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There is only one DaysCafe :)


- Nicole and Eric hug and he pulls away to go get her nourishment ... Leo is astonished to come across Megan's prisoners EJ and Kristen, who can only remember that Megan locked them in the wine cellar ... Alas their memories were erased ... Replay of the mayhem at Megan's party when Harris aims his gun and the guests gasp ... Li ignores Kate's last call to Harris ... Harris makes the guests go to the back of the room and announces he is here to take care of a threat. Megan pretends to be petrified he is after her ... At DiMera mansion Nicole enjoys Eric's tea and praises his toast. She is miffed EJ is ignoring her + unborn baby ... Kristen senses Megan erased her and EJ's memories of what she did ... Leo suspects she was scheming with Dimitri. Perhaps ... Li happily waits outside hoping Stefan will be dead soon so he can get Gabi back. Rafe arrives and wonders what is going on ... Dimitri wants to defend his mother. Harris announces he only came to off Stefan ...
- Gabi is upset. Stefan solemnly demands to know who ordered his assassination and stares at Harris. Johnny whispers to Wendy they must do something so she tries to call the cops. Harris shoots the wine and orders her to drop the phone. Next time he will off people! He is eliminating a threat. Stefan wonders who thinks he is a threat. Gabi suspects EJ. Harris reveals the man who wants Stefan gone is Li Shin. The guests gasp ... Rafe demands to know why Li is loitering and concludes he wanted to crash the party. Li plays along ... EJ believes the target of Megan was not Gwen. Leo still wants intel. Kristen growls to untie them already ... Eric is sympathetic with Nicole, who assures him she will be alright alone now. She appreciates she could count on him. He says always and they suddenly smooch but Eric pulls back and breathes they must not. He has someone and she has EJ. She feels abandoned and he blames EJ. She sighs he would have been the best dad and adds he will be if it works out for him and Sloan. She is upset EJ went AWOL. Here comes EJ, gasping thank God ...
- Gabi cannot believe Li wants to kill her romance and Stefan! Megan is smug as a bug. Wendy insists her brother would never conspire to kill but Gabi knows better. Johnny points out to Wendy that Li warned her against attending the party cos he knew it would turn deadly ... Li admits to Rafe that he still loves Gabi. Rafe urges him to accept it is over. Li uses the f word. Feelings. He wallows in his heartbreak ... Chad suddenly realizes Harris was brainwashed again - this time by Li. Gabi agrees. Harris silences the guests and prepares to shoot Stefan, who meets his stare ... EJ hugs bewildered Nicole. He and Kristen complain Megan locked them in the tunnels and must have erased their memories. Luckily Leo Stark found them ... Leo is tempted by the expensive wines but refuses to give into his greed cos he is searching for something on Dimitri. Then again ... Steph and Chad appeal to brainwashed Harris. Gabi begs him not to do this to her Stefan and insists she could convince Li to change his mind about the order to kill. Harris pauses and looks perplexed.
- Li agrees to head home and wishes Gabi and Stefan the best. Rafe bids him goodnight and gets going ... Harris orders Gabi to put the phone down. She refuses to live without Stefan! Rafe appears and orders him to drop his weapon. Gabi jumps the would be assassin, who fires a shot and then stares ... Megan has been hit in the torso and falls against Dimitri. Gabi knees Harris and gives the gun to Rafe. Dimitri holds his now unconscious mother. Gwen takes off to get help and tells him to put pressure on her bleeding. He begs his mother not to leave him ... Li assumes Stefan is dead and daydreams of a happy reunion with Gabi ... Chad suggests Li brainwashed Harris. Rafe sighs he just saw him. Gwen assures devastated Dimitri the paramedics are en route. Wendy is rattled so Johnny suggests they leave. Stefan urges Gabi not to risk her life again and assures her they will have their happily ever after. He vows to make Li and his flunkies pay dearly ...
- Back at the mansion Nicole hears EJ never texted her or abandoned her and baby. EJ calls her and the baby his everything and asks about the specialist. When he hears the outcome was positive, he gushes they will be parents and kisses her. Eric looks upset ... Later Eric is sad alone on his bed, remembering the way he and Nicole almost were ... Nicole remembers too ... until EJ emerges from his shower. He wonders why Eric was with her. She praises him for helping her cos EJ seemed to be AWOL. He concludes she turned to him and reminds her she never told him she loved him. She apologizes and assures him she does. Then she convinces him with a kiss ... In the living room Kristen is on the phone to report her and EJ's abduction by her evil sister. She goes to get EJ when she is not taken seriously ... Leo emerges with his stolen DiMera wine and wishes he had also gotten the goods on Dimitri. All in good time ... Gwen joins Dimitri at the hospital and he worries mama Megan will not make it. She reminds him she already cheated death and is here for him. She hugs his blood stained shirt ... Harris is now tied to a chair with Chad guarding him for Rafe. Steph states the squad car just came. Harris babbles about his mission. Steph and Chad feel for the brainwashed victim of Megan and now Li … Johnny tries to make Wendy feel better but she is upset her brother is such a criminal! Now he must pay the price ... Li opens his door to Gabi, who complains about him going after Stefan. Here comes sarcastic Stefan, very much alive ... Rafe follows and arrests Li for attempting to murder Stefan. Gabi glares daggers at her endlessly obsessed ex ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 3, 2023