the insults fly. He warns she will take the fall, brings up Konstantin and suddenly realizes she was the person with the hoodie who snatched his baby ... Brady is relieved to hear that there was no hankypanky. But he is astounded to hear his new pal is Xander's mom ... Nicole wants Holly to look at apartments with her and complains EJ is not sighing the divorce papers. Holly had no idea. Jude gurgles. Nicole needs her daughter. Holly agrees to meet with her between shifts. After the call she updates cabin boy Tate ...
- EJ sarcastically suggests Eric take his complaint to Sloan. Eric knows they were working together and warns he will go down for aiding and abetting. EJ scoffs he has no proof. Eric seethes to sign the divorce papers but arrogant EJ tears them in half instead ... Eric informs him that was a copy. EJ threatens to have his motha charged with assault since she slapped him. He warns Eric he can cause more mayhem by telling Holly that Eric was responsible for the death of Holly's dad, aka Dr. Dan ... Holly enjoys her lunch with Tate and praises his yummy ... salad. Tate feels cool about having his own cabin. They have the whole month! He assumes mama Teresa is off on her honeymoon with billionaire hubby Alex ... Embittered Alex scoffs about Xander now being set for life. He has no sympathy. Sarah suggests he sounds just like Teresa now ... Teresa continues to claim her innocence. Xander warns she will go down and is grateful his mum exposed her ... Brady hears how Fiona had lost contact with her son until she was invited to the wedding, which blew up. Xander was tricked out of his birthright but she righted the wrong with the proof that he was Victa's biological child. Alex's bride had scandalously forged Victor's signature ...
- Teresa admits she forged the letter signature and lies she had no involvement in any babynapping. Xander grabs her arm and refuses to let her get away ... Alex is embittered. Sarah is sympathetic. He is grateful she invited Xander's mother cos now they know the truth ... Brady is appalled by Teresa's antics. He had no idea she changed the letter and decides to get dressed. He and Fiona agree not to tell anyone about their time together. She teases they should do it again sometime ... Teresa threatens to call security so Xander unhands her. He warns she can run but she will never be able to hide from him. He walks away ... EJ leers if only Holly knew that Eric was the drunk driver who caused papa Dan's death!!!! Eric implores him not to go there because it would hurt Nicole and would cause Holly endless pain. EJ agrees not to tell Holly he is a drunken murderer but warns he will tie up their divorce. He taunts Eric is still married to Sloan since he conveniently forgot to file his divorce papers. Eric snaps to enjoy his lonely life and dramatically departs ... - Holly updates Tate on EJ refusing to divorce Nicole. They both assume Tate’s mom is on her honeymoon and they smooch after he promises his mother will not ruin their time together ...
- Eric greets Nicole and Jude at the paper. The sight of his loved ones brightens his day. Nicole hears he was just with EJ, who tore up the divorce papers and vowed to make their life a living hell. He informs her of his other threats. She is so sorry. He sighs he and Sloan are still wed. Nicole wonders what next. He suggests they go to Paris together for a fresh start with Holly and Jude ... Angry billionaire heir Xander tells D.A. EJ of Teresa abducting his daughter. He wants her locked up ... Sarah comes to Fiona’s Salem Inn room to invite her to the small wedding she and Xander will have at the Kiriakis house. Fionia believes tis a bad idea ... Brady comes back to the Kiriakis mansion, sympathizes with betrayed Alex and wonders where Teresa went. Alex has no clue ... Teresa walks through the airport in tears. Tis time to board. She raises her eyes to the heavens ...
- Sarah believes Xander will want his mum at the wedding. Fiona tells her tis not the reason for her hesitation but her belief that Xander should not be getting married at all ... Back at DiMera mansion EJ offers to get Teresa on an arrest warrant right away. Xander thanks him. EJ wishes he could sock it to Nicole too ... Nicole is waiting for Holly at the square and ends a call with Eric. Holly arrives and wonders where they will start looking. Nicole suggests Paris cos Eric asked her to move to Paris. Holly snaps no way is she leaving Salem and storms off ... Back at the cabin, Tate reads the whole sordid story of his mother's mess of a marriage ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Brady warns Alex that Teresa likely left town forever. Teresa tells him he is wrong and the fellas turn to stare at the defiant diva.


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JULY 25, 2024