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- John has his gun on Konstantin as Maggie berates him for betraying her as well as Victor. Steve and John realize he also had Victoria abducted. Maggie demands he reveal his accomplice. Konstantin rages Victor killed his daughter and boasts he sabotaged Victor's plane and killed him right back. Maggie is shocked. Sarah walks in shocked to hear he ordered John to off the redhead. Konstantin continues to taunt. Maggie blames herself for opening her home to Victor's coldblooded killer. She would have married him if John and Steve had not set her straight. John and Steve start to haul him off. Sara holds Maggie's hand as she urges Konstantin to tell the family the truth about Victor's last days and wonders about the timing. Konstantin recounts how in the summer of 2023 he brought up Bo and admitted business was bad in his restaurant. He reminded the Greek tycoon he made him lose his wife and child. Victor seemed sorry and offered to include him in the new draft of his will. Konstantin now angrily recalls how he really removed him from his will. He taunts sobbing Maggie about his plane falling and bellows his money was his rrrrrrreal love. Maggie insists their love meant everything and collapses as the loon laughs his fool head off ...
- Brady and Alex now confront Konstantin. John and Steve are ready to haul him off and John warns they have his confession. He is now in trouble with the ISA too. Teresa silently watches ... Upstairs Sara and Bonnie help Maggie calm down after her adrenalin crash. The redhead hates how she was hoodwinked. She stands and starts to wobble. The gals help her sit and Sara suggests a sedative. Justin enters, hands Sara her bag and assures them that Steve and John have the situation under control. They are just waiting for the delayed cops ... Konstantin fake gasps for water and grabs Teresa as his hostage. Steve, John and Xander raise their guns. Gunfire. Steve goes down and there is blood ... John tends to partner Steve and Xander goes to get Sarah. John sends Brady after Alex to catch up with Konstantin. He places pressure on the bleeding and tells pal Steve to breeeeeeeathe ...
- Xander goes upstairs and promises the ladies Konstantin will be neutralized. He asks Sara to come tend to Steve ... Konstantin drags Teresa out to the garden and she gasps he is evil. He suggests she help him escape cos she risks her cash cow Alex finding out what she did. Alex appears and gasps to let the girl go. Konstantin threatens to shoot. He speaks in circles and then taunts Alex that Victorrrrr was not his father. Teresa tells Alex not to believe him ... Steve is bleeding in pain and John refuses to leave his partner's side. He believes the bullet was intended for HIM. He looks down and suddenly sees Konstantin's red card. Then he remembers Konstantin accusing him of accidentally offing his beloved daughter. That was the first time he got to him with the card ... Teresa tries to interrupt Konstantin. Here comes Brady packin heat. Konstantin orders him to drop it or he will kill Tate's mother. Alex stares. Teresa whimpers ...
- Sara is tending to Steve, who is still awake. Alas the paramedics are delayed. John gets a strange look in his eye and picks up the card, remembering his order to shoot Steve. He looks at the card and the gun in his hand ... Resting Maggie holds Bonnie's hand and cries she tried to do the right thing. Justin calls her brave and knows Victor would be proud. She falls asleep. Justin now wonders who Konstantin’s accomplice was. Bonnie assumes the guilty party bolted. Justin sighs his life has not been the same since he found out Victor was Alex's father. Bonnie insists Alex is his son in all ways that matter. Justin believes things will never be the same ... Konstantin threatens to kill Teresa unless Brady drops the gun. Brady almost does but Xander arrives and grabs it. He coldly calls Teresa collateral damage and demands the name of Konstantin's accomplice. Konstantin is ready to talk and reveal ... but Teresa elbows him and they fall. He starts to strangle her. Xander pulls the trigger. Bang! The big bad wolf IS DEAD ...
- Back at the Kiriakis mansion, Justin and Bonnie are hoping Steve will be alright. They agree they will help the redhead bounce back and head downstairs for the latest. Maggie now remembers how many times she was hoodwinked by her murderous Romeo ... Alex holds Teresa who asks if the bad guy is dead. Brady feels a weak pulse. Konstantin gasps there is an enemy in their midst and dies. Xander wonders about that enemy. Teresa insists it is over ... Downstairs at the house Sara asks John to help her raise bleeding Steve's legs. He suddenly remembers Konstantin's order to shoot Steve and gives them a very strange stare ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 10, 2024