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ALL RIGHTS RESERVED. Link Only! XANDER GETS THE GOODS ON NICOLE AND THE KIRIAKIS COVERUP, SONNY REJOICES COS WILL MIGHT MEMBA, THERESA AND VICTOR HATCH A COUNTER PLAN! Monday, June 11, 2018 Episode 13,352 1200 words Beware of copycats. These are my words. There is only one DaysCafe :) Now without further ado ... BASED ON DAYSCAFE NOON TWEETS WITH DETAILS ADDED! Sonny arrives and sadly tells Will about Ari having a meltdown as Gabi was set up to take the fall for murder. Will cannot believe bad Ben was released and even showed up to make amends. Sonny is horrified. Will tells him how Chad got rid of him from Salem. Sonny is here if he needs him. Will now asks about the Leo negotiation and assumes it went well ... At the Kiriakis mansion suited Xander argues his case to Victor. He can get the company out of crisis as CEO. Maggie cannot believe what she is hearing. He reasons he even returned Theresa home to Victor’s precious grandson ... Jen cannot believe it when Theresa opens JJ’s door wearing his EMT shirt and JJ emerges from the shower. Eric is lost for words. Theresa excuses herself. Stern Jen solemnly waits for her son to start explaining ... Eve and Brady talk business in their room until Tate tells daddy he is bored. Brady suggests a trip to see the monkeys. Tate would clearly rather see the monkeys with mommy instead of Eve ... JJ gets his shirt on as Jen grills him on his home guest. Eric calls him generous and warns him what he is doing could become complicated. Jen agrees and adds Theresa is nothing but a life ruiner. Theresa appears and asks Jen to criticize her to her face ... Sonny tells Will the wanton Leo set up story. He caught everything on camera! Will is sympathetic and wonders what his game is. Big money! Will offers to help. Sonny sighs he might need him and Paul as witnesses. Will is on board and also offers to take Ari but Sonny wants to spend the day with the only nice thing in his life as he has lost a lot. He turns to go but Will stops him to speak of ... the past ... Xander argues that Victa should give him a shot. Alas Victor and Maggie will not support him. The black sheep tries to blackmail by warning Uncle he knows he ordered the death of Deimos. Victor asks if that is a threat. Xander tells him if he is not with Titan then he will talk to the police and send him to prison for the remainder of his limited life ... Theresa is offended. Eric explains Jen was just worried about her son. Theresa claims she came back for Brady and also Tate. She weeps she went away to save them. Eric knows all about it. Theresa wishes he could speak to Brady on her behalf. Jen scoffs that Nicole – another troublemaker - caused chaos between the brothers. Eric offers to try and talk to him. Theresa thanks him. Jen now departs with Eric. JJ apologizes. Theresa wonders what happened to JJ to make his mom worry so. He updates her on the Lani baby drama. Theresa is surprised he still wants to help her. JJ calls her self sacrifice for her son and Brady heroic. He suggests she go to the mansion to speak to him. Theresa hugs him in gratitude ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Victor leers to haughty Xander that Hope would be happy to blame HIM for the murder and warns him they are done. He snaps to get his sorry rear end outta his sight ... Eve gushes to Tate what Theresa told her about his popularity at the petting zoo. They can go get some goodies for the goats now. Tate cannot wait! She sends him to brush his teeth first. Brady is amazed she remembered all that. Eve smiles she loves his son. However he clearly misses his mama. She suggests they reach out to Theresa. Brady admits he already did not allow her to take Tate the other night ... Suited Xander sneers he is being underestimated. He utters a final death threat and insults Theresa on his way out. Theresa asks after Brady so Victor lets her know he left with Tate in tow ... Sonny marvels at the possible miracle of Will’s memory returning. It is like a dream come true that he might have back the Will that ... He takes his hand and Will finishes he means the Will that he once loved. Paul peers around the corner at the poignant moment. Sonny pauses. Paul now walks in and makes a comment about Sonny still being there. Sonny was hearing all about the serum. He assures Paul he is happy for them both. Will assures him he wants to remember everyone and everything. Sonny sincerely hopes he will get all he wants as he wants him happy. Paul pouts. Exit Sonny promising to keep Will posted. Paul sighs Sonny wants Will to remember he loved him but is that what also Will wants? He waits for an answer ... Eve warns Brady that blood could be spilled by withholding Tate from Theresa. Brady suggests things will soften and he will do right by Tate as they both want. Eve feels him his actions already amount to a declaration of war as far as her sister will be concerned ... Victor grumbles he could not get through to Brady. Maggie blasts both Theresa and Victor for leaving Chloe in Mexico and marches out of the room mad. Victor complains Brady turned down his Titan offer and ran back to Eve. Theresa refuses to stop fighting for her family ... At the square JJ approaches Sonny on the status of Gabi’s situation. Sonny is sorry to say they have not let her out as someone killed that prisoner. He complains about Leo and then grins he finally got some good news. JJ is all ears. Sonny smiles Will might be getting his memory back. Meanwhile Will assures Paul his memory is about who he is and not just his history with Sonny. Paul is still nervous about competing but Will promises to love him even more completely after he remembers. Nothing will change how he feels about Paul, who nervously nods ... Theresa informs Victor she intends to go after Eve. Victor suggests she stop the Mexican gangster talk cos he just happens to have an idea ... Sonny gushes to JJ that Will’s returning memories might bring them back together ... Will gets a call and updates Paul. The hospital says the serum is ready ... Brady opens his door to Theresa and tells her Tate is not present. She boasts but HE will be seeing her a lot in the future ... Outside Jen is sorry she mentioned Nicole as it was not her business. Eric suspects Nicole did not love him enough to stay in Salem anyway. But that was the past and this is the now ... Xander cracks open the secret safe in the Kiriakis living room with ease. He steals a few wads of cash and then finds an envelope with Nicole’s name on it. He gets a wicked glint in his eyes as he wonders WOT it contains ... STAY TUNED! |
DAYS OF OUR LIVES UPDATE All the drama in Salem on Monday, June 11 |
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