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- Holly panics about moving to Paris. Nicole warns the fallout from EJ will make the family's life hell ... At the pub Eric approaches Justin, who is elated Alex being Victor's son was a big fat lie ... Brady and Alex are sarcastically surprised to see felonista Teresa, who announces is ready to take responsibility for her actions ... Maggie is watching the baby for Sarah when Xander comes back. He wonders when his beloved will return. The redhead senses something. Xander has something to tell both Sarah and Maggie cos they will both be affected ... Fiona suggests son Xander needs to digest the drama before he gets married. Sarah senses she thinks she is a gold digger. Fiona is sorry for she knows Sarah is not like that gold digging Teresa. Sarah insists she and her son are in love. Fiona is unhappy she abandoned him all those years ago. Sarah asks to hear that abandonment story ... Maggie is aghast to hear that suddenly guilty Teresa got away. Xander is sure she will be caught cos he went to EJ for a warrant for her arrest ... Alex rages at Teresa for ruining his life. She cries she thought she was helping him but he doesn't buy it ... Eric sits with Justin, who tells him his story. It seems they have both been deceived about paternity. Eric sighs EJ has been giving him and Nicole a tough time. Then he suggests Justin can help them ... Nicole warns Holly that EJ is out for blood and believes a new start would be best. Holly agrees with her mom leaving but not her. She has to stay in Salem!!!!
- Justin sips his coffee as Eric complains about his messy divorce. Legal Eagle Justin will file the papers stat. Eric sighs if only Nicole's divorce were as easy ... Nicole wants her daughter close. Holly reasons she is close to going away to college. She wants to stay in Salem to experience her last year with her Salem friends. Nicole suspects she is really referring to Tate ... Teresa melodramatically explains how she believed Alex deserved that inheritance. Brady scoffs it was not her call. She cries she loooves Alex, who yells and calls her a con artist. He denounces her forever and walks away after warning he will get an annulment. Teresa is in tears ... Maggie is mad as heck that Teresa was the kidnapper and tried to rip off Xander. He is still bitter about Victor. Maggie reasons in his letter Victor made it clear he was going to tell him the truth. But Xander is still smarting ... Sarah urges Fiona to tell Xander everything. Fiona feels it would be better coming from the woman he loves. That means Sarah ...
- Maggie feels for Xander since Victor gave him a tough time. All he ever wanted was his acceptance. Xander remembers how he was the Kiriakis black sheep while Philip and Brady were the golden boys. Maggie reminds him Vic left him half his fortune and knows he loves him as much as she does. They hug and Sarah returns. Maggie gets going. Sarah admits she just saw Fiona ... Fiona pours herself a drink and woefully hopes Xander will understand ... Justin understands why Eric is in a hurry to leave town and they hug farewell. After Eric exits the pub Alex comes in and wants to start with an apology to his real dad ... Teresa woefully assumes Brady hates her. He feels let down and worries how Tate will take it when he hears she was scheming with Victor's killer. She gasps by the time she found out what he was like it was too late. Brady gets sarcastic. She claims she went overboard because of HIM ... Holly notes Tate is not in Salem now and lists her other friends in town, including her arch enemy Sophia. Nicole wonders where she would live. Here comes Maggie who suggests with HER. Holly gives her a happy hug. Nicole updates her on the last minute Paris move with Eric. Maggie invites Holly to stay at the mansion. Holly is worried as Tate's mom Teresa hates her. Maggie notes that will no longer be a problem ... Teresa reminds sanctimonious Brady she chose money over his love cos HE did not want her. He declares he was in denial until they got together a month ago but then she was gone again. They hold hands and she says she will always love him ...
- Justin feels only Teresa is at fault. Alex believes he was an arrogant ass and apologizes. He asks dad to forgive. Only if he forgives him back ... Fiona is feeling lonely and impulsively sends someone a message ... Sarah wants Xander to go easy on his mom. He is mad she kept him in the dark and left him. Sarah explains she was suffering from a nervous breakdown and got committed. Xander gasps and she adds after she got sober she could not find him. She heard he was working for Victor and decided to stay away also cos he loved Titus. Xander has his doubts. Sarah the smart medicine woman sensed she was sincere ... Justin and Alex continue their apology tour. Justin is relieved Victor did not lie to him after all and hopes he and Alex will be good again. Alex sighs he was the worst one. Father and son officially forgive one another ...
- Teresa holds Brady’s hands and is sorry. He will always love her but alas it was not meant to be. He bids her a last goodbye and goes. She cries alone ... until mad Maggie enters. Teresa apologizes and grovels. She had no idea Konstantin was so deadly. Maggie coldly reminds the girl she helped him kidnap her granddaughter ... Nicole approves of Holly staying with her grandmother. Holly wishes her well with Eric. Tonight they will say their official goodbyes ... Eric is fussing over happy hey Jude when Nicole returns. Alas Holly wants to be in Salem for Senior year and will be staying with Maggie. Nicole knows not when they will be able to move back. Eric updates her on Justin expediting at least one of their probs ... Alex assumes he should clear out his Titan office. He also realizes he must return Uncle Vic's money. Justin offers to help him and they happy hug again... Xander agrees his mom can attend his and Sarah's wedding. He now updates Sarah on Teresa’s terrible crime ... Teresa insists the baby was not in any danger but Maggie is appalled. Teresa asks her to accompany her to the police station as she turns herself in ... Brady has been summoned by sultry Fiona. They have both fallen off the wagon and toast to hell with it!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JULY 26, 2024