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- Stefan and Gabi confront tight-lipped Li at the station. Gabi hisses he and Harris will pay ... Vision in blue Kate confronts Harris for not sticking to the plan. He is still not himself in his hospital room ... Marlena is busy at her computer when Kristen and EJ show up at the door, asking for her help. But she is still mad at Kristen ... Leo checks on Gwen at the hospital and hopes she did not say yes to Dimitri. It has been two days since his mama Megan was shot and Gwen feels for him. Leo berates her for buying his act ... Megan opens her round eyes to Dimitri, who updates her on the engagement party shooting by Harris. She weakly wonders why she is cuffed to the bed ... Li smoothly denies all, including any association with Harris, whom the police believe was brainwashed. Angry girl Gabi and Stefan put the pressure ... Kate realizes Harris is still a loose canon when he fumes he must be freed to finish his mission ... Megan innocently asks what she was accused of. Kristen and EJ claim she had them tied up down in the wine cellar. She denies it to Dimitri ... Pink shirt EJ implores Marlena to help him and Kristen retrieve their memories that Megan erased. Kristen points out it would be her big chance to put Megan away once and for all. The blonde considers ...
- Leo has brought bff Gwen a change of clothes. She says she does not need them now. He wishes she would stop letting dastardly Dimitri dupe her. She needs to wake up (and smell the DaysCafe coffee lol) Gwen insists Dimitri's worry for mama Megan is very real. Leo argues he needs her wealth ... Megan lies to Dimitri that the other interloper DiMeras are out to get her. He sighs he saw her at the secret panel with a tray of food for more than one. She pretends to be offended. Dimitri is torn and admits Kristen and EJ cannot remember the details of their imprisonment. She cries if he is against her it will break her mother's heart and tries to guilt him into a pure promise of loyalty ... Elegant Marlena eventually agrees to help Kristen and EJ ... Stylish Gabi doubts Harris would claim Li ordered him to off Stefan if it was not the case. Li remembers Megan's reassurance that Harris would do as ordered and informs them the mastermind was Megan. Again ... Kate concludes Megan was the mastermind. Harris disagrees and wishes she would get lost but Kate wants to help him. She will ask Marlena to deprogram ... He snaps NO. She blasts Megan for making him her soldier to do her dastardly bidding. He was the hero who saved Kate so she wants to help ... if he agrees. Otherwise he will always be Megan's pawn ...
- Li insists Megan wanted Stefan dead so she could consolidate her power. Stefan suggests Li wanted HIM out of the way to get to Gabi. Li disagrees and scoffs at Gabi's big ego ... Dimitri swears he is on mama Megan's side and apologizes for seeming to doubt her. She cries he is her everything. Tragic violons play in the background. She wants her son to be happy and has tried to protect him from the other DiMeras. Now she wants good news ... about Gwen. He gushes he got her a diamond ring but she has not yet accepted. However, she has been here with him for days. Megan is delighted and would be even happier to hear he was about to wed the worthy woman who would enable him to inherit the Von Leuschner fortune ... Leo rattles Gwen when he states EJ and Kristen sensed Megan and son were using her ... Marlena agrees to help EJ and Kristen retrieve their wine cellar memories ...
- After they leave Li, Stefan marvels at how Gabi saved him from Harris. He also senses it could have been Megan who orchestrated everything. He will speak to Trask cos the authorities should take care of this, Hothead Gabi just wants him safe and agrees to go ... Gwen denies Dimitri has done anything wrong. Leo leaves to get his proof to prevent her from accepting his proposal ... Megan continues to sing Gwen's praises to dutiful Dimitri. She enters and Megan is happy to see her. Dimitri smiles ... Marlena tells Kristen and EJ they did well. They thank Marlena cos now they know what Megan did and will be able to stop her. Marlena wants her to pay as well. EJ suggests sister Kristen update the police at the station whilst he heads to the hospital for a few words with their sinister sista ...
- Megan marvels about the happy days ahead. Life is short and she hopes her son and Gwen will start a new life together. She suggests they seize the day and now asks to sleep. Dimitri is still concerned. She assures her son she will be fine and alludes to the wealth ... of life. Gwen goes. Dimitri says bravo because mother was extremely effective. She tells him to make it happen, make Gwen his wife but trust no one else at the mansion. They are the only team and must stick together. He agrees, kisses her head, and they exchange I love yous. Then he leaves and Megan blinks back her tears. T'was her goodbye ... Stefan and Kristen are both at the station trying to find Trask ... EJ runs into Kate at the station and wants to find Megan to tell her the games are over ... Kristen updates Stefan on the hypnosis revealing what Megan did to her and EJ as well as what she tried to do to Stefan ... Kate gets confirmation from EJ that Megan masterminded everything ... Meanwhile Kristen announces to Stefan that commander Harris did not get his orders from Li Shin ...
- EJ updates Kate on Megan's motivation being control of the family empire. Harris was her fall guy ... Stefan concludes Megan almost had the perfect setup. He will give the D.A. what she needs. Kristen heads back to the mansion ... EJ suggests Kate accompany him to confront Megan once and for all ... Marlena has been summoned by Harris, who seeks her help ... Leo sneaks into the mansion and starts to pry open a desk, only to be caught in the act by Kristen ... Gwen is home alone with Dimitri and they kiss, suddenly feeling closer. He starts to leave. She stops him to say YES to his proposal ... Stefan goes in to see Li and admits Kristen supported his story about Megan programming Harris to off him. However he still suspects Li was involved and warns he is going nowhere ... EJ leaps into Megan's room to confront her, Kate at his side, only to see unhappy Gabi tied to her bed. FOILED AGAIN!


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on July 6, 2023