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Tuesday, July 3, 2018
Episode 13,368
1500 words

Beware of copycats.
These are my words.
There is only one DaysCafe :)

Now without further ado ...


At the park Gabi meets Abigail with Stefan’s toothbrush for the DNA. Time for the paternity test. Stefan arrives and wonders what Gabi just handed her ... Marlena pays Kayla a visit at her office to discuss maid of honor business. It is about the dress! Kayla teases they look traditional. Marlena would love an old fashioned wedding. They were first wed in 1986. Thank heaven Stefano’s era is over. Kayla sighs but Stefan is getting started and his only victim so far was not just Abigail ... At the pub John and Steve discuss his vision. John gushes it would be cool to have a bionic eye He still blames himself for his friend losing his sight and calls Kayla a hero. Steve wonders what she really did to make it happen ... At the square Kate informs Chad that if Leo double crossed her he is dead ... She has no idea that Sonny has accidentally killed him while saving Will from strangulation. Hardy boys Will and Sonny suddenly have a new problem on their hands ... Chad worries about Victor coming after himself and Kate if the truth comes out. He is only keeping silent as he needs to bring down Stefan. Paul arrives with big news ... Sonny simply could not let anything happen to Will. Will knows he acted to save him and starts to call the cops but Sonny stops him cos then he would be as good as dead ...

Steve informs John that Kayla has been behaving strangely. He can feel that she is conflicted about something. John asks if he spoke to her about it. Steve did and she claimed she was fine ... Kayla notes to Marlena that marriage is different than sweet and simple weddings. She announces her ability to get Steve the technology he needed. Marlena is over the moon about the miracle. Kayla has a long face so Marlena presses to tell her what the problem is. Kayla swears her to secrecy. She now confesses she kind of made a deal with devil Stefan. The blonde in blue blinks ... At the park Abigail is grateful and agrees to call Gabi when she has news. Stefan appears and welcomes Abigail home. Tension ensues. Gabi wants to know why he is there. He claims he has the right to know what she is doing on company time and demands an explanation. The two women pause. Gabi replies she was just checking in with a friend but Stefan accuses her of sneaking around his house. Gabi snaps she has not forgotten who set her up for murder. Stefan talks back. Abigail urges him to leave her friend alone. Stefan demands to know what Gabi gave her so Abigail opens her bag ... Chad coughs when Paul updates Kate and co that Leo is a criminal whom they think had an accomplice. They plan to find them. Kate asks if Sonny knows this. Paul replies Will went to tell him. Chad asks to be sent the info on Leo as he wishes to help. Paul agrees and gets going. Kate is nervous. Chad notes they are still investigating and Leo could turn on her. Kate just needs to find him first ... Sonny gasps he cannot let anyone know he killed Leo as it would lead to scandal. Will argues it was an accident and Leo was crooked. Sonny cries then it would look like he did kill him and the trial starts tomorrow. They have to cover it up for the Kiriakis clan and for Titan. Will innocently wonders how. Sonny decides they must dispose of the body ...

At the pub Steve and John toast to the six million dollar man. The mood is light. Steve would like to be his best man if he regains his sight. He refers to Kayla as the beautiful maid of honor. John smiles that’s a fact. Steve hopes the pain in her own eyes will go away ... Marlena questions whether Steve would turn down technology from Stefan’s company. Kayla almost gives her the details of their secret deal ... Abigail whips out one of Thomas’ toys. Gabi quips she went upstairs to get it. She goes but Abigail stays back for a word with Stefan. She wants to clarify some things and raises her head ... Kate complains about creepy Stefan and Leo. She worries Justin might rescind the settlement offer. Chad offers to fast track it ... Sonny explains to Will they cannot leave Leo lying here. Will disagrees. Sonny now suggests he leave as this is his problem. He should go before it is too late for him. Sonny calls it his own mess and orders him to leave but Will tells him they are in this together. He decides they must do it now before they are spotted. Sonny the Kiriakis realizes they can roll him up in the rug until ... knock knock!

Marlena assures Kayla she can tell her anything. Kayla would rather not implicate her and alludes to something bad. Marlena suggests she speak to Steve and not hide the source of his surgery. Kayla emphasizes she cannot ... Abigail wants to address what happened. Stefan admits he does miss her broken side aka fake Gabi. Abigail explains all the alters were integrated. He notes then she must now know how good they were together. She flashes back to their affair. He asks if she remembers when they made love and suggests it is still a part of her. Abigail hesitates. He looks into her eyes and asks if she still has Gabi’s feelings for him in her head and in her heart ... At the square Chad and Kate run into glum Gabi. Kate assures her Ari will come around. Gabi pretends to want to discuss Gabi Chic so Chad goes. She refers to the mansion where she overheard what Kate and Stefan were saying. Kate cringes ... Sonny returns after getting rid of manservant Henderson. Will worries their daughter could come in! Sonny starts to babble and refers to Will being with Paul with no memory of them. Will blurts out but he does remember something. This is news to Sonny ...

Kayla remains apologetically cryptic. Marlena understands and assures her she can tell her anything anytime. Kayla is here for her as well. Marlena smiles she is her maid of honor. Before she departs she warns her to watch out for Stefan, who has lost much of late. A DiMera with a broken heart is a dangerous DiMera indeed ... Love struck Stefan gushes he gets Abigail is confused. However part of her loved all of him! She counters she was ill at the time. Stefan begs to differ. His Gabi was a passionate dreamer and he misses her. Abigail declares they are done. He refers to his feelings for her. Abigail warns him if he cares he will back off. He assures her he will never hurt her as Gabi means much to him. She gasps thank you and goes on her way with the 2 samples for his and Chad's DNA... Paul comes back to an empty room. He wonders where oh where Will is ... Will cannot discuss the past now. Sonny wants to know when his memory was. The first time Sonny said he loved him and he returned the sentiment. A life changing moment for both! Ring ring. Tis Paul calling. Sonny makes him ignore it as they cannot involve him. Will does just that and their attention returns to dead Leo, who is still lying on the floor ...

Steve wants to drink to John Marlena and true love. John is all for it. Steve is into the back to the future fact that they will wed on August 22, the anniversary of wedding number one. How romantic! Marlena appears and agrees. It is her last wedding. John kisses her and bids his honey to sit. He has news about Steve’s eyesight. Marlena already heard from Kayla. Steve sighs he got a funny feeling from sweetness and the miracle came so suddenly. John believes the future looks bright and they drink to that. Marlena’s eyes flicker ... Kate wants to leave but Gabi insists she is on her side. She heard Stefan blackmailing her! And Chad’s name was mentioned as well. Kate gets tight lipped and excuses herself ... Meanwhile at the park Chad runs into Stefan, who taunts he just ran into Abigail. Chad fumes. Stefan remains obsessed as ever. Chad calls him delusional. Stefan alludes to their connection. Chad walks away ... Abigail enters Kayla’s office with two bags. Her happiness depends on ... Will and Sonny have rolled up Leo in the rug godfather style. Sonny checks the coast is clear and explains he will move Leo’s car to the back. Then they can carry Leo's corpse through the garden. Will waits faithfully by the rolled up rug. But when Sonny hastily opens the front door, he finds himself face to face with perceptive P.I. Paul!


All the drama in Salem on Tuesday, July 3