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- Steph anxiously approaches Marlena outside her office to ask after Everett, who the blonde was just with ... At the pub Jada admits to Kayla how strange it was to witness Everett become Bobby. Kayla tells her about Kim's book and will lend her a copy. Jada is grateful and admits Bobby once meant much. She gets a call about the Kiriakis shooting so Kayla gasps ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Steve asks John if he is alright. He states he was securing his gun is all ... Alex and Brady seem sanctimonious about Xander shooting Konstantin dead. The great Scot gets testy ... Marlena admits to Steph she has not seen Everett. Steph gets upset about Bobby taking over and not letting Everett out to play ... perhaps forever ... John almost pulls his trigger but the ringing phone snaps him out of it. The silver fox is back and helps Sara with Steve. Kayla calls so Sara updates her. Kayla and Jada are on their way ... The gang stare at the late Konstantin. Xander reminds them he warned an enemy was among them. Brady believes he was referring to ... Xander agrees ... the mysterious punk in the hoodie. Teresa holds onto Alex in her silent panic ...
- Marlena assures Steph they have many avenues, no need to give up hope. Steph wishes she could help Everett more and wonders whether her and Jada's intervention made him worse. Marlena recalls how Abigail experienced the same thing and overcame. Here comes John updating the ladies on the mayhem at the Kiriakis mansion, the fact that Steve got shot. Kayla and Steph race in to see him. Dude assures them he is doing good ... Sara leaves Xander an anxious message ... The guys have covered Konstantin. Xander sees Sarah called but Jada stops anyone from going anywhere. Alex says Xander did it. Jada wants the weapon so Xander reluctantly hands it over. Brady updates her on bad guy Konstantin admitting he murdered Victor and escaping in a hail of bullets. Xander gives the rest of the story. Brady and Alex point the finger at Xander for claiming he did not care when they shared their worry about hostage Teresa getting caught in the crossfire. Xander snaps he saved her ... Teresa confirms he did save her but also risked her safety by refusing to put down his gun. Xander is miffed he is not getting his hero's recognition. Brady now gets a text from John. The trouble is not over ...
- Steve updates Steph and Kayla on what went down. Maniac Konstantin wanted to off Maggie so he would get her share of Vic's fortune. He even boasted he was to blame for Victor's plane crash. Alex was there as well. Kayla reads a text from Jada not to worry as Teresa is alright and wonders what it means. The ladies are aghast to hear Konstantin took her hostage. Steve sighs it did not go according to plan. Kayla gets mad about him having any such risky plan ... Jada tells the gang at the Kiriakis estate that the coroner is en route. All the others are free to go but not Xander. She hauls him down to the station to take his statement. He sarcastically thanks his family for not supporting him ... Kayla wants a word alone so Steve sends Steph to the cafeteria. She demands the whole story ... John shows Marlena the red card that did not work when Konstantin produced it and instructed him to shoot Steve. He refused but later he felt drawn to the card, picked it up and heard Konstantin ordering him to shoot Steve again. The ringing phone brought him back. Marlena knows he would not have harmed Steve and suggests they continue their work. The former pawn fears he is a ticking time bomb ... Back at the Kiriakis mansion Brady tends to Teresa and puts a cold napkin on her neck. She is sorry for earlier. He admits he will always care cos she is the mother of his son. Here comes jealous Alex, who tells Brady he is taking over ... Jada has Xander's statement but must have it typed up for the D.A. so he has to stay. Sara comes in as Jada leaves the room. Xander complains and admits he did shoot Konstantin. He knows not whether the Salem PD will suspect him of shooting Konstantin to save Teresa - or exact revenge. Sara wants to know which it was .He reacted but has no regret he shot the bastard dead. His only regret is that Konstantin died before he could say who helped him snatch Victoria ...
- Macho Alex wants to look after his girl. Brady asks Teresa if she wants him to leave and she tells him t'would be best. He gets it and glumly goes ... Teresa thanks Alex for coming to her rescue with a tender kiss. Alex is grateful Xander killed the guy especially cos he killed Victor. He assumes Konstantin said he was not really Victor's son cos Victor never acknowledged him as such. But he has forgiven his father … Kayla gets cross with Steve for not sharing the plan unlike John, who shared with Marlena. She pouts he must treat her as a partner ... Marlena assures John the therapy will prove effective but the silver fox feels guilty as hell and suggests he leave Salem ... Alex suggests Teresa stay with him and she accepts. They kiss and get going to his bedroom hand in hand ... At the nurse's station Steph tells Jada she just heard Everett is being moved to Bayview. Jada hopes Bobby Everett will be helped. They discuss the drama and Steph alludes to Kayla being livid at Steve ... Steve agrees to be more open with Sweetness but some things must stay low. She exclaims he could have been killed. He wants her to look at his wound and flirts until she smiles again ...
- John believes to move on he must go to Greece and pay his respects at Katarina's grave site. Marlena wants to come with but he believes it must be alone. She suggests one more programming round before his departure. He emotionally holds her and calls her his everything. Then he notices the red card again ... Sara and Xander are home and relieved the D.A. did not press charges. She agrees he is a hero and heads up to see Victoria and then Maggie. Xander tells Uncle Vic's portrait he shot Konstantin for HIM and hopes he is resting in peace. Then the real heir downs his drink ...


Luv Cathy

The Salem Story on JUNE 11, 2024